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Game on June 3, 2022 at 07:10, 7 players
1. 302 pts Chelsea
2. 250 pts HollyIvy
3. 215 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abostvx   H6    26    26   vox
 2. afiiloy   I7    30    56   filo
 3. aelnptt  H10    31    87   patent
 4. aeilmsy  15H   101   188   taleysim
 5. aeimnru  12B    70   258   ruminate
 6. ?ceeghn   B7    92   350   encharge
 7. ?dnoorv   K8    72   422   overdone
 8. deloqsw   8A    42   464   snowed
 9. aadeiot  15A    39   503   ideata
10. aeenorz   8K    72   575   ozone
11. aellrtu  13B    24   599   grate
12. aginprs   O6    62   661   spearing
13. beehiru   9B    33   694   chere
14. adikqrs  J10    37   731   ka
15. adfiqru   E3    38   769   aquifer
16. bbceotu   4C    36   805   coquet
17. dijlost  10B    41   846   hods
18. bgirtuw   3G    24   870   wig
19. bbilltu   L4    32   902   blitz
20. bijlruy   M1    35   937   jury

Remaining tiles: bil

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7594 FileChelsea     0  7:40  -635  302     1.7594 Chelsea     0  7:40  -635  302 
  2.7675 FileHollyIvy    4  6:03  -687  250     2.7675 HollyIvy    4  6:03  -687  250 
  3.7534 Filesicilianc5  3  4:54  -722  215     3.7534 sicilianc5  3  4:54  -722  215 
  4.  -  FileCCCCCC1118  1  1:57  -901   36            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileVVVV4444    1  0:58  -911   26     1.  -  CCCCCC1118  1  1:57  -901   36 
  6.  -  FileOOOO4444    1  1:33  -911   26     2.  -  VVVV4444    1  0:58  -911   26 
  7.  -  FileXXXX4444    1  1:51  -911   26     3.  -  OOOO4444    1  1:33  -911   26 
                                             4.  -  XXXX4444    1  1:51  -911   26 

On 1st draw, VOX H6 26 --- VOX voice [n]
Other tops: VOX H7 26, VOX H8 26
Other moves: BOX H6 24, BOX H7 24, BOX H8 24, BASTO H4 20, BOAST H4 20
VOX H8 26 VVVV4444, OOOO4444
VOX H7 26 XXXX4444

On 2nd draw, FILO I7 30 --- FILO very thin pastry dough [n]
Other tops: FILA I7 30
Other moves: FIL I7 29, YA G7 27, YO G7 27, LAY G7 23, LOY G7 23

On 3rd draw, PATENT H10 31 --- PATENT to obtain a patent (a government grant protecting the rights of an inventor) on [v]
Other tops: PATTEN H10 31, PATTLE H10 31, PLANET H10 31, PLATEN H10 31
Other moves: PATENT J10 26, PATTEN J10 26, PATTLE J10 26, PLANET J10 26, PLATEN J10 26
PLANT J10 25 Chelsea

On 4th draw, TALEYSIM 15H 101 --- TALLITH a Jewish prayer shawl [n]
Other moves: TALEYSIM 12H 82, LAYTIMES 12E 76, STEAMILY 12G 76, LAYTIMES 15E 64, STEAMILY 15G 64
SAMELY J8 42 Chelsea

On 5th draw, RUMINATE 12B 70 --- RUMINATE to chew again [v]
Other moves: ANIME 14K 35, NAME 14L 31, NAMU 14L 31, NEMA 14L 31, MENIAL J10 29
NAME 14L 31 Chelsea

On 6th draw, ENCH(A)RGE B7 92 --- ENCHARGE to enjoin [v]
Other moves: CHEER(I)NG B8 80, CHEE(K)ING E7 76, CHEE(P)ING E7 76, CHEE(R)ING E7 76, CHEE(S)ING E7 76
HE(S) J10 39 Chelsea

On 7th draw, OV(E)RDONE K8 72 --- OVERDO to do to excess [v]
Other moves: OV(E)RDO A3 48, VODO(U) A4 41, ODOR 15A 33, ODOR(S) 15A 33, OD(E)ON 15A 33
(A)DORN 15A 33 Chelsea

On 8th draw, SNOWED 8A 42 --- SNOW to fall as snow (precipitation in the form of ice crystals) [v]
Other moves: OWLED 8K 39, ENOWS 8A 36, ENDOWS 8A 33, ENOW 8A 33, ODES 15A 33
OWLED 8K 39 Chelsea

On 9th draw, IDEATA 15A 39 --- IDEATUM the real object of an idea [n]
Other moves: ADIT 15A 33, EDIT 15A 33, IDEA 15A 33, ODEA 15A 33, ADO 15A 27
ADIT 15A 33 HollyIvy
EDIT 15A 33 sicilianc5
ODE 15A 27 Chelsea

On 10th draw, OZONE 8K 72 --- OZONE a form of oxygen [n]
Other moves: AZON 14E 66, ZONA 14F 66, ZONE 14F 66, ZENANA F10 37, DOZEN F8 35
OZONE 8K 72 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
ZONE 14F 66 Chelsea

On 11th draw, GRATE 13B 24 --- GRATE to reduce to shreds by rubbing [v]
Other tops: VARE 9K 24
Other moves: ALULA 11D 22, VAE 9K 21, VAR 9K 21, VAU 9K 21, ALE J9 20

On 12th draw, SPEARING O6 62 --- SPEAR to pierce with a spear (a long, pointed weapon) [v]
Other tops: PREASING O6 62
Other moves: NAPAS 11E 36, RANAS 11E 30, P(A)GAN 11A 29, N(A)PAS 11A 28, PORANGI M7 28

On 13th draw, CHERE 9B 33 --- CHERE dear [adj]
Other moves: CHER 9B 29, HEIR L10 28, CHE 9B 26, HE 11E 25, HIREE N2 24

On 14th draw, KA J10 37 --- KA the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptian religion [n] --- KA to serve [v]
Other moves: SKA 11D 36, NAIK 14K 35, QADIS M11 30, QAIDS M11 30, KA 11E 29
KA J10 37 HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 15th draw, AQUIFER E3 38 --- AQUIFER a water-bearing rock formation [n]
Other moves: QUAIRS 6J 37, FAQIRS M10 36, FAQUIRS A2 31, QADIS M11 30, QAIDS M11 30
QUAIRS 6J 37 sicilianc5, HollyIvy

On 16th draw, COQUET 4C 36 --- COQUET to flirt [v]
Other moves: BOBA 11E 33, OBEY L12 30, BOB L11 29, COB L11 29, TOQUE 4C 28
COQUET 4C 36 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, CCCCCC1118

On 17th draw, HODS 10B 41 --- HOD a portable trough [n] --- HOD to bob [v]
Other moves: SOJA 11E 40, HOTS 10B 39, JILT H1 33, JOLT H1 33, JOIST I1 31

On 18th draw, WIG 3G 24 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other moves: RUBIGO M3 22, WIT 3G 22, TWIT H1 21, WRIT H1 21, BIG 3G 20

On 19th draw, BLITZ L4 32 --- BLITZ to wage a bombing attack from the air [v]
Other moves: BIB L11 29, BUB 2H 21, BULBIL 2H 20, BI L11 19, BLUBS M11 18

On 20th draw, JURY M1 35 --- JURY to select material for exhibition [v]
Other moves: JUICY C1 34, JOY D3 27, JIBS M12 26, BURY M1 25, RUBY M1 25
JURY M1 35 HollyIvy

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