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Game on June 1, 2022 at 21:36, 7 players
1. 435 pts Pacific
2. 287 pts HollyIvy
3. 287 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefhlpz   H4    42    42   hazel
 2. ?aehinw   I5    94   136   wahines
 3. abdiott   J8    24   160   bad
 4. aeeegln   J3    32   192   lang
 5. aegimop  H10    46   238   magpie
 6. ?eeeirt  13H    70   308   perentie
 7. acelsuu   2I    94   402   aculeus
 8. adinost   O7    80   482   astonied
 9. aelnnrs   1C    76   558   ensnarl
10. defnotu   5D    64   622   outfawned
11. bfiprsu   4A    34   656   frib
12. eimntty  N10    55   711   yitie
13. eeioors   A1    30   741   roofies
14. aciknov  12B    34   775   vacking
15. egmorru  B10    34   809   mevrou
16. ioopqrt   8A    60   869   trop
17. giotvwy   1M    35   904   ygo
18. dioqtwx  A14    56   960   ox
19. dijqtvw   C7    25   985   jow

Remaining tiles: diqtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6707 FilePacific     2 17:12  -550  435     1.7661 HollyIvy    1  8:30  -698  287 
  2.7661 FileHollyIvy    1  8:30  -698  287     2.7586 Mycophot    1  9:37  -698  287 
  3.7586 FileMycophot    1  9:37  -698  287     3.7443 queen66     1  9:53  -698  287 
  4.7443 Filequeen66     1  9:53  -698  287            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  FileZZZZ4444    1  1:13  -943   42     1.6707 Pacific     2 17:12  -550  435 
  6.  -  FileHHHH4444    1  1:36  -943   42            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileLLLL4444    1  1:58  -943   42     1.  -  ZZZZ4444    1  1:13  -943   42 
                                             2.  -  HHHH4444    1  1:36  -943   42 
                                             3.  -  LLLL4444    1  1:58  -943   42 

On 1st draw, HAZEL H4 42 --- HAZEL a shrub [n]
Other moves: HAZEL H8 36, HAZEL H5 34, HAZEL H6 34, HAZEL H7 34, FAZE H5 32
HAZEL H4 42 Pacific, ZZZZ4444, HHHH4444, LLLL4444

On 2nd draw, WAHINE(S) I5 94 --- WAHINE a Hawaiian woman [n]
Other moves: WAHINE(S) 9B 81, WAHINE(S) G7 81, WAHINE I5 44, WAHIN(E) I5 43, WAHI(N)E I5 42
WAHINE(S) I5 44 HollyIvy
WAHINE I5 44 queen66, Mycophot
WHINE(S) 9C 33 Pacific

On 3rd draw, BAD J8 24 --- BAD something that is bad [n] --- BAD very good [adj] --- BAD not good in any way [adj]
Other tops: BOD J8 24
Other moves: BAD G3 21, BOD G3 21, BAITH 4D 20, BATT J8 20, BOAT J8 20
BOD J8 24 Mycophot
BAD J8 24 queen66, HollyIvy
BAD G3 21 Pacific

On 4th draw, LANG J3 32 --- LANG long [adj]
Other tops: LENG J3 32
Other moves: ENG J4 31, LAG J4 31, LEG J4 31, NAG J4 31, NEG J4 31
LEG J4 31 HollyIvy
NAG J4 31 queen66
LAG J4 31 Mycophot
GEE(S)E 11F 12 Pacific

On 5th draw, MAGPIE H10 46 --- MAGPIE a black and white crow- like bird [n]
Other moves: AMIGO H11 34, IMAGE H11 34, IMAGO H11 34, MAGPIE 2I 34, OMEGA H11 34
MOP G3 24 Pacific, queen66, HollyIvy
MAP G3 24 Mycophot

On 6th draw, PERE(N)TIE 13H 70 --- PERENTIE a large Australian monitor lizard [n]
Other tops: PEERIE(S)T 13H 70
Other moves: E(A)TERIE 2I 67, EERIE(S)T 2E 63, (S)TEEPIER 13D 61, LIBER(A)TE 8H 30, LIBRET(T)I 8H 30
(S)TIRE 2J 13 Pacific

On 7th draw, ACULEUS 2I 94 --- ACULEUS a sharp-pointed part [n]
Other moves: ACULEUS 2D 71, CAULES 2J 42, CLAUSE 2J 42, CAULS 2J 40, CAUSE 2J 40
CLAUSE 2J 42 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot
SCALE 2J 26 Pacific

On 8th draw, ASTONIED O7 80 --- ASTONY to amaze or shock [v]
Other moves: SEDATION M1 70, SUDATION N1 61, ASTONIED 15B 60, SEDATION 15G 60, LIBATION 8H 33
ASTONIED O7 30 Mycophot, queen66, HollyIvy
STAND 1E 21 Pacific

On 9th draw, ENSNARL 1C 76 --- ENSNARL to tangle [v]
Other moves: ANLA(S)ES 11E 31, NARA(S)ES 11E 31, RANSEL 1D 23, ALIEN N11 20, AS K4 20
SALE K10 15 Pacific

On 10th draw, OUTFAWNED 5D 64 --- OUTFAWN to surpass in fawning [v]
Other moves: FOE 1M 31, FOU 1M 31, NUDIE N10 31, DEUTON 2B 30, FLOUTED L1 30
FOE 1M 31 HollyIvy, Mycophot
FOU 1M 31 queen66
FLOUTED L1 30 Pacific

On 11th draw, FRIB 4A 34 --- FRIB heavy wool removed in woolclassing [n]
Other moves: BURP 4A 30, FIBS 4A 30, FUBS 4A 30, FLUIDS L1 28, PFUI 4A 28
BURP 4A 30 Mycophot, queen66, HollyIvy
PI N10 22 Pacific

On 12th draw, YITIE N10 55 --- YITIE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other moves: FITMENT A4 36, FYTTE A4 33, YETI N10 32, NYE 1M 31, TYE 1M 31
NYE 1M 31 HollyIvy, queen66
TYE 1M 31 Mycophot

On 13th draw, ROOFIES A1 30 --- ROOFIE a tablet of a powerful sedative [n]
Other moves: FIERES A4 27, FRISEE A4 27, FROISE A4 27, ROOFIE A1 27, FEERS A4 24
FIRES A4 24 Pacific

On 14th draw, VACKING 12B 34 --- VAC to clean with a vacuum cleaner [v]
Other moves: KAIN 3C 33, KAON 3C 33, KOAN 3C 33, OINK 4L 32, KAI 3C 31

On 15th draw, MEVROU B10 34 --- MEVROU (South Africa) a title of respect for a woman [n]
Other moves: ERGO 1L 32, MOVER B10 32, GOMER 3C 29, EMO 1M 27, EMU 1M 27
MOR B2 20 Pacific

On 16th draw, TROP 8A 60 --- TROP too much [adv]
Other tops: TRIP 8A 60
Other moves: QUIPO 15A 57, TOPOI 8A 57, TROOP 8A 57, QUIP 15A 54, QUOP 15A 54
QUIP 15A 54 Pacific

On 17th draw, YGO 1M 35 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: TYG 2E 33, OY A14 32, YGO G7 32, GUYOT 15A 30, TYG 3F 30

On 18th draw, OX A14 56 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: QUID 15A 48, QUOD 15A 48, OX 3L 46, QUOIT 15A 45, QUIT 15A 42
OX A14 56 Pacific

On 19th draw, JOW C7 25 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: WIT 9C 23, DJI(N) L10 22, QI C3 22, DIRT B2 20, VIEW K11 20
QI C3 22 Pacific

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