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Game on June 11, 2022 at 17:25, 9 players
1. 354 pts Pacific
2. 116 pts babsbedi
3. 36 pts Discus22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. enotuuy   H8    24    24   toney
 2. ?abgotu   8H    83   107   tugboats
 3. ehinost   O1    83   190   histones
 4. ?acersz  11D   122   312   cervezas
 5. alnstuy  10J    34   346   yulans
 6. ceijlnr   7M    37   383   jee
 7. deeinst   3H    70   453   destines
 8. abgoprt   H1    33   486   bodrag
 9. aefforw   D6    38   524   afforce
10. ehiiloq   N2    28   552   heil
11. adenprv   5E    44   596   veranda
12. adiiklt  13A    35   631   kaid
13. adelnou   1C    62   693   undoable
14. aeioprt   F7    64   757   priorate
15. egimrtu  O10    36   793   simurg
16. celmopw   2C    39   832   meow
17. ceilqtx  A10    45   877   tickle
18. iipqvwx   6A    27   904   ixia

Remaining tiles: pqvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6750 FilePacific     3 11:35  -550  354     1.6750 Pacific     3 11:35  -550  354 
  2.6775 Filebabsbedi    0  4:58  -788  116     2.6775 babsbedi    0  4:58  -788  116 
  3.6698 FileDiscus22    0  0:11  -868   36     3.6698 Discus22    0  0:11  -868   36 
  4.6772 FileJavelin22   0  0:37  -868   36     4.6772 Javelin22   0  0:37  -868   36 
  5.6888 FileHammer22    0  1:51  -871   33     5.6888 Hammer22    0  1:51  -871   33 
  6.  -  FileOOOO4444    1  0:41  -880   24            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileNNNN4444    1  1:03  -880   24     1.  -  OOOO4444    1  0:41  -880   24 
  8.  -  FileYYYY4444    1  1:24  -880   24     2.  -  NNNN4444    1  1:03  -880   24 
  9.  -  FileEEEE4444    1  1:47  -880   24     3.  -  YYYY4444    1  1:24  -880   24 
                                             4.  -  EEEE4444    1  1:47  -880   24 

On 1st draw, TONEY H8 24 --- TONEY stylish [adj]
Other moves: TONEY H4 18, TONEY H5 16, TONEY H6 16, TONEY H7 16, EYOT H5 14
TONEY H8 24 Pacific, OOOO4444, NNNN4444, YYYY4444, EEEE4444
YON H8 12 babsbedi

On 2nd draw, TUGBOAT(S) 8H 83 --- TUGBOAT a boat that tows other boats [n]
Other moves: GU(N)BOAT G9 77, OUTB(R)AG G9 74, OUTB(R)AG G3 69, GU(N)BOAT G3 68, GUNBOAT(S) 10F 66
BU(N)GY 12D 20 babsbedi
BOA G9 19 Pacific

On 3rd draw, HISTONE(S) O1 83 --- HISTONE a simple protein [n]
Other moves: ETHIONS 7B 71, HISTOGEN J3 66, HI(S)TONES O6 61, HENBITS K5 48, HONESTY 12B 26
HOT G9 23 Pacific
SHINY 12D 22 babsbedi

On 4th draw, CER(V)EZAS 11D 122 --- CERVEZA an Argentinian beer [n]
Other moves: SAZERAC(S) M7 108, ZAR(N)ECS G9 107, (S)AZERACS M7 106, SAZERAC(S) M3 94, (S)AZERACS M3 94
ZEA G9 47 Pacific
ZAGS J6 34 babsbedi

On 5th draw, YULANS 10J 34 --- YULAN a Chinese magnolia [n]
Other moves: YUANS 10J 33, YULAN 10J 33, ANTSY 7E 31, NUTSY 7E 31, TANSY 7E 31
YA 10J 28 Pacific, babsbedi

On 6th draw, JEE 7M 37 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: INJECT 4J 30, REJIG J4 29, INJERA M3 28, JIG J6 27, SCRINE O10 27
JEE 7M 37 Pacific

On 7th draw, DESTINES 3H 70 --- DESTINE to determine beforehand [v]
Other moves: ENDITES 7B 69, INSERTED F7 65, STEEDING J1 64, SINTERED F6 63, NEEDIEST E6 59

On 8th draw, BODRAG H1 33 --- BODRAG a hostile attack [n]
Other moves: PEAG N2 27, YAP 12H 27, YAG 12H 25, BEAT N2 24, BRACT D8 24

On 9th draw, AFFORCE D6 38 --- AFFORCE in law, to strengthen with expertise [v]
Other moves: YOWE 12H 33, FE 9M 31, REFFO 12J 31, YAW 12H 29, YOW 12H 29

On 10th draw, HEIL N2 28 --- HEIL to salute [v]
Other tops: HEEL N2 28, HEIL C6 28, HELIO 12J 28, HIOI C6 28
Other moves: HEIL 12J 26, HELO 12J 26, HIOI 2L 25, QI 2L 24, QI E5 24

On 11th draw, VERANDA 5E 44 --- VERANDA a type of porch [n]
Other moves: PANDER 13A 35, PADRE 13B 33, VADE 13B 33, VEND 13A 33, VERD 13A 33
SPREAD O10 30 Pacific

On 12th draw, KAID 13A 35 --- KAID a North African chief [n]
Other tops: KADI 13B 35, KILD 13A 35
Other moves: KAIF 8A 33, KID 13B 33, YAK 12H 31, KI(V)A G9 30, TIDAL 13B 29
KAID 13A 35 Pacific

On 13th draw, UNDOABLE 1C 62 --- DOABLE able to be done [adj] --- UNDOABLE not able to be done [adj]
Other moves: YODEL 12H 39, LANKED A10 36, LAKED A11 33, LEUKON A10 33, NAKED A11 33
NAKED A11 33 Pacific
LAKED A11 33 Hammer22

On 14th draw, PRIORATE F7 64 --- PRIORATE the office of a prior [n]
Other moves: PARKIE A10 39, PIKER A11 36, POKER A11 36, POKIE A11 36, PROFIT 8A 33
PIKER A11 36 Discus22
POKER A11 36 Javelin22, Pacific

On 15th draw, SIMURG O10 36 --- SIMURG a fabled bird [n]
Other tops: TUGRIK A8 36
Other moves: MIRAGE B10 30, MURAGE B10 30, STIGME O10 30, RIG 9K 29, GRIME C3 28

On 16th draw, MEOW 2C 39 --- MEOW to make the crying sound of a cat [v]
Other moves: MEOW C6 38, COMPER 14J 36, COPALM B10 36, POMACE B10 36, WOLFER 8A 36

On 17th draw, TICKLE A10 45 --- TICKLE to touch lightly so as to produce a tingling sensation [v]
Other moves: ICKLE A11 42, KEX A13 42, LUX I7 36, TUX I7 36, ZEX I11 32
KEX A13 42 Pacific

On 18th draw, IXIA 6A 27 --- IXIA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: PIX L2 24, IWI 6J 18, JAVA M7 18, XI 6K 18, XI G14 18

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