Game on June 13, 2022 at 10:23, 9 players
1. 280 pts Chelsea
2. 202 pts HollyIvy
3. 202 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


10F 32 60 


E5 90 150 


8A 33 183 


7C 21 204 


D1 61 265 


B8 78 343 


1A 51 394 


J1 74 468 


15A 33 501 


H12 66 567 


14H 84 651 


1H 39 690 


15M 26 716 


3B 36 752 


M1 28 780 


C11 44 824 


13M 30 854 


A6 23 877 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 0 7:34 -597 280 1.7355 Chelsea 0 7:34 -597 280
HollyIvy 2 4:58 -675 202 2.7722 HollyIvy 2 4:58 -675 202
queen66 2 6:08 -675 202 3.7482 queen66 2 6:08 -675 202
Mycophot 1 4:47 -684 193 4.7490 Mycophot 1 4:47 -684 193
5. -
OOOOOO1122 1 1:33 -811 66 Group: not rated
6. -
VVVV4444 1 0:38 -849 28 1. - OOOOOO1122 1 1:33 -811 66
7. -
NNNN4444 1 1:00 -849 28 2. - VVVV4444 1 0:38 -849 28
8. -
GGGG4444 1 1:32 -849 28 3. - NNNN4444 1 1:00 -849 28
9. -
RRRR4444 1 1:54 -849 28 4. - GGGG4444 1 1:32 -849 28
5. - RRRR4444 1 1:54 -849 28
On 1st draw, VENGER H4 28 --- VENGER an avenger [n]
Other moves: VENGE H4 26, VERGE H4 26, GREVE H4 22, VENGER H3 22, VENGER H7 22
VENGER H4 28 VVVV4444, NNNN4444, GGGG4444, RRRR4444
On 2nd draw, LUSHY 10F 32 --- LUSHY tipsy [adj]
Other moves: SHY 10H 28, HUSO 10F 26, HIS 10F 25, HOS 10F 25, SLY 10H 25
LUSHY 10F 32 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66
On 3rd draw, ARTIEST E5 90 --- ARTY showily or pretentiously artistic [adj]
Other tops: IRATEST E5 90
Other moves: ARIETTES 5E 82, RATITES 3G 80, TASTIER 3G 80, TERTIAS 3C 80, ARTIEST 3H 78
ARIETTES 5E 32 queen66, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 4th draw, GAWSIE 8A 33 --- GAWSIE well-fed and healthy looking [adj]
Other moves: GAWSIE 3G 28, SEWAGE 3E 28, SWAGE 3F 27, WAGES 3G 27, GREASE 9G 26
WAGES 3G 27 Mycophot, queen66
SWAGE 3F 27 HollyIvy
VIEWS 4H 22 Chelsea
On 5th draw, OUTRAGE 7C 21 --- OUTRAGE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: ARENOUS D2 20, AUREI 11I 20, OURIE 11I 20, VAURIEN 4H 20, WANIER C8 20
NARE 3G 18 Chelsea
On 6th draw, ZI(L)CH D1 61 --- ZILCH nothing [n]
Other moves: CHI(Z)Z D1 53, CHIZ D2 47, CH(E)Z D2 45, CH(I)Z D2 45, CHIZ(Z) D1 43
CH(E)Z D2 45 queen66, Mycophot, HollyIvy
COZ D3 39 Chelsea
On 7th draw, AMOEBEAN B8 78 --- AMOEBEAN alternately responding [adj]
Other moves: ZAMBO 1D 54, BONZA 1A 48, BONZE 1A 48, ZOEAE 1D 42, ZONAE 1D 42
ZOEAE 1D 42 Chelsea
On 8th draw, POTZER 1A 51 --- POTZER an inept chess player [n]
Other tops: BONZER 1A 51
Other moves: BONZE 1A 48, PREZ 1A 45, BORNE A11 43, ZONER 1D 42, TREZ 1A 39
ZONER 1D 42 Chelsea
On 9th draw, WIL(L)IED J1 74 --- WILLY to clean in a willowing-machine [v]
Other tops: WI(L)LIED J1 74
Other moves: D(O)WLE A11 43, INDWEL(L) 15A 42, INDWEL(T) 15A 42, INDWE(L)L 15A 42, W(A)ILED 2B 39
ENWI(N)D 15A 30 Chelsea
On 10th draw, INFLATE 15A 33 --- INFLATE to cause to expand by filling with gas or air [v]
Other tops: FLITE C10 33, FLOAT C10 33, FLOTA C10 33, FLOTE C10 33, FOLIA C11 33, FOLIE C11 33
Other moves: LEFT C11 32, LIFE C11 32, LIFT C11 32, LOFT C11 32, FAE A13 31
FOWL 1H 30 Chelsea
On 11th draw, VOAR H12 66 --- VOAR springtime [n]
Other moves: AVER H12 57, OVER H12 57, VAR H13 51, VOR H13 51, EAR H13 42
VOAR H12 66 HollyIvy, OOOOOO1122, queen66
OVER H12 57 Chelsea
On 12th draw, ANTICKED 14H 84 --- ANTIC to act in a clownish manner [v] --- ANTICK to act the clown [v]
Other moves: WICKED 1J 57, WICKEN 1J 54, WICKET 1J 54, TWINKED 1I 48, WINKED 1J 45
WICKED 1J 57 Mycophot
On 13th draw, BEWIG 1H 39 --- BEWIG to adorn with a wig [v]
Other moves: BRIGUED O8 36, BOWER 1H 33, BOWIE 1H 33, BEDU O12 30, BIDE O12 30
On 14th draw, ANA 15M 26 --- ANA a collection of miscellaneous information about a particular subject [n]
Other tops: ORA 15M 26
Other moves: ANORAKS M9 24, ANORAK M9 22, SARAN M1 22, SONAR M1 22, NARDS O11 21
On 15th draw, PO(L)YNIA 3B 36 --- POLYNIA open water surrounded by sea ice [n]
Other moves: ONIONY B1 34, APO 13M 33, AY 13M 30, OY 13M 30, OP 13M 27
On 16th draw, SORDID M1 28 --- SORDID squalid [adj]
Other tops: SIDDUR M1 28
Other moves: OD 13M 24, SUDD M1 24, SUDOR M1 24, DID C11 23, DOD C11 23
On 17th draw, NOX C11 44 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other moves: OX C12 40, MUX 11I 36, OX L4 33, OX K5 31, UNMIX K11 28
On 18th draw, OF 13M 30 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other moves: TOLL D12 28, MOL A11 27, MOT A11 27, OM 13M 27, MOULT 11I 26
On 19th draw, JUGUM A6 23 --- JUGUM a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf [n]
Other moves: GJU L1 22, MUT 11I 22, RUM 9H 19, JUT 6A 18, JO 13G 17
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