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Game on June 14, 2022 at 15:11, 10 players
1. 504 pts Pacific
2. 325 pts Chelsea
3. 251 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeefjv   H4    44    44   jefes
 2. ?aeiprr   5E    86   130   rareripe
 3. adeimno   8A    89   219   daimones
 4. adgiklt   C3    36   255   glaikit
 5. ahmnott   I3    36   291   torah
 6. cdehopr   L4    38   329   perched
 7. cenoosu   8J    33   362   cohoes
 8. abfinst   J2    33   395   tibia
 9. deglnov   4A    30   425   vellon
10. eiilrtu   O3    59   484   utiliser
11. afgmnru   G7    30   514   femur
12. eilotty  11A    72   586   toiletry
13. abeorss  H10    44   630   syboes
14. eginorv  13C    84   714   ingroove
15. aadnsuy  14J    35   749   dayans
16. adegnwz  13M    50   799   zea
17. adginuw  A11    39   838   twang
18. dinquwx   9K    43   881   wex

Remaining tiles: dinquu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6745 FilePacific     2 18:02  -377  504     1.7359 Chelsea     4 11:03  -556  325 
  2.7359 FileChelsea     4 11:03  -556  325     2.7486 queen66     1  8:47  -630  251 
  3.7486 Filequeen66     1  8:47  -630  251     3.7700 sicilianc5  1  8:55  -630  251 
  4.7700 Filesicilianc5  1  8:55  -630  251     4.7790 HollyIvy    1  9:05  -630  251 
  5.7790 FileHollyIvy    1  9:05  -630  251     5.7714 moonmonkey  0  2:17  -829   52 
  6.6651 FileHammer22    2  3:58  -697  184            Group: intermediate
  7.7714 Filemoonmonkey  0  2:17  -829   52     1.6745 Pacific     2 18:02  -377  504 
  8.  -  FileJJJJ4444    1  0:52  -837   44     2.6651 Hammer22    2  3:58  -697  184 
  9.  -  FileFFFF4444    1  1:21  -837   44            Group: not rated
 10.  -  FileBLANK4444   1  1:44  -837   44     1.  -  JJJJ4444    1  0:52  -837   44 
                                             2.  -  FFFF4444    1  1:21  -837   44 
                                             3.  -  BLANK4444   1  1:44  -837   44 

On 1st draw, JEFE(S) H4 44 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other moves: FEVE(R) H4 28, JEFE H5 28, JEFE H6 28, JEFE H7 28, JEFE H8 28
JEFE(S) H4 44 JJJJ4444, FFFF4444, BLANK4444
J(I)VE H7 26 Pacific

On 2nd draw, RA(R)ERIPE 5E 86 --- RARERIPE a fruit that ripens early [n]
Other tops: PA(P)ERIER 5E 86, PEREIRA(S) 5E 86, RAPIERE(D) 5D 86, RARE(R)IPE 5E 86, (P)APERIER 5E 86, (R)ARERIPE 5E 86
Other moves: RA(M)PIRE(S) 8A 83, (D)RAPIER(S) 8A 83, A(S)PIRER(S) 8A 77, PAREIR(A)(S) 8A 77, PARRIE(R)(S) 8A 77
PARER I3 30 Pacific, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66

On 3rd draw, DAIMONE(S) 8A 89 --- DAIMON an attendant spirit [n]
Other moves: AMIDONE(S) 8A 86, DOMAINE(S) 8A 83, NOMADIE(S) 8A 83, RADIOMEN I5 75, DOMAINE G7 72
DOMAIN 4J 35 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
MAID 4L 26 Pacific

On 4th draw, GLAIKIT C3 36 --- GLAIKIT foolish [adj]
Other moves: KADI 7C 34, ILKA 7A 33, KALI 7C 32, KATI 7C 32, KIDGE L1 32
KADI 7C 34 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, queen66
KILTED L1 32 Pacific

On 5th draw, TORAH I3 36 --- TORAH the body of Jewish law [n]
Other moves: HOMA 4J 35, MATH 4L 34, MOTH 4L 34, HOM 4J 33, MONTH 4J 32
HOMA 4J 35 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
AH B5 28 Pacific

