Game on June 11, 2022 at 15:09, 11 players
1. 199 pts Mycophot
2. 195 pts queen66
3. 195 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


6D 63 87 


K6 70 157 


8J 39 196 


12H 42 238 


3B 85 323 


4A 40 363 


H12 45 408 


4H 72 480 


13F 37 517 


2A 35 552 


N2 38 590 


9A 66 656 


D8 28 684 


13A 21 705 


15A 113 818 


3M 48 866 


1A 38 904 


2J 28 932 


A8 24 956 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Mycophot 3 4:28 -757 199 1.7486 Mycophot 3 4:28 -757 199
queen66 2 3:28 -761 195 2.7521 queen66 2 3:28 -761 195
HollyIvy 2 3:41 -761 195 3.7686 HollyIvy 2 3:41 -761 195
Pacific 1 1:39 -836 120 Group: intermediate
Hammer22 1 1:01 -908 48 1.6757 Pacific 1 1:39 -836 120
Discus22 1 1:21 -908 48 2.6836 Hammer22 1 1:01 -908 48
Javelin22 1 1:43 -908 48 3.6698 Discus22 1 1:21 -908 48
ShotPut22 1 1:59 -908 48 4.6772 Javelin22 1 1:43 -908 48
9. -
PPPPPP1116 1 1:04 -932 24 5.6394 ShotPut22 1 1:59 -908 48
10. -
PPPP4444 1 1:36 -932 24 Group: not rated
11. -
BBBB4444 1 1:57 -932 24 1. - PPPPPP1116 1 1:04 -932 24
2. - PPPP4444 1 1:36 -932 24
3. - BBBB4444 1 1:57 -932 24
On 1st draw, PARRED H4 24 --- PAR to shoot in a standard number of strokes in golf [v]
Other tops: BARRED H4 24
Other moves: ARDEB H8 22, BARDE H4 22, BARED H4 22, BARRED H7 22, BEARD H4 22
On 2nd draw, SILUROID 6D 63 --- SILUROID any of a family of catfishes [n]
Other moves: SILUROID 7D 61, SOLIDI 3H 26, LIPOIDS 4F 20, LOIDS 3D 18, DIOLS 3D 17
On 3rd draw, DREARING K6 70 --- DREARING gloominess [n]
Other moves: GRAINIER E1 68, GRAINIER E3 68, EARRING G8 66, EARRING I8 66, RANGIER G8 66
On 4th draw, NEWSIE 8J 39 --- NEWSIE a newsboy [n]
Other tops: NEWIES 8J 39
Other moves: WINOES L1 36, OWSEN L4 33, NOWISE L2 30, WIGEONS 13I 30, WINOES 14F 30
SWINE 14K 27 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66
On 5th draw, JENNET 12H 42 --- JENNET a small horse [n]
Other moves: BENJES D1 36, BENJES M3 32, JEBEL F2 30, JETE 5C 30, JESTER D4 28
JENNET 12H 42 queen66, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 6th draw, KALEND(S) 3B 85 --- KALENDS the first day of the Roman month [n]
Other moves: P(R)ANKLED 4H 82, KNAP(P)LED 4E 78, KNA(P)PLED 4D 78, KALEND(S) 14E 77, SANDL(I)KE D6 76
JAKE H12 45 Mycophot, HollyIvy, queen66
On 7th draw, MAMIE 4A 40 --- MAMIE a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: JADE H12 36, JEDI H12 36, AMIDE 4B 35, IMAM 4B 34, JEAT H12 33
MAMIE 4A 40 Mycophot
JADE H12 36 queen66, HollyIvy
On 8th draw, JUDY H12 45 --- JUDY a girl [n]
Other moves: MUTEDLY A4 39, JUTE H12 33, MUTELY A4 33, UN(S)PARRED H1 33, MELTY A4 30
JUDY H12 45 queen66, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 9th draw, PLATOONS 4H 72 --- PLATOON to alternate with another player at the same position [v]
Other moves: SOLATION N3 62, ALSOON N10 30, LAS 2A 25, LAT 2A 25, LOS 2A 25
On 10th draw, ROUX 13F 37 --- ROUX a mixture of butter and flour [n]
Other tops: XI G13 37
Other moves: LUX 13G 36, TUX 13G 36, OXID 14E 28, NIX N4 26, NOX N4 26
On 11th draw, BOP 2A 35 --- BOP to dance to pop music [v]
Other moves: NOB 2A 31, TOP 2A 31, BON 2A 29, BOT 2A 29, OB 2B 29
On 12th draw, SENVY N2 38 --- SENVY mustard [n]
Other moves: SENVY 14K 33, UN(S)PARRED H1 33, SUNNY N2 32, TENNY N2 32, TUNNY N2 32
On 13th draw, (U)NFOOTED 9A 66 --- UNFOOTED untrodden [adj]
Other moves: (S)OFTEN 1C 34, F(I)STNOTE M6 30, (U)N(S)PARRED H1 30, INFE(S)T N8 29, INFO(S) N8 28
On 14th draw, VOICE D8 28 --- VOICE to express or utter [v]
Other tops: CAVIE 14B 28
Other moves: GA(U)CIE A7 27, GAUCIE 14A 26, VAGUE 14B 26, VOGIE D8 26, VOGUE D8 26
On 15th draw, AGAR 13A 21 --- AGAR a viscous substance obtained from certain seaweeds [n]
Other tops: GAIR 13A 21, GAUR 13A 21, GUAR 13A 21
Other moves: GAR 13B 19, GUR 13B 19, A(U)GUR A8 18, GRIG 13K 18, NAGARI B9 18
On 16th draw, EQUALITY 15A 113 --- EQUALITY the state of being equal [n]
Other moves: SQUATTLE M8 54, QUAIL A11 45, QUALE A11 45, QUATE A11 45, Q(U)ALIA A8 45
QUAIL A11 45 Pacific
On 17th draw, ZEE 3M 48 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ZITS O1 43, ZEB(U) A6 42, C(U)Z A8 39, CHEZ 11D 36, CHIZ 11D 36
ZEE 3M 48 Pacific, Hammer22, Discus22, Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 18th draw, OH 1A 38 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: AH 1A 38
Other moves: CHIAS 2J 28, OOH E9 28, SCAITH M8 28, CASH 2L 27, CHO(U)T A6 27
TO(U)CH A7 27 Pacific
On 19th draw, HUIAS 2J 28 --- HUIA a New Zealand bird [n]
Other moves: BAH(U)T A6 27, BASH 2L 27, GHAUT 13K 27, HA E11 26, GHAT 13K 25
On 20th draw, C(U)IF A8 24 --- CUIF a dolt [n]
Other tops: F(U)CI A8 24
Other moves: TIC 1H 22, FISC M6 21, F(U)B A8 21, C(U)B A8 18, F(U)G A8 18
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