Game on June 6, 2022 at 17:31, 8 players
1. 254 pts Pacific
2. 125 pts HollyIvy
3. 125 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 24 24 


12H 80 104 


I2 63 167 


O6 83 250 


H1 43 293 


13B 79 372 


B10 38 410 


F7 62 472 


M9 44 516 


8A 54 570 


14J 34 604 


D2 66 670 


15M 38 708 


15G 34 742 


C3 54 796 


B4 40 836 


J2 36 872 


E3 33 905 


3G 40 945 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 0 10:27 -691 254 1.7681 HollyIvy 1 3:15 -820 125
HollyIvy 1 3:15 -820 125 2.7830 sicilianc5 1 3:24 -820 125
sicilianc5 1 3:24 -820 125 3.7586 Mycophot 1 2:18 -846 99
Mycophot 1 2:18 -846 99 Group: intermediate
5. -
PPPPPP1116 1 0:48 -921 24 1.6608 Pacific 0 10:27 -691 254
6. -
PPPP4444 1 1:12 -921 24 Group: not rated
7. -
CCCC4444 1 1:34 -921 24 1. - PPPPPP1116 1 0:48 -921 24
8. -
AAAA4444 1 1:55 -921 24 2. - PPPP4444 1 1:12 -921 24
3. - CCCC4444 1 1:34 -921 24
4. - AAAA4444 1 1:55 -921 24
On 1st draw, ASPIC H8 24 --- ASPIC jellied meat or fish used as a glaze [n]
Other tops: PACTS H4 24, PICAS H4 24
Other moves: ASPIC H4 20, PACTS H8 20, PICAS H8 20, PITAS H4 20, SCAPI H4 20
ASPIC H8 24 PPPPPP1116, PPPP4444, CCCC4444, AAAA4444
On 2nd draw, CAMPOREE 12H 80 --- CAMPOREE a gathering of Boy Scouts [n]
Other moves: COMPARE 12H 26, COMPEAR 12H 26, COMPEER 12H 26, COMPERE 12H 26, CAMPER 12H 24
COMPARE 12H 26 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, BLARI(N)G I2 63 --- BLARE to sound loudly [v]
Other tops: BA(T)GIRL G2 63, BA(T)GIRL I2 63, GARB(O)IL G2 63, GARB(O)IL I2 63
Other moves: GARBOIL(S) L8 62, GARB(O)ILS 9A 62, BA(T)GIRLS 9A 61, BRIGALO(W) L6 61, I(S)BA 13G 29
BLEAR N10 26 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 4th draw, DRUGGIES O6 83 --- DRUGGIE a drug addict [n]
Other moves: DRUGGIES N6 69, DIGGERS O8 30, DRUGGIE O6 30, GRUDGES O7 30, DIGGERS N8 28
DIGGERS O8 30 Mycophot, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 5th draw, DOAB H1 43 --- DOAB land between two rivers [n]
Other moves: BEAD 13I 28, ABED J3 26, BABIED 2I 26, BEARDIE M9 26, DIEB 13I 26
DOAB H1 43 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
On 6th draw, NOVENA(S) 13B 79 --- NOVENA a religious devotion lasting nine days [n]
Other tops: NOV(E)NAE N1 79
Other moves: NOVENA(E) N1 78, (P)AVONINE 11C 76, NOVENAR(Y) M6 74, (D)EVONIAN 6D 70, (P)AVONINE 6D 70
On 7th draw, VEINY B10 38 --- VEINY full of veins [adj]
Other moves: VAINER B10 34, AYE 14E 31, OYERS 13K 31, RYA 14E 31, RYE 14E 31
On 8th draw, REUNIONS F7 62 --- REUNION a reuniting of persons after separation [n]
Other moves: BARONIES 4H 22, ONERS 13K 22, INSURE N1 21, NIES J1 21, NOES J1 21
On 9th draw, JERRID M9 44 --- JERRID a wooden javelin [n]
Other tops: JARRED M9 44
Other moves: JIRRE M9 40, AJEE E11 37, DEF J4 36, JIVED D11 36, JARVIE D10 34
JAM J10 28 Pacific
On 10th draw, HEXADE 8A 54 --- HEXADE a group of six [n]
Other moves: AXED E8 43, AX E10 38, EX E10 38, FAXED E4 37, HEXAD E4 37
AX E10 38 Pacific
On 11th draw, WALDO 14J 34 --- WALDO a gadget for manipulating objects remotel or WALDOES [n]
Other moves: ATWEEL E10 31, ATWEEN E10 31, AWOL 7A 30, NAVEW D11 30, OATEN J2 30
OW A14 20 Pacific
On 12th draw, NOTARIAL D2 66 --- NOTARIAL pertaining to a notary [adj]
Other tops: RATIONAL D2 66
Other moves: TRONA 15H 28, LOBATION 2G 24, NOR N8 24, OAR N8 24, OBLATION 2H 24
RIOT 15H 19 Pacific
On 13th draw, SUK 15M 38 --- SUK a market place [n]
Other tops: SIK 15M 38
Other moves: DEEK E8 35, KETE C3 34, KITE C3 34, KITES 15G 34, SKEET 15G 34
KI A14 27 Pacific
On 14th draw, COMET 15G 34 --- COMET a celestial body [n]
Other moves: COMET C1 32, TONEME E1 32, COMET E1 30, TONEME C1 30, COME 15G 29
ME A14 19 Pacific
On 15th draw, ZETA C3 54 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: NAZE C1 52, ZEA C3 50, ZEE C3 50, ZA C3 46, NAZE C3 45
ZAP K10 28 Pacific
On 16th draw, FEY B4 40 --- FEY slightly mad [adj] --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other moves: NEF B4 34, NEF J4 34, FEEN J6 33, FOEN J6 33, FY J6 33
QI 11E 22 Pacific
On 17th draw, OFTEN J2 36 --- OFTEN frequently [adv]
Other moves: NEF J4 34, TEF J4 34, FOEN J6 33, FOE J6 32, WEFT J1 30
FE A14 23 Pacific
On 18th draw, LET E3 33 --- LET to allow to go or come [v]
Other moves: TELT E1 25, ELT E2 24, LINTIE N2 23, TENT K4 23, TINE K4 23
On 19th draw, HALFWIT 3G 40 --- HALFWIT an idiot [n]
Other moves: HINT K4 32, HIN K4 30, QUIP K9 30, REQUIN 5I 30, REQUIT 5I 30
QUIP K9 30 Pacific
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