On 6th draw, PERCHED L4 38 --- PERCH to sit or rest on an elevated place [v]
Other tops: PECH 4L 38
Other moves: RIP J4 35, PECHED L1 34, EDH B4 33, MORPHED D8 32, PERCH L4 32
HOPE 4L 30 sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy
EH B5 28 Pacific

On 7th draw, COHOES 8J 33 --- COHOE a type of salmon [n]
Other tops: COHUNE 8J 33, OCHONE 8J 33
Other moves: CHONS 8K 30, CHOSE 8K 30, CHUSE 8K 30, CONES M1 28, COOSEN K8 28
CHOSE 8K 30 Pacific
CHONS 8K 30 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5

On 8th draw, TIBIA J2 33 --- TIBIA a bone of the leg [n]
Other tops: NABIS J2 33, SABIN J2 33, TABIS J2 33
Other moves: IBIS J3 30, ISATIN J1 30, NATIS J2 29, SATIN J2 29, NABIS M1 28
TIBIA J2 33 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
EFT 9L 21 Pacific

On 9th draw, VELLON 4A 30 --- VELLON old Spanish copper money [n]
Other tops: VINED 6B 30
Other moves: GIVED 6B 27, GOLDEN 4A 24, LIVED 6B 24, MOVED D8 24, VELD 4A 24
VINED 6B 30 Pacific, Chelsea
GOLDEN 4A 24 sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy

On 10th draw, UTILISER O3 59 --- UTILISER one who utilises [n]
Other moves: LURVE A1 24, ERUV A1 21, MILTIER D8 20, MILIEU D8 18, MILTER D8 18
MILTER D8 18 Chelsea
ET 6E 12 moonmonkey

On 11th draw, FEMUR G7 30 --- FEMUR a bone in the leg [n]
Other tops: MURVA A1 30
Other moves: FANUM N1 28, FEM G7 28, FERM G7 27, FEG G7 26, FEUAR G7 26
AM 6E 24 Chelsea
FEM 9K 23 Pacific

On 12th draw, TOILETRY 11A 72 --- TOILETRY an article used in dressing and grooming oneself [n]
Other moves: NOY F8 31, YELT F10 30, YETI F10 30, YETT F10 30, YET F10 29
NOY F8 31 Chelsea
YETT F10 30 Pacific

On 13th draw, SYBOES H10 44 --- SYBO a variety of onion [n]
Other moves: YBORE H11 39, AROSE 12D 37, SABERS 12G 35, SABRES 12G 35, SOARES 12B 35
BRAVES A1 33 Chelsea, Pacific, Hammer22

On 14th draw, INGROOVE 13C 84 --- INGROOVE to fit into a groove [v]
Other moves: VIROGENE 14A 78, COVERING J8 74, VIROGENE 14C 66, INGROOVE 13D 64, VOGIER B10 36
OVERING 13H 30 Hammer22
GROVE A1 27 Chelsea, Pacific

On 15th draw, DAYANS 14J 35 --- DAYAN (Hebrew) a senior rabbi, pl DAYANS or DAYANIM [n]
Other moves: DAYAN 14J 33, AY 6E 30, AYUS K10 30, UNDY K11 30, YADS K11 30
AY 6E 30 Pacific, Chelsea, Hammer22

On 16th draw, ZEA 13M 50 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: WANZED 12J 49, WEZAND 12J 49, ZA 13M 46, ZIGAN 6B 45, WANZE 12J 41
ZEA 13M 50 Hammer22, Chelsea
ZO B10 31 Pacific

On 17th draw, TWANG A11 39 --- TWANG to make a sharp, vibrating sound [v]
Other moves: TWAIN A11 36, WAG 15K 32, WIG 12C 31, AW 6E 30, AW 10A 28
TWANG A11 39 Hammer22, Pacific, Chelsea

On 18th draw, WEX 9K 43 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: DUX 15K 40, LINUX D11 40, OXID M8 40, DEX 9K 39, EX 9L 34
WEX 9K 43 Chelsea
DUX 15K 40 Pacific
OXID M8 40 moonmonkey
AN K14 2 Hammer22

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