Game on June 12, 2022 at 06:55, 6 players
1. 99 pts sicilianc5
2. 99 pts HollyIvy
3. 99 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 28 28 


12H 76 104 


G1 67 171 


F2 68 239 


1G 60 299 


O8 140 439 


10A 64 503 


13F 41 544 


11K 38 582 


A6 33 615 


C6 72 687 


15H 83 770 


5D 35 805 


I6 45 850 


B2 40 890 


J6 43 933 


4E 32 965 


C1 39 1004 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sicilianc5 0 2:54 -905 99 1.7741 sicilianc5 0 2:54 -905 99
HollyIvy 0 2:54 -905 99 2.7677 HollyIvy 0 2:54 -905 99
Mycophot 0 3:22 -905 99 3.7476 Mycophot 0 3:22 -905 99
4. -
PPPPPP1116 1 0:51 -976 28 Group: not rated
5. -
PPPP4444 1 1:17 -976 28 1. - PPPPPP1116 1 0:51 -976 28
6. -
UUUU4444 1 1:38 -976 28 2. - PPPP4444 1 1:17 -976 28
3. - UUUU4444 1 1:38 -976 28
On 1st draw, APEDOM H7 28 --- APEDOM the world of apes [n]
Other tops: APEDOM H3 28, MOUPED H4 28, POMADE H4 28
Other moves: MOPED H4 26, MOUPED H7 26, POMADE H8 26, AMPED H8 24, APEDOM H4 24
MOUPED H4 28 PPPPPP1116, PPPP4444, UUUU4444
On 2nd draw, MALAPERT 12H 76 --- MALAPERT an impudent person [n]
Other moves: APTERAL I3 72, APTERAL G1 64, APTERAL I1 64, PALATE G9 28, PATERA G9 28
TAPER G9 23 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
On 3rd draw, MISWENT G1 67 --- MISGO to go astray [v]
Other tops: MISWENT I1 67
Other moves: WINES 13I 45, WITES 13I 45, SWINE 13H 41, SWIM 13H 40, MINES 13I 39
SWIM 13H 40 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, Q(U)A F2 68 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: Q(I) F2 62, MANQ(U)E 1G 51, A(S)HEN H1 50, FEHM(E) 1D 48, F(E)HME 1D 48
On 5th draw, MEADOWY 1G 60 --- MEADOW a tract of grassland [adj] --- MEADOWY pertaining to a meadow [adj]
Other moves: WAYED 13I 58, YAWED 13I 58, YOWED 13I 58, MEADOW 1G 48, WAMED 1E 45
On 6th draw, RIBSTONE O8 140 --- RIBSTONE an apple [n]
On 7th draw, UNTIDIED 10A 64 --- UNTIDY to make untidy [v]
Other tops: UNTIDIED 10D 64
Other moves: DIETINE 5E 44, NITID 13I 31, TINED 13I 31, DETINUE 5F 29, DETENU 5F 27
On 8th draw, UNSHOD 13F 41 --- SHOE to provide with a covering for the foot [adj] --- UNSHOD not shod [adj]
Other moves: SHOD 13H 38, HOUNDS 13C 36, HOUNDS A8 36, DUNSH 13E 35, DOSH 13F 34
HOUNDS A8 36 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 9th draw, HONES 11K 38 --- HONE to sharpen [v]
Other moves: HOE 11K 32, HON 11K 32, HOO 11K 32, HOONS 2K 31, HOUSEL A8 30
On 10th draw, FLORUIT A6 33 --- FLORUIT a period of flourishing [n] --- FLORUIT to flourish in deeds and works [v]
Other tops: FORGET 5C 33
Other moves: GIF I7 32, GOLFER 9D 32, LOFTIER 5B 32, FORGE 5C 31, FILTER 5C 30
On 11th draw, ERGOTISE C6 72 --- ERGOTISE to affect with ergot [v]
Other moves: REGION 14J 31, RESIGN 14J 31, SEREIN 14J 29, SIEGER 5C 27, ORGIES 5C 26
On 12th draw, CUBA(T)URE 15H 83 --- CUBATURE cubical content [n]
Other moves: AB(S) 14I 34, BAC(O)NER M7 32, CUBANE(S) M7 32, B*CkR*BUC(K)RA B1 30, (A)UCUBA B1 30
On 13th draw, CAGEY 5D 35 --- CAGEY shrewd [adj]
Other moves: LYCEA B2 32, CAGEY E4 30, GYAL I6 30, AERIER N10 28, CAGEY I3 28
On 14th draw, EXIT I6 45 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other tops: AXEL I6 45, AXIL I6 45
Other moves: ILEX D12 44, TAX I7 44, TEX I7 44, TIX I7 44, AIZLE B2 40
On 15th draw, ZAIRE B2 40 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: OZEKI K1 36, WIZIER L1 36, WAREZ L1 34, WAZIR L1 34, ZEA N6 34
On 16th draw, FIN J6 43 --- FIN to equip with fins (external paddle-like structures) [v]
Other tops: FIE J6 43, FIT J6 43
Other moves: FINITE D9 31, INFECT D1 31, VEIN J5 29, NEIF J3 28, NIEF J3 28
On 17th draw, LAWK 4E 32 --- LAWK expressing surprise [interj]
Other tops: TALK D12 32, TEAK D12 32
Other moves: KAE C1 29, KAT C1 29, KOA C1 29, KET G9 26, KAWA 4E 24
On 18th draw, JOG C1 39 --- JOG to run at a slow, steady pace [v]
Other tops: JAG C1 39, JATO C1 39, JOLT C1 39
Other moves: JET G9 38, JOE C1 35, JOL C1 35, JOT C1 35, JEAT N6 31
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