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Game on June 14, 2022 at 12:54, 10 players
1. 556 pts Papa_Sloth
2. 470 pts Chelsea
3. 273 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adfgios   H4    26    26   fados
 2. celorst   5E    90   116   locaters
 3. eeikotw   4J    33   149   week
 4. adeenpy   N2    46   195   needy
 5. ?eellov   O6    84   279   alveole
 6. dinopst   E2    61   340   diplonts
 7. aahimns   I7    73   413   shamina
 8. adfimor  N10    42   455   marid
 9. ?eeinux  12C    80   535   xenurine
10. abeinop  11C    40   575   epinaoi
11. acegluy   2B    36   611   gaudy
12. abeeort   1F    85   696   abortee
13. afgijot   1A    54   750   gajo
14. bfgiort   3A    44   794   fob
15. aghinrw   8A    48   842   wight
16. aiintuv  C10    28   870   vext
17. aciittz   G7    51   921   zit
18. aiqrrtu  M13    49   970   qat
19. cilnruu  15H    27   997   incult

Remaining tiles: irrru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5744 FilePapa_Sloth  1 26:11  -441  556     1.7332 Chelsea     2 10:10  -527  470 
  2.7332 FileChelsea     2 10:10  -527  470     2.7700 moonmonkey  3  5:21  -724  273 
  3.7700 Filemoonmonkey  3  5:21  -724  273     3.7786 HollyIvy    1  5:24  -763  234 
  4.7786 FileHollyIvy    1  5:24  -763  234     4.7706 sicilianc5  1  5:26  -763  234 
  5.7706 Filesicilianc5  1  5:26  -763  234     5.7558 Mycophot    1  5:29  -763  234 
  6.7558 FileMycophot    1  5:29  -763  234            Group: novice
  7.  -  FileFFFF4444    1  0:44  -971   26     1.5744 Papa_Sloth  1 26:11  -441  556 
  8.  -  FileGGGG4444    1  1:09  -971   26            Group: not rated
  9.  -  FileSSSS4444    1  1:28  -971   26     1.  -  FFFF4444    1  0:44  -971   26 
 10.  -  FileIIII4444    1  1:50  -971   26     2.  -  GGGG4444    1  1:09  -971   26 
                                             3.  -  SSSS4444    1  1:28  -971   26 
                                             4.  -  IIII4444    1  1:50  -971   26 

On 1st draw, FADOS H4 26 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other tops: FIDOS H4 26, FIGOS H4 26, FOIDS H4 26
Other moves: GOAFS H4 22, FADOS H8 20, FIDOS H8 20, FIGOS H8 20, FOIDS H8 20
FIGOS H4 26 FFFF4444, GGGG4444, SSSS4444, IIII4444
FIGS H6 16 Papa_Sloth

On 2nd draw, LOCATERS 5E 90 --- LOCATER one that locates [n]
Other moves: CORSLETS 8A 83, COSTRELS 8A 83, SECTORAL 5B 70, LECTORS G7 69, CROSSLET 8D 63
LOCATERS 5E 40 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
COTES G3 24 Papa_Sloth

On 3rd draw, WEEK 4J 33 --- WEEK a period of seven days [n]
Other tops: KOW 6D 33
Other moves: KOW G7 32, WEEKS L1 32, COKE G5 31, WOKE G7 31, WOKE I7 31
KOW 6D 33 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
KITE G7 27 Papa_Sloth

On 4th draw, NEEDY N2 46 --- NEEDY in a state of poverty [adj]
Other moves: DENAY 6B 36, DAY 6H 34, DECAY G3 34, DEY 6H 34, PAYED N1 34
DAY 6H 34 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
YE 6J 33 Papa_Sloth

On 5th draw, (A)LVEOLE O6 84 --- ALVEOLE a small body cavity [n]
Other moves: LOVELE(S)S 8A 83, LOVEL(I)ES 8A 83, (A)LVEOLES 8A 83, (N)OVELLE G7 67, (N)OVELLE I7 67
VOL(S) O1 34 sicilianc5
VOE(S) O1 34 HollyIvy
VEE(S) O1 34 Mycophot
EVE O6 23 Papa_Sloth

