Game on June 5, 2022 at 07:43, 14 players
1. 517 pts fatcat
2. 404 pts Chelsea
3. 103 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 26 26 


G3 25 51 


I3 25 76 


8A 110 186 


C3 108 294 


B10 57 351 


5E 44 395 


A1 101 496 


H1 39 535 


D10 26 561 


13A 34 595 


1D 64 659 


2J 34 693 


A12 31 724 


M1 76 800 


8K 36 836 


L8 34 870 


13I 26 896 


1M 33 929 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
fatcat 2 16:01 -412 517 1.7599 Chelsea 2 11:29 -525 404
Chelsea 2 11:29 -525 404 2.7681 HollyIvy 3 2:37 -826 103
HollyIvy 3 2:37 -826 103 3.7693 sicilianc5 3 3:28 -826 103
sicilianc5 3 3:28 -826 103 4.7622 Mycophot 1 1:33 -893 36
Hammer22 1 3:32 -861 68 5.7637 queen66 1 1:47 -893 36
Javelin22 1 2:00 -881 48 Group: intermediate
Discus22 1 2:44 -881 48 1.6640 fatcat 2 16:01 -412 517
Mycophot 1 1:33 -893 36 2.6903 Hammer22 1 3:32 -861 68
queen66 1 1:47 -893 36 3.6655 Javelin22 1 2:00 -881 48
10. -
WWWW4444 1 0:42 -903 26 4.6718 Discus22 1 2:44 -881 48
11. -
RRRR4444 1 1:05 -903 26 5.6589 ShotPut22 0 1:53 -909 20
12. -
SSSS4444 1 1:28 -903 26 Group: not rated
13. -
AAAA4444 1 1:57 -903 26 1. - WWWW4444 1 0:42 -903 26
ShotPut22 0 1:53 -909 20 2. - RRRR4444 1 1:05 -903 26
3. - SSSS4444 1 1:28 -903 26
4. - AAAA4444 1 1:57 -903 26
On 1st draw, AWNERS H3 26 --- AWNER an awn removing machine [n]
Other tops: AWARNS H3 26, RESAWN H8 26
Other moves: RESAW H8 24, WANES H4 24, WARES H4 24, WARNS H4 24, WEANS H4 24
RESAWN H8 26 WWWW4444, RRRR4444, SSSS4444, AAAA4444
WEARS H4 24 fatcat
On 2nd draw, PAIN G3 25 --- PAIN to cause pain (suffering or distress) [v]
Other moves: PANINI 2H 22, PENNIA 2H 22, PINNAE 2H 22, PINNIE 2H 22, NIPA G1 21
PAIN G3 25 Hammer22, Chelsea, Discus22, Javelin22
NAP G1 15 fatcat
On 3rd draw, RAND I3 25 --- RAND a strip of leather at the heel of a shoe [n] --- RAND to rant [v]
Other moves: PADRONI 3G 24, PARANOID 3G 24, DAN I3 23, DRAIN F4 23, PANDOOR 3G 22
DAN I3 23 Javelin22, Chelsea
DRAIN F4 23 Discus22, Hammer22
INDOOR 5G 14 fatcat
On 4th draw, STOKVELS 8A 110 --- STOKVEL (South Africa) a savings club amongst friends [n]
Other moves: STOKVELS 8H 107, STOKVEL F6 81, STOKVEL J6 81, KETOLS 2B 31, VOLETS 2B 29
STOKE J6 20 Hammer22, ShotPut22
STOVES 8C 10 fatcat
On 5th draw, (C)ABEZONE C3 108 --- CABEZONE a large edible fish [n]
Other moves: BENZ(O)ATE B2 86, BENZOA(T)E C4 79, (C)ABEZON C3 56, OZAEN(A) C8 48, OZ(A)ENA C8 48
ZA J2 37 Chelsea
ZAT(I) B6 32 fatcat
On 6th draw, HYBRIS B10 57 --- HYBRIS arrogance [n]
Other moves: HUBRIS B10 51, BRUSHY B10 50, BUSHY B10 48, BUSHY 11A 45, BIRSY B10 42
