Game on June 16, 2022 at 11:24, 8 players
1. 450 pts Papa_Sloth
2. 247 pts HollyIvy
3. 247 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


I6 28 50 


J2 35 85 


10B 79 164 


J9 41 205 


14D 81 286 


15A 35 321 


H12 39 360 


13C 26 386 


K10 23 409 


E5 24 433 


8A 21 454 


F2 56 510 


A2 61 571 


D1 36 607 


3I 36 643 


L1 28 671 


C3 36 707 


L12 30 737 


15K 36 773 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Papa_Sloth 0 24:34 -323 450 1.7769 HollyIvy 4 6:53 -526 247
HollyIvy 4 6:53 -526 247 2.7588 sicilianc5 4 7:04 -526 247
sicilianc5 4 7:04 -526 247 3.7504 Mycophot 4 7:14 -526 247
Mycophot 4 7:14 -526 247 Group: novice
5. -
PPPPPP1116 1 0:46 -751 22 1.5772 Papa_Sloth 0 24:34 -323 450
6. -
PPPP4444 1 1:15 -751 22 Group: not rated
7. -
NNNN4444 1 1:38 -751 22 1. - PPPPPP1116 1 0:46 -751 22
8. -
SSSS4444 1 1:58 -751 22 2. - PPPP4444 1 1:15 -751 22
3. - NNNN4444 1 1:38 -751 22
4. - SSSS4444 1 1:58 -751 22
On 1st draw, PAESAN H4 22 --- PAESAN a fellow countryman [n]
Other tops: APNEAS H3 22, PAEANS H4 22, PEASEN H4 22
Other moves: PAEAN H4 20, PANES H4 20, PEANS H4 20, PEASE H4 20, PEENS H4 20
PEASEN H4 22 PPPPPP1116, PPPP4444, NNNN4444, SSSS4444
PANES H4 20 Papa_Sloth
On 2nd draw, TOEY I6 28 --- TOEY nervous [adj]
Other moves: ULYIE G4 25, OILY 10G 24, OUTYELP 4B 24, TOEY 10G 24, EYOT I8 22
TOEY I6 28 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
YELT I9 20 Papa_Sloth
On 3rd draw, DEASH J2 35 --- DEASH to remove ash from [v]
Other moves: EADISH J1 34, DAHS J4 33, EDHS J4 33, AAHS J4 32, AHS J5 31
DAHS J4 33 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
HADES G8 23 Papa_Sloth
On 4th draw, FIDGET(S) 10B 79 --- FIDGET to move nervously or restlessly [v]
Other moves: FIDGET(E)D 2H 76, FIDG(E)TED 2H 76, FIDGET(E)D 2C 67, FIDG(E)TED 2C 67, D(A)FTIE K1 38
F(R)IED K3 33 sicilianc5, Mycophot
F(L)IED K3 33 HollyIvy
IF G7 16 Papa_Sloth
On 5th draw, SQUEG J9 41 --- SQUEG to oscillate in an irregular manner [v]
Other moves: QUETHES 6F 39, QUETHE 6F 38, QUAGGAS E6 36, QUAGGAS E7 36, QUAGGA E6 34
SQUEG J9 41 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
AQUA 5E 26 Papa_Sloth
On 6th draw, PITIERS 14D 81 --- PITIER one that pities [n]
Other moves: TIPSIER 14G 79, TIDERIPS D8 76, RIPTIDES D5 74, SPIRITED D3 74, TIDERIPS 2H 72
SPIRIT 14J 38 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, Mycophot
SPITE 14J 36 Papa_Sloth
On 7th draw, LEMED 15A 35 --- LEME to shine [v]
Other tops: CLIED 15A 35, LIMED 15A 35
Other moves: CLEM H12 33, MICE 15A 32, EMPLACED 4F 30, MEED H12 30, CEDE 15A 29
CLIED 15A 35 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
ME 15H 26 Papa_Sloth
On 8th draw, KEEN H12 39 --- KEEN enthusiastic [adj] --- KEEN to wail loudly over the dead [v]
Other tops: KNEE H12 39, MEEK H12 39
Other moves: MAKE 13E 36, MAKO 13E 36, MAKE 13C 35, MOKE 13C 35, MOKE 9A 34
MEEK H12 39 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, Mycophot
KA 9C 25 Papa_Sloth
On 9th draw, CAGE 13C 26 --- CAGE to confine [v]
Other moves: ACEDIA D7 24, CADGE D8 24, CADIE D8 22, CAG 13C 22, CAGE 13E 22
QI 10J 11 Papa_Sloth
On 10th draw, ITA K10 23 --- ITA the miriti palm [n]
Other moves: RIANT K1 21, TAIN 11C 21, ANTI K2 19, ARTI K2 19, IN K10 19
IN K10 19 Papa_Sloth
On 11th draw, BOWING E5 24 --- BOWING the technique of managing the bow of a stringed instrument [n]
Other tops: BOUN 9C 24, BOW I1 24
Other moves: OBI 9B 23, OBI I2 23, OBO 9B 23, OBO I2 23, WO I3 23
OBI 9B 23 Papa_Sloth
On 12th draw, LOURIE 8A 21 --- LOURIE an African bird [n]
Other tops: LIER K4 21, LIEU K4 21, RIEL K4 21
Other moves: LIE K4 19, LIRE F4 19, LORE F4 19, ROE K4 19, ROUE F4 19
LORE F4 19 Papa_Sloth
On 13th draw, ZIRAM F2 56 --- ZIRAM a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: ZI(R)AM F2 55, Z(I)RAM F2 55, ZAM(B)O D1 54, ZIR(A)M F2 54, Z(A)MIA D1 54
ZA(G) D4 27 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, OUT(S)COLD A2 61 --- OUTSCOLD to surpass in scolding [v]
Other moves: DO(S)T 11C 40, DO(S) 11C 36, OO(S) 11C 33, DO(O)COT D1 30, D(O)OCOT D1 30
DOT(E) G1 23 Papa_Sloth
On 15th draw, FOETOR D1 36 --- FOETOR a stench [n]
Other moves: FROE K3 32, OOF G1 30, REFOOT D1 30, FRET B2 29, OF G2 29
BOT G1 20 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, HEAVY 3I 36 --- HEAVY a villain [n] --- HEAVY having much weight [adj]
Other moves: NAVY L12 34, VEINY 3I 30, AHI I2 27, AAH K3 26, NAH K3 26
HAN G1 21 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, VIVA L1 28 --- VIVA a shout or cry used to express approval [n] --- VIVA to examine orally [v]
Other tops: VIVO L1 28
Other moves: ANVIL L11 27, NAOI G1 24, ANI G2 23, NOVA L12 22, VINA B1 22
VAN G1 21 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, WAB C3 36 --- WAB a web [n]
Other moves: VROW 1L 30, BANI G1 26, BONA G1 26, OWN C1 26, BRIO B2 25
VROW 1L 30 Papa_Sloth
On 19th draw, ROJI L12 30 --- ROJI a Japanese garden design [n]
Other moves: DJIN 2J 26, JAPE D12 26, JO B1 22, VINO 1L 21, VIOL 1L 21
JAPE D12 26 Papa_Sloth
On 20th draw, LINUX 15K 36 --- LINUX a nonproprietary computer operating system for personal computers [n]
Other tops: JINX 14L 36
Other moves: JILL 14L 22, XI B1 22, XU B1 22, VILL 1L 21, VIRL 1L 21
OX 13L 18 Papa_Sloth
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