Game on June 2, 2022 at 07:30, 9 players
1. 468 pts babsbedi
2. 353 pts fatcat
3. 131 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


4F 74 98 


K4 102 200 


J10 69 269 


15H 45 314 


14J 27 341 


O11 60 401 


10B 74 475 


C7 76 551 


B1 95 646 


1B 42 688 


11C 36 724 


8J 39 763 


12L 24 787 


7M 44 831 


E5 30 861 


12A 64 925 


2E 28 953 


A11 45 998 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
babsbedi 2 15:22 -530 468 1.7632 HollyIvy 0 3:47 -867 131
fatcat 2 6:56 -645 353 2.7707 moonmonkey 0 3:49 -867 131
HollyIvy 0 3:47 -867 131 3.7433 sicilianc5 0 4:18 -867 131
moonmonkey 0 3:49 -867 131 Group: intermediate
sicilianc5 0 4:18 -867 131 1.6714 babsbedi 2 15:22 -530 468
6. -
CCCC4444 1 0:39 -974 24 2.6627 fatcat 2 6:56 -645 353
7. -
DDDD4444 1 1:02 -974 24 Group: not rated
8. -
RRRR4444 1 1:25 -974 24 1. - CCCC4444 1 0:39 -974 24
9. -
NNNN4444 1 1:49 -974 24 2. - DDDD4444 1 1:02 -974 24
3. - RRRR4444 1 1:25 -974 24
4. - NNNN4444 1 1:49 -974 24
On 1st draw, CODEIN H4 24 --- CODEIN a narcotic alkaloid [n]
Other tops: CINDER H4 24, COINED H4 24, CONDER H4 24, CONDIE H4 24, CORNED H4 24, CRINED H4 24, NORDIC H7 24
Other moves: CIDER H4 22, CODEN H4 22, CODER H4 22, COINED H7 22, COINER H4 22
CINDER H4 24 CCCC4444, DDDD4444, RRRR4444, NNNN4444
On 2nd draw, PECTISES 4F 74 --- PECTISE to congeal to a jelly [v]
PISTES 10F 26 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
On 3rd draw, SEMIOVAL K4 102 --- SEMIOVAL in the shape of half an oval [adj]
Other moves: SEMIOVAL M4 68, AMOVE 3K 30, VOEMA 10F 30, MAVIE 10D 28, MOVIE 10D 28
MOVIE 10D 28 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, JATAK(A) J10 69 --- JATAKA a nativity [n]
Other tops: JAT(A)KA J10 69
Other moves: J(A)TAKA J10 68, JAK J10 57, JAK(E) J10 57, JAK(S) J10 57, JA(C)K J10 57
KA(N)JI J10 45 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 5th draw, WH(A)(M)MO 15H 45 --- WHAMMO impressive verve and energy [n] --- WHAMMO used to indicate a startling event [interj]
Other moves: M(A)HEWU L10 42, M(A)HEWU(S) 15I 42, OW(C)HE 8K 42, (A)WHE(T)O 15J 42, (S)H(A)WM 15H 42
WH(A)M 15H 33 babsbedi
WEM(B) L10 32 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 6th draw, KOULAN 14J 27 --- KOULAN the wild ass [n]
Other moves: KAONS 14J 25, KOANS 14J 25, AULOS N11 23, LOANS N11 23, LOONS N11 23
LOONS N11 23 babsbedi
On 7th draw, EXONS O11 60 --- EXON within a nucleic acid, a sequence which codes for protein synthesis [n]
Other moves: XENIAS N10 42, XENONS O10 42, EXO I6 40, NEXUS 10D 38, NIXES 10D 38
EXO I6 40 babsbedi
On 8th draw, TINFULS 10B 74 --- TINFUL as much as a tin container can hold [n]
Other moves: TINFULS G8 67, FLUTINAS 13D 65, FOUNTS 8J 30, FLINTS G7 28, FLIX 12L 28
FIST 3L 23 babsbedi, fatcat
On 9th draw, ANTIWEAR C7 76 --- ANTIWEAR designed to reduce the effects of long or hard use [adj]
Other moves: OWNER 8K 36, ANEAR 11B 28, WAE L10 28, WAN L10 28, WAR L10 28
WET L10 28 fatcat
WAR L10 28 babsbedi
On 10th draw, DIGRAPH B1 95 --- DIGRAPH a pair of letters representation a single speech sound [n]
Other moves: DIGRAPH D1 87, DIAGRAPH 13E 79, DIGRAPH N5 77, DIAGRAPH 13A 68, GRAPH 14B 38
HAP J6 37 babsbedi
HAND 8A 30 fatcat
On 11th draw, DRABBED 1B 42 --- DRAB to associate with prostitutes [v]
Other tops: DOBBER 8J 42, ROBBED 8J 42
Other moves: ADVERB 1A 39, TABBED B10 39, BRIBED J2 32, BRAVED D2 31, BARBED 14A 30
BRAVED D2 31 fatcat, babsbedi
On 12th draw, WAY 11C 36 --- WAY a method of doing something [n] --- WAY to journey [v]
Other tops: ORACY 14B 36
Other moves: RAY 2D 35, TAY 2D 35, TOY 2D 35, RARITY 14A 34, ORACY 8K 33
RAY 2D 35 babsbedi
COY A7 32 fatcat
On 13th draw, TOFORE 8J 39 --- TOFORE before [adv]
Other moves: OFTER 8K 36, OVERT 8K 36, FOREGO 8J 33, FORGET 8J 33, FORGOT 8J 33
FRET 12A 28 babsbedi
FROG 4A 24 fatcat
On 14th draw, GREX 12L 24 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other tops: ELOGE D4 24
Other moves: GEE L10 22, GEL L10 22, GEO L10 22, GET L10 22, GOEL 2D 22
GET L10 22 fatcat
GEE N10 19 babsbedi
On 15th draw, ZO 7M 44 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: DZO B12 44
Other moves: ZO B13 37, AZIDO 5B 34, GINZO 3B 34, POZ F4 34, ZORI N6 33
DZO B12 44 fatcat
ZO 7M 44 babsbedi
On 16th draw, RECTIFY E5 30 --- RECTIFY to correct [v]
Other tops: CERTIFY E5 30
Other moves: ORRICE 14B 28, CROUTE D3 27, CURITE D3 27, UREIC 14B 26, RECTO D4 25
COT A7 23 fatcat
COR A7 23 babsbedi
On 17th draw, QUEY 12A 64 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other moves: QUEY A2 39, QUEY D3 39, EQUID J1 38, DEY 2D 37, DOY 2D 37
QUEY 12A 64 babsbedi
QUID J2 37 fatcat
On 18th draw, OILING 2E 28 --- OIL to supply with oil (a greasy liquid used for lubrication, fuel, or illumination) [v]
Other moves: ELOIGN 2F 24, ERINGO 14B 22, GIEN 2D 22, GOEL 2D 22, LERING 14A 22
LORING 14A 22 babsbedi
GRIN 4A 14 fatcat
On 19th draw, EQUID A11 45 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: QUID A12 42, QUIN A12 39, NERVED 14A 28, INVADE 13G 25, DERIVE 14A 24
EQUID A11 45 fatcat
VIRED 14A 18 babsbedi
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