Game on June 7, 2022 at 13:53, 6 players
1. 585 pts Chelsea
2. 459 pts HollyIvy
3. 433 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


4C 36 84 


C3 70 154 


B10 53 207 


A4 92 299 


G7 45 344 


J1 85 429 


1H 33 462 


D8 90 552 


3I 37 589 


K7 72 661 


13A 34 695 


F12 35 730 


8K 27 757 


H10 38 795 


E4 29 824 


A13 47 871 


L12 36 907 


M12 41 948 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 5 16:42 -363 585 1.7501 Chelsea 5 16:42 -363 585
HollyIvy 5 18:11 -489 459 2.7681 HollyIvy 5 18:11 -489 459
sicilianc5 5 15:02 -515 433 3.7844 sicilianc5 5 15:02 -515 433
Mycophot 1 3:48 -826 122 4.7551 Mycophot 1 3:48 -826 122
5. -
ZZZZ4444 1 1:28 -900 48 Group: not rated
6. -
TTTT4444 1 1:51 -900 48 1. - ZZZZ4444 1 1:28 -900 48
2. - TTTT4444 1 1:51 -900 48
On 1st draw, ZETAS H4 48 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: HAZES H4 42, CHEZ H5 36, CHEZ H6 36, CHEZ H7 36, CHEZ H8 36
ZETAS H4 48 ZZZZ4444, TTTT4444
HAZES H4 42 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, ENF(R)OZE 4C 36 --- ENFREEZE to freeze [v]
Other moves: (D)EAFEN I2 31, FA(N)ON I3 29, AZ(I)ONE 4G 28, NEAFE(S) I2 28, OZAEN(A) 4G 28
ZO(O)EAE 4H 28 HollyIvy
FANE(S) I3 27 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, AEROTONE C3 70 --- AEROTONE a deep bath with massaging jets of compressed air [n]
Other tops: AEROTONE I3 70
Other moves: (R)ATOONER F4 61, ATONER J1 29, ORNATE J2 29, RONEO J2 28, RONTE J2 28
TEA 5C 20 HollyIvy
On 4th draw, YBOUND B10 53 --- BIND to tie or secure [v]
Other moves: YOURN B10 45, BUNDY B10 44, BUNDY J2 44, YBOUND 3I 41, BOODY 8A 39
BOODY 8A 39 Chelsea
BOY B8 35 sicilianc5
BUY B8 35 Mycophot
On 5th draw, ALRIGHT A4 92 --- ALRIGHT satisfactory [adj]
Other moves: ALRIGHT 3I 77, ALRIGHT G8 68, GRAITH A5 39, ALIGHT A5 36, ARIGHT A5 36
ALRIGHT A4 42 sicilianc5, Mycophot
HAG B6 33 Chelsea
On 6th draw, JAWS G7 45 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other tops: J*WSJEWS G7 45
Other moves: JAW G7 44, J*WJEW G7 44, JOWS 12A 44, WAWES D6 40, WAWES 3I 39
JAWS G7 45 Mycophot, Chelsea, sicilianc5
J*WS G7JEWS G7 45 HollyIvy
On 7th draw, OPUNTI(A) J1 85 --- OPUNTIA an American cactus [n]
Other tops: (S)PINOUT J1 85
Other moves: POUTIN(E) 3I 79, POUTIN(G) 3I 79, POUTIN(E) F8 74, POUTIN(G) F8 74, OPUNTI(A) 3I 71
NETOP(S) I3 32 Chelsea
(A)DOPT 15A 30 HollyIvy
On 8th draw, DOOKS 1H 33 --- DOOK to bathe [v]
Other moves: KUDOS 1G 30, LOOKS 1H 30, SKOAL 1H 30, SKOOL 1H 30, DUKAS 3I 29
DOOKS 1H 33 Chelsea
KOA A12 27 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 9th draw, MERANTI D8 90 --- MERANTI (Malay) the wood of various Malaysian trees [n]
Other moves: MINARET D6 88, RAIMENT F8 75, RUMINATE 13A 72, MERANTI K7 71, MINARET K7 71
MUTINE 3I 29 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
MUNTER 3I 29 Chelsea
On 10th draw, WULLED 3I 37 --- WULL to determine [v]
Other moves: WAXED K7 36, DEWAX K7 34, AXLE 2E 30, DEWFALL E1 28, FALX E4 28
WAXED K7 36 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
WAE F8 23 Chelsea
On 11th draw, GLANCER K7 72 --- GLANCER one that glances [n]
Other moves: ALEC 4L 27, GAE A13 26, CADGER N1 24, UNTRACE 13B 24, AREG 4L 23
GEAN E11 22 Chelsea
GAEN E11 22 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 12th draw, QUOTH 13A 34 --- QUETHE to say [v] --- QUOTH said -- QUOTH is the only accepted form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: HEID E11 33, HOED E11 33, HEID L12 32, OHED 4L 32, QUITED 13A 32
QUOTH 13A 34 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
QUOTED 13A 32 Chelsea
On 13th draw, PAVE F12 35 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v]
Other moves: PAV F12 34, EAVE F12 33, AVE F13 32, APE F13 29, PAREVE 13I 28
LEAVE 8K 27 Chelsea
PARVE 13I 26 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 14th draw, LIEVE 8K 27 --- LIEVE gladly [adv]
Other tops: LEAVE 8K 27, LEVEE 8K 27, VEGIE 15E 27
Other moves: VERGE 13I 26, VIRGA 13I 26, VIRGE 13I 26, SELVAGE L1 25, GARVIE 13I 24
LEAVE 8K 27 Chelsea, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 15th draw, OGAMIC H10 38 --- OGAMIC written using ogam [adj]
Other moves: GAMETIC 12H 28, ATOC 4L 27, ATOM 4L 27, METIC 15E 27, OTIC 4L 27
ATOM 4L 27 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
METIC 15E 27 Chelsea
On 16th draw, FYRDS E4 29 --- FYRD local militia in Anglo-Saxon times [n]
Other moves: Y*DYID 2M 25, FYRD E4 22, SURFY E1 22, FURRS E4 21, SUID 14K 21
Y*D 2MYID 2M 25 Chelsea
On 17th draw, QUA A13 47 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: FETTA 5G 27, FAR 2M 23, FAT 2M 23, FIR 2M 23, FIT 2M 23
QUA A13 47 Chelsea, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 18th draw, FEEB L12 36 --- FEEB a wimp (a weak or ineffectual person) [n]
Other moves: BEEFIER M7 32, FEER L12 28, FERE L12 28, REEF L12 28, REIF L12 28
FEEB L12 36 sicilianc5, Chelsea, HollyIvy
On 19th draw, TIX M12 41 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other moves: BRUX 15L 39, TIX J12 35, TUX J12 35, TIX 2M 28, TUTRIX 5J 26
BRUX 15L 39 Chelsea
TUX I10 25 HollyIvy
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