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Game on June 13, 2022 at 21:46, 9 players
1. 265 pts Pacific
2. 55 pts Hammer22
3. 55 pts Discus22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefnotu   H4    24    24   fouet
 2. ?denntu   5E    82   106   dubonnet
 3. aceirrt   8A    83   189   retraict
 4. abeeilm   J3    66   255   mineable
 5. aceloty   C2    86   341   catolyte
 6. ?iortvy   E7    76   417   vanitory
 7. dgijnow  D12    53   470   jong
 8. efilnss  10G    63   533   fineless
 9. aeegoru  F11    31   564   ogee
10. adilopr   L1    78   642   dioptral
11. aeorrtv   2B    38   680   octave
12. adenuux   1G    38   718   axed
13. behiior   M7    27   745   hobs
14. aiknnqs   4A    46   791   qats
15. aegiinr   A7    60   851   grainier
16. admnpru   1L    27   878   dump
17. adiknsu   N6    34   912   kadis
18. inrsuww   M3    35   947   wis

Remaining tiles: hnruwz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6735 FilePacific     2 10:49  -682  265     1.6735 Pacific     2 10:49  -682  265 
  2.6651 FileHammer22    0  2:16  -892   55     2.6651 Hammer22    0  2:16  -892   55 
  3.6802 FileDiscus22    0  3:08  -892   55     3.6802 Discus22    0  3:08  -892   55 
  4.6844 FileJavelin22   0  1:27  -897   50     4.6844 Javelin22   0  1:27  -897   50 
  5.  -  FileFFFF4444    1  0:48  -923   24     5.6362 ShotPut22   0  0:40  -924   23 
  6.  -  FileUUUU4444    1  1:11  -923   24            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileTTTT4444    1  1:32  -923   24     1.  -  FFFF4444    1  0:48  -923   24 
  8.  -  FileNNNN4444    1  1:54  -923   24     2.  -  UUUU4444    1  1:11  -923   24 
  9.6362 FileShotPut22   0  0:40  -924   23     3.  -  TTTT4444    1  1:32  -923   24 
                                             4.  -  NNNN4444    1  1:54  -923   24 

On 1st draw, FOUET H4 24 --- FOUET a leek [n]
Other tops: FOUAT H4 24, FOUNT H4 24, FUTON H4 24
Other moves: FOUAT H8 18, FOUET H8 18, FOUNT H8 18, FUTON H8 18, OFTEN H4 18
FUTON H4 24 FFFF4444, UUUU4444, TTTT4444, NNNN4444
FOUNT H4 24 Pacific

On 2nd draw, DU(B)ONNET 5E 82 --- DUBONNET a red color [n]
Other tops: UN(A)TONED 5D 82, UN(S)TONED 5D 82, UN(W)ONTED 5E 82
Other moves: DUNNE(S)T 9C 69, DUNNE(S)T G7 68, DUNN(I)TE G7 68, UNN(O)TED I5 67, UNT(O)NED I5 67
UN(A)TONED 5D 32 Hammer22, Discus22

On 3rd draw, RETRAICT 8A 83 --- RETRAICT a withdrawal [n]
Other moves: RETRAICT L3 72, ERRATIC G8 63, ERRATIC I8 63, RETRAICT 8F 63, FAIRER 4H 28
CRATE 4A 23 Javelin22, ShotPut22, Hammer22, Discus22

On 4th draw, MINEABLE J3 66 --- MINEABLE able to be mined [adj]
Other moves: BIMETAL L1 28, BEAM 6C 27, BLAM 6C 27, BLAME 4A 27, BAM 6D 26
BEAM 6C 27 Javelin22, Pacific

On 5th draw, CATOLYTE C2 86 --- CATOLYTE the electrolyte near the cathode [n]
Other moves: CATOLYTE L3 84, CATOLYTE C6 80, ACOLYTE B2 40, BAETYL 8J 36, ACOLYTE C3 34

On 6th draw, VA(N)ITORY E7 76 --- VANITORY a combined dressing table and basin [n]
Other moves: VIC(A)RY 2A 42, OC(H)RY 2B 34, VICTORY 2A 34, BRIO(N)Y 8J 33, BROT(H)Y 8J 33
(S)TY 10C 18 Pacific

On 7th draw, JONG D12 53 --- JONG friend (Afrikaans) [n]
Other moves: BOWING 8J 48, JIGOT L1 42, JINGO 12A 42, JOINT L1 40, JO D12 38
JO D12 38 Pacific

On 8th draw, FINELESS 10G 63 --- FINELESS endless [adj]
Other moves: FILES F10 54, FILE F10 43, FILS F10 43, NIEFS F10 42, SELFS F10 42

On 9th draw, OGEE F11 31 --- OGEE an S shaped moulding [n]
Other tops: AGEE F11 31
Other moves: BAREGE 8J 30, BARGEE 8J 30, BORAGE 8J 30, BROGUE 8J 30, BURGEE 8J 30

On 10th draw, DIOPTRAL L1 78 --- DIOPTER a measure of refractive power [adj] --- DIOPTRAL pertaining to diopter [adj]
Other moves: BRIDAL 8J 30, PICADOR 2A 28, BAILOR 8J 27, PAROTID L1 26, PREDIAL L8 26

On 11th draw, OCTAVE 2B 38 --- OCTAVE a type of musical interval [n]
Other moves: OVATED 1G 30, VORRED 1G 30, RAVED 1H 27, ROVED 1H 27, VOTED 1H 27

On 12th draw, AXED 1G 38 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: DEX 1G 36, DUX 1G 36, EX M6 36, EAUX 1G 35, LANX 8L 33
EX M6 36 Pacific

On 13th draw, HOBS M7 27 --- HOB to furnish with hobnails [v]
Other tops: H*B* B5 27
Other moves: BOHS M7 25, BETH 4A 24, BOTH 4A 24, HE M3 24, HI M3 24

On 14th draw, QATS 4A 46 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QIS N6 41, QI N6 37, QI 1A 35, SUQ F4 32, SAKI 15F 30
QI 1A 35 Pacific

On 15th draw, GRAINIER A7 60 --- GRAINY granular [adj]
Other moves: BELONG 8J 27, RAGINI N2 24, REGINA N2 24, GARIS N6 23, RAGES N6 22
BELONG 8J 27 Pacific

On 16th draw, DUMP 1L 27 --- DUMP to let fall heavily [v]
Other tops: DAMP 1L 27
Other moves: MAP N6 24, MAD N6 22, PAD N6 22, DAMN 1L 21, DAP N6 21
DUMP 1L 27 Pacific

On 17th draw, KADIS N6 34 --- KADI a Muslim Judge [n]
Other moves: SKID 15F 33, ADUKIS N3 30, SAKI 15F 30, SANK 15F 30, SIKA 15F 30
SKID 15F 33 Pacific

On 18th draw, WIS M3 35 --- WIS to know -- WIS and WIST are the only accepted forms of this verb; it cannot be conjugated further [v] --- WIST to know [v]
Other moves: NIS M3 23, INS 10A 19, NISI 2K 18, SIRI 2K 18, SRI 10C 17

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