Game on June 9, 2022 at 09:53, 8 players
1. 142 pts moonmonkey
2. 126 pts Mycophot
3. 126 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. ![a](./l/a1.png)
H4 30 30 ![k](./l/k1.png)
2. ![e](./l/e1.png)
10E 23 53 ![o](./l/o1.png)
3. ![a](./l/a1.png)
11A 28 81 ![g](./l/g1.png)
4. ![a](./l/a1.png)
B10 58 139 ![j](./l/j1.png)
5. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
A13 48 187 ![f](./l/f1.png)
6. ![a](./l/a1.png)
C11 29 216 ![a](./l/a1.png)
7. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
7E 60 276 ![p](./l/p5.png)
8. ![a](./l/a1.png)
5E 48 324 ![f](./l/f1.png)
9. ![a](./l/a1.png)
L7 74 398 ![d](./l/d1.png)
10. ![g](./l/g1.png)
13H 74 472 ![p](./l/p1.png)
11. ![a](./l/a1.png)
15F 95 567 ![a](./l/a1.png)
12. ![i](./l/i1.png)
9E 34 601 ![m](./l/m1.png)
13. ![a](./l/a1.png)
O8 30 631 ![l](./l/l1.png)
14. ![a](./l/a1.png)
N5 42 673 ![s](./l/s1.png)
15. ![a](./l/a1.png)
D11 25 698 ![r](./l/r1.png)
16. ![b](./l/b1.png)
14F 28 726 ![b](./l/b1.png)
17. ![e](./l/e1.png)
4A 29 755 ![w](./l/w1.png)
18. ![a](./l/a1.png)
A4 42 797 ![w](./l/w1.png)
19. ![e](./l/e1.png)
3C 30 827 ![h](./l/h1.png)
20. ![e](./l/e1.png)
2B 24 851 ![e](./l/e1.png)
21. ![i](./l/i1.png)
B7 23 874 ![x](./l/x1.png)
Remaining tiles: ![i](./l/i1.png)
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 3 5:31 -732 142 1.7620 moonmonkey 3 5:31 -732 142
Mycophot 2 3:47 -748 126 2.7526 Mycophot 2 3:47 -748 126
HollyIvy 2 3:48 -748 126 3.7639 HollyIvy 2 3:48 -748 126
Chelsea 0 2:22 -831 43 4.7444 Chelsea 0 2:22 -831 43
5. -
KKKK4444 1 0:38 -844 30 Group: not rated
6. -
IIII4444 1 1:01 -844 30 1. - KKKK4444 1 0:38 -844 30
7. -
RRRR4444 1 1:24 -844 30 2. - IIII4444 1 1:01 -844 30
8. -
TTTT4444 1 1:45 -844 30 3. - RRRR4444 1 1:24 -844 30
4. - TTTT4444 1 1:45 -844 30
On 1st draw, KIRTAN H4 30 --- KIRTAN devotional singing, usually accompanied by instruments [n]
Other moves: KARRI H4 28, KRAIT H4 28, TRAIK H8 28, TRANK H8 28, KIRTAN H3 22
KIRTAN H4 30 KKKK4444, IIII4444, RRRR4444, TTTT4444
On 2nd draw, OPES 10E 23 --- OPE to open [v]
Other tops: EPOS 10E 23, OPUS 10E 23, PESO 10F 23, POGOS 10D 23, POSE 10F 23, SUPE 10H 23
Other moves: PES 10F 22, POS 10F 22, PUS 10F 22, SOP 10H 22, SPOOK 4D 22
OPES 10E 23 HollyIvy, Mycophot
OPUS 10E 23 moonmonkey
On 3rd draw, GOARY 11A 28 --- GOARY bloody [adj]
Other tops: RAYA 11C 28, YAR 11E 28
Other moves: GORY 11B 26, GRAY 11B 26, ORGY 11B 26, RYA 11D 26, ARY I7 25
YAR 11E 28 Mycophot, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, JODEL B10 58 --- JODEL to sing with rapidly fluctuating pitch [v]
Other tops: JOLED B10 58
Other moves: JA 10B 52, JARRED D8 51, G*DJ*GADJE A11 45, JARRED 6F 32, JADE I3 31
JODEL B10 58 moonmonkey
On 5th draw, F(E)Z A13 48 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: CRAZ(E)S D10 43, FIZ C13 42, CRAZ(E) D10 39, CRAZ(Y) D10 39, CZARIS(M) 6E 39