On 6th draw, DIPLONTS E2 61 --- DIPLONT an organism having a particular chromosomal structure [n]
Other moves: PODS O1 43, PONS O1 39, POTS O1 39, NODS O1 37, TODS O1 37
PODS O1 43 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
OP N9 22 Papa_Sloth

On 7th draw, SHAMINA I7 73 --- SHAMINA a wool blend of shahtoosh and pashm [n]
Other moves: HAMS O1 50, HANSA N10 49, AAHS O1 45, MANIAS N10 42, SAMADHI 2A 42
HAMS O1 50 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, Mycophot, Chelsea
SOH 6D 27 Papa_Sloth

On 8th draw, MARID N10 42 --- MARID a powerful jinn [n]
Other moves: DRAFT 8A 39, DRIFT 8A 39, FADO D1 38, FIDO D1 38, AFRO H12 32
FORK M1 28 Chelsea
FAD H13 26 Papa_Sloth

On 9th draw, XENU(R)INE 12C 80 --- XENURINE pertaining to a Xenurus [adj]
Other moves: XENU(R)INE 2H 66, EXINE(S) H10 57, UN(B)OX 6B 54, NOX 6D 51, OX(O) F5 51
EXINE(S) H10 57 Chelsea
NOX 6D 51 Papa_Sloth

On 10th draw, EPINAOI 11C 40 --- EPINAOS a rear vestibule [n]
Other moves: BONXIE C9 36, OPINE 13A 36, PEBA M11 35, BINE 13B 34, OPINE 11C 34
PINE 13B 34 Chelsea
PIN 13B 30 Papa_Sloth

On 11th draw, GAUDY 2B 36 --- GAUDY a festival [n] --- GAUDY tastelessly showy [adj]
Other tops: GLADY 2B 36
Other moves: LEADY 2B 34, YA 6J 33, YE 6J 33, CAGILY 3B 32, AY J9 30
AY J9 30 Chelsea
YA 10C 23 Papa_Sloth

On 12th draw, ABORTEE 1F 85 --- ABORTEE a woman who has had an abortion [n]
Other moves: REBATE M9 38, REBATO M9 38, BOA 13B 35, BOR 13B 35, BOT 13B 35
REBATE M9 38 Chelsea
BOT 13B 35 moonmonkey
BRA 10B 26 Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, GAJO 1A 54 --- GAJO a non-gypsy [n]
Other moves: JOG 13B 48, JOT 13B 45, JATO 1A 44, JIGOT 8A 42, TAJ 1A 42
JOG 13B 48 moonmonkey, Chelsea
TAJ 1A 42 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, FOB 3A 44 --- FOB to deceive [v]
Other moves: FROG 13A 42, BIOG 13A 40, BROG 13A 40, FOG 13B 40, FOG 3A 40
FOB 3A 44 moonmonkey, Chelsea
BOR 3A 34 Papa_Sloth

On 15th draw, WIGHT 8A 48 --- WIGHT a living being [n] --- WIGHT to blame [v]
Other moves: NIGHT 8A 39, RIGHT 8A 39, WRAITH 8A 39, WHA 10B 35, HEXING C10 34
WHA 10B 35 Chelsea
HEXING C10 34 moonmonkey
HAN O1 22 Papa_Sloth

On 16th draw, VEXT C10 28 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other moves: UVA 10B 26, VITA 10A 24, EXIT C11 22, NEXT C10 22, VAN O1 22
VEXT C10 28 moonmonkey
VAN O1 22 Chelsea
TAV 10A 21 Papa_Sloth

On 17th draw, ZIT G7 51 --- ZIT a pimple [n]
Other moves: CAZ G5 49, ZA G7 49, CAZ G7 41, ZA O1 35, ZA 3I 27
ZA G7 49 Papa_Sloth
ZA O1 35 Chelsea, moonmonkey

On 18th draw, QAT M13 49 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI M13 47, QAT O1 40, QUA O1 40, QUIT B6 33, QUAI 13K 26
QAT M13 49 moonmonkey, Chelsea, Papa_Sloth

On 19th draw, INCULT 15H 27 --- INCULT uncultivated [adj]
Other moves: CLAN 13G 21, INK M2 20, IRK M2 20, CUR O1 19, ULICON 6A 16
COR 6D 11 Papa_Sloth

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