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Game on June 11, 2022 at 19:37, 7 players
1. 468 pts queen66
2. 461 pts sicilianc5
3. 458 pts Pacific

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abimstv   H3    26    26   ambits
 2. ?aeotuv   5E    98   124   outbrave
 3. deiilns   M2    82   206   lindies
 4. aaeinst   8A    77   283   entasias
 5. deinprw   2J    34   317   wield
 6. ?beenry   O1    99   416   byremen
 7. ejnortu   4A    42   458   jeton
 8. aeknors   1H    44   502   snake
 9. dehilou   I3    32   534   horde
10. acdeotu   B7    76   610   uncoated
11. gioprxy  C11    45   655   gox
12. elmoprt   A1    45   700   projet
13. afioqry   2A    40   740   rarify
14. acegpuv  A13    40   780   vac
15. egiloru   D7    24   804   gaoler
16. hioprwz   J7    45   849   whiz
17. aflnoru   K8    37   886   afoul
18. giilnru  E10    28   914   iring

Remaining tiles: lmpqru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7519 Filequeen66     3 15:04  -446  468     1.7519 queen66     3 15:04  -446  468 
  2.7799 Filesicilianc5  4 12:37  -453  461     2.7799 sicilianc5  4 12:37  -453  461 
  3.6746 FilePacific     0 19:07  -456  458     3.7764 HollyIvy    2 12:04  -467  447 
  4.7764 FileHollyIvy    2 12:04  -467  447            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  FileBBBB4444    1  1:01  -888   26     1.6746 Pacific     0 19:07  -456  458 
  6.  -  FileMMMM4444    1  1:26  -888   26            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileVVVV4444    1  1:46  -888   26     1.  -  BBBB4444    1  1:01  -888   26 
                                             2.  -  MMMM4444    1  1:26  -888   26 
                                             3.  -  VVVV4444    1  1:46  -888   26 

On 1st draw, AMBITS H3 26 --- AMBIT the external boundary of something [n]
Other tops: MAVIS H4 26
Other moves: BIMAS H4 24, VISTA H4 24, VITAS H4 24, AMBITS H4 22, AMBITS H7 22
AMBITS H3 26 BBBB4444, MMMM4444
MAVIS H4 26 VVVV4444
VISTA H4 24 Pacific

On 2nd draw, OUTB(R)AVE 5E 98 --- OUTBRAVE to surpass in courage [v]
Other moves: SU(B)OVATE 8H 92, OUT(R)AVES 8A 80, OVU(L)ATES 8A 80, OUT(G)AVE 2E 79, (S)UBOVATE 5F 74
OUTB(R)AVE 5E 48 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
(G)AVE 2H 24 Pacific

On 3rd draw, LINDIES M2 82 --- LINDY a lively dance [n]
Other moves: INISLED M2 81, SIDELINE L2 70, INISLED G8 62, INISLED I8 62, LIONISED E3 59
INISLED M2 31 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
NIDES M3 28 Pacific

On 4th draw, ENTASIAS 8A 77 --- ENTASIA a spasmodic contraction of a muscle [n]
Other moves: TAENIAS L7 71, TAENIAS N8 70, ENTASIA L8 69, ENTASIA G8 61, SANITATE 7B 61
VAINEST K5 20 sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy

On 5th draw, WIELD 2J 34 --- WIELD to handle or use effectively [v]
Other moves: WIPED 4A 33, PRISED 8J 30, WINDER L7 30, WISED 8K 30, WEIRD 4A 29
WISED 8K 30 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
DRIP 6C 25 Pacific

On 6th draw, BYRE(M)EN O1 99 --- BYREMAN a farm-servant who tends cows [n]
Other moves: BE(A)NERY L7 81, B(O)NEYER L7 77, BARNEYE(D) D7 74, BARNEYE(D) J4 66, EYEB(A)R O1 52
BYRE O1 43 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
BY 1K 24 Pacific

On 7th draw, JETON 4A 42 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other tops: JOTUN 4A 42, JUNTO 4A 42
Other moves: JUNTO 1F 41, JET G3 39, JOT G3 39, JUT G3 39, JETON 6B 36
JOTUN 4A 42 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
JETON 4A 42 queen66
JOT G3 39 Pacific

On 8th draw, SNAKE 1H 44 --- SNAKE to move like a snake (a limbless reptile) [v]
Other tops: SNOKE 1H 44
Other moves: ARKOSE 1G 43, RESOAK 1F 41, SNEAK 1G 38, SNEAK B2 38, NERKAS 1F 37
RESOAK 1F 41 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5
SKAT G2 28 Pacific

On 9th draw, HO(R)DE I3 32 --- HORDE to gather in a large group [v]
Other tops: EDH 6D 32
Other moves: DOH 6D 31, HOI 6F 29, OH 6E 29, HALED 3G 28, HAULD 3G 28
HOI 6F 29 Pacific, sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy

On 10th draw, UNCOATED B7 76 --- COAT to cover with a coat (an outer garment) [adj] --- UNCOATED not coated [adj]
Other tops: OUTACTED C6 76
Other moves: AUTOCADE D8 74, AUTOCADE G8 63, COTED N6 34, COTEAU N6 32, CATE N6 28
COTED N6 34 Pacific
DATO 3B 22 HollyIvy, queen66

On 11th draw, GOX C11 45 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: EXPIRY 13B 44, PIX A13 43, POX A13 43, PIROG A11 39, XI C13 39
GOX C11 45 queen66, sicilianc5
POX A13 43 Pacific

On 12th draw, PROJET A1 45 --- PROJET a plan or outline [n]
Other moves: POEM D12 42, POLJE A1 42, MOPE D12 38, POME D12 38, REPOT D10 38
REPOT D10 38 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
REP A13 28 Pacific

On 13th draw, RARIFY 2A 40 --- RARIFY to make less dense [v]
Other moves: FARO D10 34, FAY D10 34, FOY D10 34, *F*Y 3A 34, YAR A13 34
FAY D10 34 HollyIvy
FOY D10 34 queen66
YEX 13A 13 Pacific

On 14th draw, VAC A13 40 --- VAC a vacuum cleaner [n] --- VAC to clean with a vacuum cleaner [v]
Other moves: VAG A13 37, VEG A13 37, VAE A13 34, VAU A13 34, VAC D10 30
VAC A13 40 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
VEG A13 37 Pacific

On 15th draw, GAOLER D7 24 --- GAOLER a jailer [n]
Other moves: ALGOR D8 22, AUGER D8 22, VIRGULE K5 22, VOGUIER K5 22, GEO 1D 21
GAOLER D7 24 sicilianc5, queen66
LEG D10 20 Pacific

On 16th draw, WHIZ J7 45 --- WHIZ to move with a buzzing or hissing sound [v]
Other moves: RIZ E11 38, SHIR E8 31, OH 6E 29, RITZ C2 26, ROW E11 26
OH 6E 29 queen66, HollyIvy, Pacific

On 17th draw, AFOUL K8 37 --- AFOUL entangled [adj]
Other moves: FANO K9 30, FARL K9 30, FARO K9 30, FAUN K9 30, FAUR K9 30
FARO K9 30 sicilianc5, queen66
RIFE 6L 17 Pacific

On 18th draw, IRING E10 28 --- IRE to anger [v]
Other moves: RING E11 24, NIRL E11 22, RIG E11 22, GIN 1D 21, LAGERING 11A 20
RING L11 16 Pacific

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