FIZ C13 42 HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 6th draw, AIM C11 29 --- AIM to direct toward a specified object or goal [v]
Other tops: ALUMNI 9D 29
Other moves: KALIF 4H 24, KALIUM 4H 24, KULFI 4H 24, UM C13 24, WAULK 4D 24
On 7th draw, (P)URTRAID 7E 60 --- POURTRAY to portray [v]
Other moves: (M)UDIRIA 5E 28, DARR(E) D8 27, DURR(S) D8 27, DI(Q)UARK 4B 22, (H)UDNA 9E 22
On 8th draw, FADINGS 5E 48 --- FADING an Irish dance [n]
Other moves: FANDS 8K 39, FANGA 8K 39, FANGAS 8A 39, FANGS 8K 39, FANGA 8A 34
FAAN 6J 33 Mycophot, HollyIvy
FAAS 6J 33 moonmonkey
On 9th draw, DECORATE L7 74 --- DECORATE to adorn [v]
Other moves: CREE D10 38, RETAKE 4D 32, TREE D10 32, TERCE 8A 31, TRACE 8A 31
On 10th draw, PLOTTING 13H 74 --- PLOT to plan secretly [v] --- PLOTTING the act of plotting [n]
Other moves: GOPIK 4D 36, LOPING K10 32, POLING K10 32, POTING K10 32, TOPING K10 32
On 11th draw, ANNELID 15F 95 --- ANNELID any of a phylum of segmented worms [n]
Other tops: LINDANE 15I 95
Other moves: LADENING O6 83, ALINED 15G 42, INLAND 15G 42, LINNED 15G 42, NAILED 15G 42
On 12th draw, MOWN 9E 34 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [v]
Other moves: TOWNS 9E 32, STOWN 9D 31, SOWN 9E 30, TOWN 9E 30, MOI 14F 28
On 13th draw, LACING O8 30 --- LACING a contrasting marginal band of colour [n]
Other tops: CANGLE O10 30
Other moves: CANNEL N10 28, CANNIE N10 28, QI 4D 27, CLINE N10 26, CLINE 4A 25
On 14th draw, SQUAB N5 42 --- SQUAB a young pigeon [n] --- SQUAB clumsy [adj] --- SQUAB to upholster thickly [v]
Other moves: RESAW D11 41, BASQUE N3 39, SQUEG J1 35, QUA N6 34, QUAG J2 34
On 15th draw, REES D11 25 --- REE the female Eurasian sandpiper [n]
Other moves: DIES 12B 23, REE D11 23, RES D11 23, AERO 12E 19, AS 14N 18
On 16th draw, BEE 14F 28 --- BEE a four-winged insect that makes honey [n]
Other tops: BOI 14F 28
Other moves: BUTEO O1 26, OUBIT O1 26, BOITE 4A 25, BUTEO 4A 25, TOEBIE 4A 25
On 17th draw, WROTE 4A 29 --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other tops: REWET O1 29, WROOT O1 29
Other moves: WEET K10 25, REWET 4B 23, WROOT 4B 23, TWEE 4C 21, WEET 4C 21
On 18th draw, WAVEY A4 42 --- WAVEY the snow goose [n]
Other moves: OUTRAVE B1 36, YATE 3C 32, AVOW A1 30, YET 3C 30, AYE 3B 26
On 19th draw, HUT 3C 30 --- HUT to live in a hut (a simple shelter) [v]
Other tops: HET 3C 30
Other moves: HOOVE C3 24, EH 3B 22, HE 3C 22, HOOVE C2 22, HOVE M2 22
On 20th draw, ETH 2B 24 --- ETH an Old English letter [n]
Other moves: HOI O4 23, HENT N11 21, HI O5 21, HINT N11 21, HIOI O3 21
HINT N11 21 Chelsea
On 21th draw, XU B7 23 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: AXON 12L 22, OXO 4K 22, OXO M3 22, NIX N13 20, NOX N13 20
OXO M3 22 Chelsea
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