Game on June 22, 2022 at 16:50, 6 players
1. 103 pts HollyIvy
2. 103 pts Mycophot
3. 103 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


4H 22 46 


5J 37 83 


I7 69 152 


11E 40 192 


O4 45 237 


M2 38 275 


12K 32 307 


N10 34 341 


15H 158 499 


E5 76 575 


13K 43 618 


D1 33 651 


1B 36 687 


2A 27 714 


2J 60 774 


14F 30 804 


G5 24 828 


8A 21 849 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
HollyIvy 0 2:07 -746 103 1.7815 HollyIvy 0 2:07 -746 103
Mycophot 0 2:33 -746 103 2.7595 Mycophot 0 2:33 -746 103
queen66 0 2:40 -746 103 3.7746 queen66 0 2:40 -746 103
4. -
PPPPPP1116 1 0:51 -825 24 Group: not rated
5. -
PPPP8888 1 1:26 -825 24 1. - PPPPPP1116 1 0:51 -825 24
6. -
DDDD8888 1 1:50 -825 24 2. - PPPP8888 1 1:26 -825 24
3. - DDDD8888 1 1:50 -825 24
On 1st draw, PINNED H4 24 --- PIN to fasten with a pin (a slender, pointed piece of metal) [v]
Other moves: PIEND H4 22, PILED H4 22, PINED H4 22, PINNED H7 22, PLIED H4 22
PINNED H4 24 PPPPPP1116, PPPP8888, DDDD8888
On 2nd draw, PRAWLE 4H 22 --- PRAWLE a brawl [n]
Other tops: AWEEL G7 22, PLOWER 4H 22, PRELAW 4H 22
Other moves: AWEE G7 21, AWOL G7 21, EWER G7 21, OWER G7 21, AWE G7 20
On 3rd draw, HEARSE 5J 37 --- HEARSE to transport in a hearse (a vehicle for conveying corpses) [v]
Other tops: HEARES 5J 37
Other moves: HEARE 5J 35, HEARS 5J 35, HAERES 3J 34, HEAR 5J 33, HAARS 3J 32
On 4th draw, OLIGI(S)T I7 69 --- OLIGIST crystallized haematite [n]
Other moves: TOILING(S) 6C 65, TOILI(N)G G8 64, TOILI(N)G I8 64, OLIGI(S)T G9 63, OLIGI(S)T I9 63
On 5th draw, GRECIAN 11E 40 --- GRECIAN a step [n]
Other tops: GAUCIER 11E 40
Other moves: URGENCE O2 36, CERGE O4 33, GRACE O1 33, GRECE O1 33, ANCE 6J 30
On 6th draw, FESCUE O4 45 --- FESCUE a perennial grass [n]
Other moves: FECES O4 42, CUIFS H11 37, CUSEC H11 34, FUGIES O1 33, CUISSE N1 32
On 7th draw, OVERBAKE M2 38 --- OVERBAKE to bake too long [v]
Other moves: ABBE 6J 34, BERAKE M3 34, ABB 6J 30, BREAK F10 27, KERVE M3 26
On 8th draw, AZURN 12K 32 --- AZURN of the colour of azure [adj]
Other moves: AZON 2K 26, AZURN I1 26, NAZI 5E 26, ZATI 5E 26, ZONA 2L 26
On 9th draw, VERSTE N10 34 --- VERSTE a Russian measure of distance [n]
Other tops: VERSET N10 34, VETOES 2J 34
Other moves: GEATS 10I 33, VARES N10 32, VERSE N10 32, VERST N10 32, VERTS N10 32
On 10th draw, I(N)HOLDER 15H 158 --- INHOLDER one that owns a tract of land within a national park [n]
Other moves: (C)HLORIDE 15G 86, H(E)LIODOR 2G 76, (G)IRLHOOD 2G 76, (G)IRLHOOD 2H 76, HORRIDL(Y) F8 65
On 11th draw, YARDINGS E5 76 --- YARDINGS
Other moves: ARSY 13L 34, SANS 13K 26, SARS 13K 26, AY 6J 24, DRAYING E5 24
On 12th draw, YAMS 13K 43 --- YAM a plant having an edible root [n]
Other moves: GAMEY F2 41, BAMS 13K 40, EMBAY F2 40, MAGUEY F1 40, GYBED 8A 39
EMBAY F2 40 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66
On 13th draw, FLAUNE D1 33 --- FLAUNE a custard [n]
Other moves: FELON 2J 32, FAULD 8A 30, FLAUNE F2 30, FLUED 8A 30, FOUND 8A 30
On 14th draw, MOFETTE 1B 36 --- MOFETTE a noxious emanation from a fissure in the earth [n]
Other moves: EMOTE C3 33, FOMITE 1D 33, TELOME 2B 28, METED 8A 27, MOTED 8A 27
METED 8A 27 queen66, Mycophot
MOTED 8A 27 HollyIvy
On 15th draw, GUILD 2A 27 --- GUILD an association of people of the same trade [n]
Other moves: DOILT 2A 24, GUILT 2A 24, IODID 8A 24, MIDGUT B1 24, OULD 2B 23
On 16th draw, JABOT 2J 60 --- JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n]
Other moves: JATOS 12A 40, JOTAS 12A 40, AX N1 36, OX N1 36, AX 6J 32
OX N1 36 Mycophot, queen66
AX N1 36 HollyIvy
On 17th draw, WOX 14F 30 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: PIX 14F 27, POX 14F 27, OX 3A 24, OX D8 23, OX D12 22
On 18th draw, QI G5 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI D9 24, QIS 12C 24
Other moves: OOTID 8A 21, POOT G5 20, POOTS 12A 20, OP 13F 19, IT 6J 18
On 19th draw, OOTID 8A 21 --- OOTID one of the four sections into which a mature ovum divides [n]
Other moves: POOTS 12A 20, OP 13F 19, IT 6J 18, OOP C4 18, PIA J9 18
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