HUBRIS B10 51 fatcat
BUSHY B10 48 Chelsea
On 7th draw, THINNED 5E 44 --- THIN to water down [v]
Other moves: SLOTHED 15B 36, DOH B4 35, HOVED D10 33, OKEH D7 33, HOD D4 31
DOH B4 35 fatcat
HOD D4 31 Chelsea
On 8th draw, TOXEM(I)AS A1 101 --- TOXEMIA the condition of having toxins in the blood [n]
Other moves: AXE A13 47, EXO A13 47, BEAT(B)OX 12B 46, TEA(B)OX D10 46, EM(B)OX 4K 45
EXO A13 47 fatcat
X(I) A14 36 Chelsea
On 9th draw, PRAWNERS H1 39 --- PRAWNER one that prawns [n]
Other moves: LAKER D6 30, PROLEG D10 30, GRAPLE 2I 29, APE A13 27, APO A13 27
OPE A13 27 Chelsea
APE A13 27 fatcat
On 10th draw, TINFUL D10 26 --- TINFUL as much as a tin container can hold [n]
Other moves: IF B1 22, RIFT D10 20, TURF D10 20, RIF D10 18, NETFUL F7 17
IF B1 22 Chelsea, fatcat
On 11th draw, GRAFFED 13A 34 --- GRAFF to unite with a growing plant by insertion [v]
Other moves: RIFFAGE 13B 32, LOAFED 15D 30, RIFFED 13B 30, FAE E11 29, FOE E11 29
LOAFED 15D 30 fatcat
FOE E11 29 Chelsea
On 12th draw, TROMPING 1D 64 --- TROMP to tramp [v]
Other moves: MINOR 14F 28, LOMING 15D 27, MING 14F 26, MONG 14F 26, MIG 14F 25
LOMING 15D 27 Chelsea
MINT 14F 25 fatcat
On 13th draw, YOWE 2J 34 --- YOWE a ewe [n]
Other tops: YOWL 2J 34
Other moves: JEWEL F10 33, LOWLY 15D 33, YOW 2J 33, OGLE A12 31, YULE 2J 31
YOWL 2J 34 Chelsea
LOWLY 15D 33 fatcat
On 14th draw, OGLE A12 31 --- OGLE to stare at lecherously [v]
Other moves: TELIA 3K 23, TELOI 3K 23, ISOLATE 15A 21, TEAL 3K 21, TELA 3K 21
TEAL 3K 21 Chelsea
TEA 1M 11 fatcat
On 15th draw, GEODESIC M1 76 --- GEODESIC a geometric line [n]
Other moves: SODIC N2 50, DECOS N2 44, DICES N2 44, DISCO N2 44, DOGIES N2 44
DICES N2 44 Chelsea
LOGICS 15D 27 fatcat
On 16th draw, OCCUR 8K 36 --- OCCUR to take place [v]
Other moves: ROC B4 31, LAURIC 15D 24, LORICA 15D 24, LORIC 15D 21, ODIC 4L 20
OCCUR 8K 36 fatcat, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot, queen66
On 17th draw, CAIQUE L8 34 --- CAIQUE a long, narrow rowboat [n]
Other moves: GJU 1M 33, JIVE F10 30, JUVE F10 30, OUIJA K8 24, QUAIR O4 24
CAIQUE L8 34 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
JIVE F10 30 fatcat
On 18th draw, VELETA 13I 26 --- VELETA a dance in waltz time [n]
Other tops: VALETE 13I 26
Other moves: VALET 13I 24, ITA M11 23, PAREV 3G 23, TAK D6 20, ALIVE 14G 19
TI M10 15 fatcat
On 19th draw, GJU 1M 33 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: OUIJA N7 30, JAI 10J 26, JIAO N11 22, JAI N12 20, JA 12N 19
GJU 1M 33 HollyIvy, fatcat, sicilianc5
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