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Game on June 14, 2022 at 14:27, 6 players
1. 181 pts HollyIvy
2. 181 pts queen66
3. 181 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afgilor   H4    26    26   foliar
 2. ?aennru   5D    78   104   neuronal
 3. abeeprs   7C    67   171   bepraise
 4. ?addeix   G9    77   248   admixed
 5. aaegiln   E7    72   320   pelagian
 6. aeeikly   8A    49   369   kayle
 7. beeiost   I9    65   434   toebies
 8. ainootw  J10    36   470   wait
 9. aghistv  15A    51   521   gaths
10. cefgior  15G    33   554   discoer
11. enrtuyz  D10    55   609   yutz
12. eeimnuv   6J    35   644   vimen
13. deimopr   8J    49   693   romped
14. hinooru   4A    30   723   honor
15. cegoqtu   B2    32   755   quote
16. dijnosu   C1    37   792   jinn
17. efioost  B10    34   826   fiesta
18. cdglouw  14K    27   853   would

Remaining tiles: cgov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7790 FileHollyIvy    0  3:44  -672  181     1.7790 HollyIvy    0  3:44  -672  181 
  2.7493 Filequeen66     0  3:56  -672  181     2.7493 queen66     0  3:56  -672  181 
  3.7675 Filesicilianc5  0  4:18  -672  181     3.7675 sicilianc5  0  4:18  -672  181 
  4.  -  FileFFFF4444    1  0:59  -827   26            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileLLLL4444    1  1:21  -827   26     1.  -  FFFF4444    1  0:59  -827   26 
  6.  -  FileRRRR4444    1  1:42  -827   26     2.  -  LLLL4444    1  1:21  -827   26 
                                             3.  -  RRRR4444    1  1:42  -827   26 

On 1st draw, FOLIAR H4 26 --- FOLIAR pertaining to a leaf [adj]
Other moves: FILAR H4 24, FLAIR H4 24, FLORA H4 24, FOLIA H4 24, FRAIL H4 24
FOLIAR H4 26 FFFF4444, LLLL4444, RRRR4444

On 2nd draw, NEURONA(L) 5D 78 --- NEURON the basic cellular unit of the nervous system [adj] --- NEURONAL pertaining to a neuron [adj]
Other moves: ANEUR(I)N G7 67, NEURA(X)ON 5B 64, UNORNA(T)E 5F 64, UNREA(S)ON 5B 64, ANEUR(I)N G9 61

On 3rd draw, BEPRAISE 7C 67 --- BEPRAISE to lavish praise upon [v]
Other moves: PELAS 6F 33, PELES 6F 33, BARP 6C 28, BARPS 6J 28, BEEP 6C 28
BARPS 6J 28 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66

On 4th draw, AD(M)IXED G9 77 --- ADMIX to mix [v]
Other moves: A(P)EX 8A 75, I(B)EX 8A 75, I(L)EX 8A 75, (F)AIX 8A 75, (T)AXIED 8J 64
A(P)EX 8A 75 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 5th draw, PELAGIAN E7 72 --- PELAGIAN an oceanic animal [n]
Other moves: ALIENAGE 14D 65, ANILE H11 42, ALIGNED 15A 33, AGILA 8A 32, AGILE 8A 32
DEALING 15G 30 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, queen66

On 6th draw, KAYLE 8A 49 --- KAYLE a ninepin [n]
Other moves: KILEY 6J 48, LAKY D10 44, KILEY 4A 43, KAYLE 6J 42, KYLIE 4A 40
KILEY 6J 48 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 7th draw, TOEBIES I9 65 --- TOEBIE (Afrikaans) a sandwich [n]
Other moves: BESIDE 15C 42, SITE H12 38, BEETS 15A 36, BETES 15A 36, BITES 15A 36

On 8th draw, WAIT J10 36 --- WAIT to stay in expectation of [v]
Other tops: WAIN J10 36
Other moves: LAWIN 6H 34, LOWAN 6H 34, DISOWN 15G 33, WAI J10 33, WITAN 6J 33

On 9th draw, GATHS 15A 51 --- GATH part of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other moves: THIGS 15A 45, GHATS 15A 42, VIGAS 15A 42, SHIV D12 39, VITAS 15A 39

On 10th draw, DISCOER 15G 33 --- DISCOER one who frequents discos [n]
Other moves: FOGIE 4A 32, GRIEF 4A 31, FICE 4A 30, FICO 4A 30, FIFER 4H 30

On 11th draw, YUTZ D10 55 --- YUTZ a stupid, foolish, or ineffectual person [n]
Other moves: YUTZ 14L 39, RAZEE J4 34, TEAZE J3 34, NAZE J4 33, RAZE J4 33

On 12th draw, VIMEN 6J 35 --- VIMEN a long, flexible branch of a plant [n]
Other moves: VIMEN 4A 34, LUV 6H 31, VIM 6J 31, MINEVER M9 30, VENUE 4A 30

On 13th draw, ROMPED 8J 49 --- ROMP to play boisterously [v]
Other moves: MOPED 4A 33, MIRZA 13A 32, PREMIA B10 32, PROEM 4A 32, DEMIREP M1 30

On 14th draw, HONOR 4A 30 --- HONOR to treat with respect [v]
Other moves: HORI 4A 26, RIZA 13B 26, HOURI 14K 25, HOON 9K 24, RHINO 4B 24

On 15th draw, QUOTE B2 32 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: OUCHT A1 30, QUOTER M10 30, QUOTA B11 28, QUOTE L11 28, QUOTE M2 28

On 16th draw, JINN C1 37 --- JINN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: DJINS N11 37, JUDOS N11 37
Other moves: JOINS N11 35, JUDS N12 35, JINS N12 33, MUSJID L8 32, PUNJIS M8 32

On 17th draw, FIESTA B10 34 --- FIESTA a festival [n]
Other moves: FOOTS N11 27, EFTS N12 25, FEIS N12 25, FETS N12 25, FITS N12 25

On 18th draw, WOULD 14K 27 --- WILL to decide upon [v] --- WOULD the desired or intended [n]
Other moves: LUD K10 26, LUG K10 26, WOLD 14L 23, DOUC 14K 21, DOWL 14L 21

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