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Game on June 7, 2022 at 21:34, 7 players
1. 497 pts Pacific
2. 340 pts HollyIvy
3. 340 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeimqru   H8    52    52   umiaq
 2. acefnrs  10C    67   119   francise
 3. acfmnot   D8    32   151   formant
 4. ?aabeev  14B    34   185   vatable
 5. ?aegilo  15E    85   270   goalies
 6. aadekns   8A    39   309   nakfas
 7. ehiosuw  14J    52   361   howes
 8. adgiltu   I8    30   391   gaslit
 9. deiostt   K5    96   487   dotiest
10. eeiorrt   A2    59   546   reorient
11. ddehorx   L4    55   601   hoxed
12. bdejnop   M1    40   641   jobed
13. etuvyyz  11B    48   689   zyme
14. eegnrtu   1M    33   722   jug
15. deinorw   F1    66   788   windores
16. eiprruu   2J    30   818   prior
17. eilptuy   1D    39   857   pewit
18. ilnuuvy  13M    24   881   yin
19. cllnuuv   6J    21   902   vox

Remaining tiles: cllnuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6629 FilePacific     2 15:30  -405  497     1.7742 HollyIvy    1 10:36  -562  340 
  2.7742 FileHollyIvy    1 10:36  -562  340     2.7862 sicilianc5  1 10:38  -562  340 
  3.7862 Filesicilianc5  1 10:38  -562  340     3.7437 queen66     1 11:03  -562  340 
  4.7437 Filequeen66     1 11:03  -562  340            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  FileQQQQ4444    1  1:00  -850   52     1.6629 Pacific     2 15:30  -405  497 
  6.  -  FileMMMM4444    1  1:21  -850   52            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileUUUU4444    1  1:42  -850   52     1.  -  QQQQ4444    1  1:00  -850   52 
                                             2.  -  MMMM4444    1  1:21  -850   52 
                                             3.  -  UUUU4444    1  1:42  -850   52 

On 1st draw, UMIAQ H8 52 --- UMIAQ an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other moves: QUAIR H4 48, QUARE H4 48, QUIRE H4 48, MARQUE H4 40, MAQUI H4 38
UMIAQ H8 52 QQQQ4444, MMMM4444, UUUU4444
QUIRE H4 48 Pacific

On 2nd draw, FRANCISE 10C 67 --- FRANCISE to force to adopt French customs and language [v]
Other tops: FANCIERS 10D 67
Other moves: FURNACES 8G 66, CARAFES 11E 48, FRANCS 13C 45, FACERS 13C 41, FARCES 13C 41
CARAFES 11E 48 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
FARCES 13C 41 Pacific

On 3rd draw, FORMANT D8 32 --- FORMANT a characteristic component of the quality of a speech sound [n]
Other moves: FORCAT D8 30, FORMAT D8 30, FORAM D8 28, FANTOM 11J 27, CAROM D8 24
FACT 11J 23 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
MO 11E 18 Pacific

On 4th draw, VATAB(L)E 14B 34 --- VATABLE liable to tax [adj]
Other moves: BE(H)AVE C3 33, A(M)EBAE E6 31, (G)AMBA 11B 31, (G)AMBE 11B 31, (H)AMBA 11B 31
VEE(S) 15A 30 Pacific, sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy

On 5th draw, GOALIE(S) 15E 85 --- GOALIE a player who defends against goals [n]
Other moves: E(U)LOGIA 15H 83, (S)OILAGE 15E 83, GEOI(D)AL K6 77, GOALIE(S) K4 77, (F)OLIAGE 15H 77
LI(N)AGE 15H 30 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
GOLF 8A 24 Pacific

On 6th draw, NAKFAS 8A 39 --- NAKFA the standard currency unit of Eritrea [n]
Other moves: KNEADS K6 37, SANDEK K7 37, SNAKED K5 37, DANKS 14J 36, KNEADS K5 36
KNEADS K5 36 Pacific
DANKS 14J 36 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 7th draw, HOWES 14J 52 --- HOWE a valley [n]
Other moves: HOISE 14J 46, HOUSE 14J 46, WHOSE K7 36, SHEW K10 34, SHOW K10 34
HOWES 14J 52 sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy
HOUSE 14J 46 Pacific

On 8th draw, GASLIT I8 30 --- GASLIT illuminated by gaslight [adj]
Other moves: TULADI K6 29, GADI 13K 28, GUSLI I8 28, QUAIL 12H 28, QUILT 12H 28
QUILT 12H 28 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5
GAD 13K 24 Pacific

On 9th draw, DOTIEST K5 96 --- DOTY stained by decay [adj]
Other moves: STOITED K4 81, SOTTED K5 29, TOITED K5 29, DITTOS K5 28, TODIES K5 28
DOTES 13K 26 sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy
DOEST K7 26 Pacific

On 10th draw, REORIENT A2 59 --- ORIENT to acquaint with details of a situation [v] --- REORIENT to acquaint oneself again [v]
Other tops: ORIENTER A4 59
Other moves: TREMIE 11A 27, TEME 11B 21, EME 11C 19, ETRIER L1 19, REITER L1 19
TEME 11B 21 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5
ORE 13L 17 Pacific

On 11th draw, HOXED L4 55 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: HOX 15M 46, HEX B1 39, HEX 13M 38, HEX L4 38, HOX 13M 38
HOX 15M 46 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, queen66
HOXES F4 31 Pacific

On 12th draw, JOBED M1 40 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: BODE M5 35, BONED M5 35, JEAN C12 35, JOB M3 35, DOPE 13K 32
JOB 7E 26 Pacific

On 13th draw, ZYME 11B 48 --- ZYME a ferment [n]
Other moves: ZEA C12 39, YUTZES F3 38, OYEZ 4A 32, YET N2 32, FEZ C10 30
JET 1M 30 Pacific

On 14th draw, JUG 1M 33 --- JUG to put into a jug (a large, deep container with a narrow mouth and a handle) [v]
Other moves: JEE 1M 30, JET 1M 30, JEU 1M 30, JUN 1M 30, JUT 1M 30
JUG 1M 33 Pacific

On 15th draw, WINDORES F1 66 --- WINDORE a form of window [n]
Other tops: WINDORES N7 66
Other moves: WINDROSE N8 64, DOWER 13K 38, DOWIE 13K 38, NOWED 13K 37, OWED 13L 33
NOWED 13K 37 Pacific

On 16th draw, PRIOR 2J 30 --- PRIOR an officer in a monastery [n]
Other tops: WIPER 1F 30
Other moves: WIPE 1F 27, WIRER 1F 24, WRIER 1F 24, REDIP 4D 22, WEIR 1F 21
WIPER 1F 30 Pacific

On 17th draw, PEWIT 1D 39 --- PEWIT the lapwing [n]
Other moves: YIPE G3 31, WILY 1F 30, WYLE 1F 30, WYTE 1F 30, YELP B1 28

On 18th draw, YIN 13M 24 --- YIN the feminine passive principle in Chinese cosmology [n]
Other tops: LINNY 3C 24, YIN G3 24
Other moves: PUNILY D1 22, UNDULY 4D 22, YU 13M 22, YU E5 22, VOX 6J 21

On 19th draw, VOX 6J 21 --- VOX voice [n]
Other moves: NU J6 19, COX 6J 18, LUNA E5 16, VOULU 5E 16, VULN 3C 14

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