Game on June 26, 2022 at 18:08, 7 players
1. 324 pts queen66
2. 319 pts sicilianc5
3. 297 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


G4 43 69 


F3 30 99 


F9 25 124 


15A 57 181 


2B 89 270 


1H 48 318 


13A 34 352 


H11 53 405 


A7 48 453 


E7 34 487 


14H 34 521 


2K 34 555 


O1 63 618 


1A 27 645 


3A 31 676 


L8 26 702 


3L 21 723 


4D 34 757 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 3 9:26 -433 324 1.7830 queen66 3 9:26 -433 324
sicilianc5 4 8:42 -438 319 2.7881 sicilianc5 4 8:42 -438 319
HollyIvy 4 9:12 -460 297 3.7760 HollyIvy 4 9:12 -460 297
Pacific 2 7:43 -481 276 4.7066 Pacific 2 7:43 -481 276
5. -
HHHH8888 1 0:40 -731 26 Group: not rated
6. -
OOOO8888 1 1:08 -731 26 1. - HHHH8888 1 0:40 -731 26
7. -
DDDD8888 1 1:32 -731 26 2. - OOOO8888 1 1:08 -731 26
3. - DDDD8888 1 1:32 -731 26
On 1st draw, HOLED H4 26 --- HOLE to make a hole (a cavity in a solid) [v]
Other moves: HELIO H4 24, DHOLE H4 22, HOLED H8 22, DHOLE H8 20, DHOLE H5 18
HOLED H4 26 HHHH8888, OOOO8888, DDDD8888
On 2nd draw, SWEYED G4 43 --- SWEY to sway [v]
Other moves: SWEYED G2 36, SWEY G4 35, YOWED G3 35, YOWED G7 32, SEWED G5 31
SWEYED G4 43 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
On 3rd draw, OATER F3 30 --- OATER a cowboy movie [n]
Other moves: TEAR F5 27, TERAI F6 27, IRATE F2 26, ORATE F2 26, ROATE F2 26
TEAR F5 27 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, AGUIZE F9 25 --- AGUIZE to adorn [v]
Other moves: ZIG E2 23, AGUIZED 9A 19, GAZED 9C 18, ZAG E1 16, ZIG E1 16
AGUIZE F9 25 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, queen66
On 5th draw, (S)IEVED 15A 57 --- SIEVE to pass through a sieve (a utensil for separating the coarse parts from the fine parts of loose matter) [v]
Other tops: (M)IEVED 15A 57, (R)EIVED 15A 57
Other moves: VI(S)EED 15D 55, VI(S)IED 15D 55, VIDE(O) 15D 54, VI(S)ED 15D 52, VI(S)IE 15D 49
(R)EIVED 15A 57 queen66
(S)IEVED 15A 57 HollyIvy
(M)IEVED 15A 57 sicilianc5
On 6th draw, PERIDOT 2B 89 --- PERIDOT a green mineral [n]
Other moves: PERIDOT(S) A8 86, DIPTEROI B8 84, DIOPTER(S) A8 83, DIOPTRE(S) A8 83, DIPTERO(S) A8 83
On 7th draw, UNRAK(E) 1H 48 --- UNRAKE to uncover by racking [v]
Other moves: U(M)IAK 1H 45, KIN(A)RA 1G 42, KIR(P)AN 1G 42, KIR(T)AN 1G 42, KUN(K)AR 1G 42
On 8th draw, RIOTIZE 13A 34 --- RIOTIZE riot [n]
Other moves: TOAZE 13C 30, RITZ 13C 26, TREZ 13C 26, IOTA 1A 24, ROTA 1A 24
On 9th draw, LYSSA H11 53 --- LYSSA rabies [n]
Other moves: LUSTY H11 44, TUSSAL H10 38, LASSU H11 35, LASTS H11 35, LUSTS H11 35
LUSTY H11 44 Pacific, sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy
On 10th draw, FILCHER A7 48 --- FILCHER someone who filches [n]
Other moves: CHAFER A8 45, FILACER A7 39, ACHIER A8 36, CAHIER A8 36, CAFE 3A 34
FILCHER A7 48 Pacific, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 11th draw, TOMAN E7 34 --- TOMAN a coin of Iran [n]
Other moves: NOMA 1A 32, AMITY 12D 30, ATIMY 12D 30, MONA 1A 30, MANTO 2K 25
NOMA 1A 32 sicilianc5, queen66
On 12th draw, SEBASIC 14H 34 --- SEBASIC derived from a certain acid [adj]
Other moves: BIMAS 2K 31, CAMASHES 4C 30, CAME 3A 30, CRAMBE D1 30, BAMS 2K 29
CAME 3A 30 queen66, HollyIvy
SCAB N1 26 Pacific
On 13th draw, MAFIA 2K 34 --- MAFIA a secret criminal organization [n]
Other moves: FANTASM L9 30, FRAIM D1 28, TAFIA 2K 28, AMIA 13J 26, KAFTAN L1 26
FIT 13K 23 HollyIvy
FAT 13K 23 queen66
On 14th draw, GANJA O1 63 --- GANJA cannabis used for smoking [n]
Other moves: BAJAN O1 45, JAB 13K 43, JAG 13K 39, JAGA O1 39, JAB O1 36
JAB 13K 43 queen66, sicilianc5
JANE O1 36 Pacific
On 15th draw, NOW 1A 27 --- NOW the present time [n]
Other tops: ROW 1A 27, TOW 1A 27
Other moves: OUTWASH 4B 26, WON 1A 24, WOT 1A 24, AMOWT K1 20, OUTWORN 5D 20
WON 1A 24 Pacific
On 16th draw, REB 3A 31 --- REB a Confederate soldier [n]
Other tops: NEB 3A 31
Other moves: BEN 3A 27, BE 3C 26, BENJ 4L 26, BOURNES L8 24, REN 3A 23
BE 3C 26 Pacific
On 17th draw, PROLOGS L8 26 --- PROLOG to prologue [v]
Other moves: KAGOOL L1 22, LOP 13K 22, TOP 13K 22, PLASH 4D 20, POL 13K 20
PLASH 4D 20 Pacific
On 18th draw, IT 3L 21 --- IT the 3d person sing. neuter pronoun [pron]
Other moves: KATTI L1 18, PINT 8L 18, PTUI 8L 18, PUNT 8L 18, PUTT 8L 18
PINT 8L 18 Pacific
On 19th draw, QUASH 4D 34 --- QUASH to suppress completely [v]
Other moves: TUN 4J 22, UN 4K 20, AX 15H 18, EX 12A 18, EX I14 18
QUASH 4D 34 Pacific
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