Game on June 27, 2022 at 07:02, 6 players
1. 214 pts Chelsea
2. 72 pts HollyIvy
3. 72 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 28 28 


I6 23 51 


J2 63 114 


12F 82 196 


N6 81 277 


M3 41 318 


K8 70 388 


15G 77 465 


F5 69 534 


14N 44 578 


L4 39 617 


H1 49 666 


E10 37 703 


E1 74 777 


D11 45 822 


1A 42 864 


D1 25 889 


A1 92 981 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 0 5:37 -767 214 1.7507 Chelsea 0 5:37 -767 214
HollyIvy 1 1:18 -909 72 2.7748 HollyIvy 1 1:18 -909 72
moonmonkey 1 1:19 -909 72 3.7679 moonmonkey 1 1:19 -909 72
4. -
MMMM8888 1 0:42 -953 28 Group: not rated
5. -
LLLL8888 1 1:09 -953 28 1. - MMMM8888 1 0:42 -953 28
6. -
YYYY8888 1 1:44 -953 28 2. - LLLL8888 1 1:09 -953 28
3. - YYYY8888 1 1:44 -953 28
On 1st draw, MOTTY H8 28 --- MOTTY (Irish) a target at which coins are aimed in pitch-and-toss [n] --- MOTTY containing motes [adj]
Other tops: MILTY H8 28, YMOLT H4 28
Other moves: MILTY H4 26, MOTTY H4 26, YMOLT H8 22, MILTY H5 20, MILTY H6 20
MILTY H8 28 MMMM8888, LLLL8888, YYYY8888
On 2nd draw, ALODIA I6 23 --- ALODIUM land held absolutely [n]
Other tops: ALODIA G6 23
Other moves: AUDIO I7 22, DOLIA G7 20, DULIA G7 20, LIDO I7 19, LUDO I7 19
ALOUD G5 18 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, VAR(I)X J2 63 --- VARIX a varicose vein [n]
Other moves: RAX J8 61, R(A)X J8 59, R(E)X J8 59, (L)AX J8 59, (M)AX J8 59
RAX J8 61 Chelsea
On 4th draw, LEYLANDI 12F 82 --- LEYLANDI the Leyland cypress [n]
Other moves: ANVILLED 2H 74, DENTALIA 11E 36, DENIAL H1 34, LIENAL H1 31, LINEAL H1 31
DENIAL H1 34 Chelsea
On 5th draw, MI(L)NEBS N6 81 --- MILNEB a fungicide [n]
Other moves: EMBASIN(G) 3G 80, MIRB(A)NES 4H 80, MISBE(G)IN M6 80, MI(R)BANES 3F 80, EBI(O)NISM M7 76
MISE(R) N10 37 Chelsea
On 6th draw, COHAB M3 41 --- COHAB someone who cohabits [n]
Other moves: CHO(L)A 8K 39, BAC J8 35, CAROB M3 35, COARB J10 35, BROACH M1 33
HA(L)O 8L 30 Chelsea
On 7th draw, GOODNESS K8 70 --- GOODNESS the state of being good [n]
Other moves: GODSOS H1 37, GOOSE O7 35, GOOSES H1 34, SEGOS L4 34, GOOD O7 32
GOOSES H1 34 Chelsea
On 8th draw, ANOESTRI 15G 77 --- ANOESTRUS a period of sexual dormancy [n]
Other tops: NOTARIES 15D 77, NOTARISE 15E 77
Other moves: ANOESTRI 14G 70, ANTERIOR 4C 68, OTARINE G2 64, NOTARIES 14D 62, NOTARISE 14E 62
On 9th draw, GAREFOWL F5 69 --- GAREFOWL the great auk [n]
Other moves: GOWFER H1 61, GOAF O7 40, WERO L4 39, WAG L4 35, W*GWOG L4 35
W*G L4WOG L4 35 HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 10th draw, QI 14N 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: TIKA E8 39, KATI O5 37, KAT L4 36, VITA O5 34, ARKITE 8A 33
On 11th draw, HERO L4 39 --- HERO a man revered for his bravery, courage etc [n]
Other moves: HEN L4 32, HER L4 32, HON L4 32, HUN L4 32, NOH L4 29
On 12th draw, KREEPS H1 49 --- KREEP a basaltic lunar rock [n]
Other moves: KREEPS O1 45, KEEFS 13B 40, KERFS 13B 40, KREEPS 13A 40, KEEPS 13B 38
On 13th draw, JA E10 37 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: TAJ E4 35, JEAT 14F 33, JUTE E4 32, JUTES 14G 31, TAJES 14G 31
JA E10 37 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
On 14th draw, URINATE E1 74 --- URINATE to discharge urine [v]
Other tops: RUINATE E1 74
Other moves: RUINATE 14B 72, RUINATES 14D 72, TAURINE 14B 72, URANITE 14B 72, URANITES 14D 72
On 15th draw, VIEWY D11 45 --- VIEWY showy [adj]
Other moves: YETI D1 39, CIVET D11 30, VIEW D11 29, WIVE D11 29, WYTE D11 29
On 16th draw, DINFUL 1A 42 --- DINFUL noisy [adj]
Other tops: DUEFUL 1A 42
Other moves: DELFS 14G 37, FLUIDS 14F 35, NEIFS 14G 35, DEFI D3 33, DEFY 15A 33
On 17th draw, FUGU D1 25 --- FUGU a toxin-containing fish [n]
Other tops: PEG D3 25, PIG D3 25, PUG D3 25
Other moves: PSI 14J 23, GEEP 14F 19, GIP D5 19, GUP D5 19, WIPE 14D 17
On 18th draw, DEPEINCT A1 92 --- DEPEINCT to paint [v]
Other moves: PENTICE C4 70, CITY 15A 27, INCEPT O2 27, PINY 15A 27, PITY 15A 27
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