Game on June 27, 2022 at 13:46, 5 players
1. 229 pts moonmonkey
2. 226 pts HollyIvy
3. 226 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 26 26 


10F 61 87 


13C 34 121 


D11 36 157 


L4 80 237 


6E 71 308 


14A 46 354 


A10 36 390 


8H 30 420 


H1 36 456 


B6 28 484 


8A 69 553 


5J 27 580 


K10 24 604 


15H 27 631 


M1 39 670 


1J 30 700 


5C 28 728 


7F 40 768 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 1 6:06 -539 229 1.7705 moonmonkey 1 6:06 -539 229
HollyIvy 2 5:28 -542 226 2.7763 HollyIvy 2 5:28 -542 226
queen66 2 5:40 -542 226 3.7844 queen66 2 5:40 -542 226
4. -
WWWW8888 1 1:23 -742 26 Group: not rated
5. -
BBBB8888 1 1:49 -742 26 1. - WWWW8888 1 1:23 -742 26
2. - BBBB8888 1 1:49 -742 26
On 1st draw, BE(D)EW H8 26 --- BEDEW to cover with dew [v]
Other tops: BEWEN(T) H4 26, WEBE(R) H4 26
Other moves: BEWE(T) H4 24, BE(D)EW H4 24, B(O)WNE H4 24, (D)WEEB H8 24, BEWEN(T) H3 22
BE(D)EW H8 26 WWWW8888, BBBB8888
On 2nd draw, IN(D)ORSEE 10F 61 --- INDORSEE a person to whom a bill is assigned [n]
Other tops: OR(D)INEES 10F 61
Other moves: IRONES 13C 24, NEREIS 13C 24, RENIES 13C 24, SEINER 13H 24, SENIOR 13H 24
On 3rd draw, GRAIPS 13C 34 --- GRAIP a fork [n]
Other moves: PAGRIS 13C 30, SPRAG N10 30, SPRIG N10 30, SPRUG N10 30, RUPIAS 13C 28
SPRIG N10 30 HollyIvy, moonmonkey, queen66
On 4th draw, CORKY D11 36 --- CORKY like cork [adj]
Other moves: GEEK 9F 32, GEEKY L8 30, GEEKY M9 30, STOCKY K10 30, TEEK 9F 30
On 5th draw, FORMATED L4 80 --- FORMATE to fly in formation [v]
Other moves: FORMATED M4 68, FARMOST K5 48, FADY 15A 33, KAF 14D 33, DOMY 15A 30
FADY 15A 33 queen66, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, OVERNEAR 6E 71 --- OVERNEAR too near [adj]
Other moves: OVERNEAR J3 63, OVERNEAR J7 63, AVOYER 15A 36, YEVEN 15D 33, VENAE K3 31
VERY 15A 30 moonmonkey, queen66
VARY 15A 30 HollyIvy
On 7th draw, PROKED 14A 46 --- PROKE to poke [v]
Other moves: POKED 14B 44, POLYMER 15A 42, YOMPED 15D 42, ROKED 14B 40, ROMPER H1 39
DAMP K5 34 moonmonkey
PAM K5 28 HollyIvy, queen66
On 8th draw, I(N)CEPT A10 36 --- INCEPT to take into the body [v]
Other moves: G(R)ICER H1 33, CEP(E) A12 30, CEP(S) A12 30, C(A)PE A12 30, C(A)PI A12 30
On 9th draw, BOREALIS 8H 30 --- BOREALIS as in aurora borealis, lights seen round the North Pole, cf [adj]
Other moves: SAILER N10 26, SAILOR N10 26, SERAIL N10 26, SERIAL N10 26, SOLERA N10 26
On 10th draw, HANGER H1 36 --- HANGER one that hangs [n]
Other moves: BANGER H1 33, BAGH 5B 30, BHANG 5A 28, BOHEA 5K 28, HOGAN 5K 28
HANGER H1 36 HollyIvy, queen66
BANGER H1 33 moonmonkey
On 11th draw, WEALD B6 28 --- WEALD a woodland [n]
Other tops: WALED B6 28, WETLAND 3C 28
Other moves: DEAW 5B 26, DEAW M2 26, LAWED M1 26, SALEWD K10 26, TAWED M1 26
On 12th draw, BANJOS 8A 69 --- BANJO a musical instrument [n]
Other moves: BANJO 8A 66, SOJA K3 45, JOBS 5K 44, JONGS 5K 44, GAJOS 8A 42
BANJOS 8A 69 queen66, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 13th draw, FLONG 5J 27 --- FLONG papier-mache for making stereotype moulds [n]
Other moves: GOAF M2 26, FLOG 5J 25, LOAF 9B 25, FOAL 5K 24, FOG 5K 24
On 14th draw, SODIUM K10 24 --- SODIUM a metallic element [n]
Other moves: IMIDO C2 21, DIM 5C 20, DOM 5C 20, MID 5C 18, MOD 5C 18
On 15th draw, TUTMAN 15H 27 --- TUTMAN a piece-worker [n]
Other moves: MANUL 15K 24, ALUM 15H 18, TAUTEN G2 18, VAN M3 17, NAT 7E 16
On 16th draw, HIZEN M1 39 --- HIZEN a type of Japanese porcelain [n]
Other moves: HAZE C3 37, ZEA 2F 32, ZEATIN 3C 32, ZITE C3 31, ZEA G2 30
On 17th draw, LITHIA 1J 30 --- LITHIA an oxide of lithium [n]
Other moves: QAT 5C 28, ITA N1 26, QI 5D 26, QI 7N 24, ATMA 7J 21
On 18th draw, IVY 5C 28 --- IVY a climbing vine [n]
Other moves: AYU I2 24, AYU 9D 23, TAY 5C 22, ITA N1 21, YU I3 21
On 19th draw, AX 7F 40 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: EX 9H 35, OXO I8 35, AQUA 2E 33, QUAT 2F 33, QUA 2F 32
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