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Game on June 27, 2022 at 19:02, 8 players
1. 415 pts Pacific
2. 397 pts HollyIvy
3. 354 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dehilrr   H4    26    26   hider
 2. abdeoru   8G    62    88   arboured
 3. eefiopt   L6    24   112   firepot
 4. eimprsv  11H    80   192   improves
 5. aijlnsv  N10    56   248   jeans
 6. eghiltu  O11    49   297   shute
 7. ??amnor   5D    82   379   torminal
 8. elostux  H11    60   439   ixtle
 9. aceilny  12D    34   473   calyx
10. abklotz   7G    52   525   zeal
11. adgittu   M5    23   548   gated
12. aeinors   D3    66   614   notarise
13. aeilnor   N2    25   639   eloin
14. cdeenou   3B    88   727   denounce
15. aeiksuw   B2    42   769   adsuki
16. eginttw  15E    64   833   tweeting
17. efgirvy   O1    46   879   reif
18. abiovwy   2E    32   911   by
19. agioovw   1F    36   947   avow

Remaining tiles: gioq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7091 FilePacific     2 15:55  -532  415     1.7091 Pacific     2 15:55  -532  415 
  2.7753 FileHollyIvy    5 10:05  -550  397     2.7753 HollyIvy    5 10:05  -550  397 
  3.7832 Filesicilianc5  4 11:07  -593  354     3.7832 sicilianc5  4 11:07  -593  354 
  4.7836 Filequeen66     3  9:12  -604  343     4.7836 queen66     3  9:12  -604  343 
  5.  -  FileHHHH8888    1  0:50  -921   26            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileIIII8888    1  1:12  -921   26     1.  -  HHHH8888    1  0:50  -921   26 
  7.  -  FileRRRR8888    1  1:32  -921   26     2.  -  IIII8888    1  1:12  -921   26 
  8.  -  FileDDDD8888    1  1:52  -921   26     3.  -  RRRR8888    1  1:32  -921   26 
                                             4.  -  DDDD8888    1  1:52  -921   26 

On 1st draw, HIDER H4 26 --- HIDER one that hides [n]
Other tops: HIRED H4 26
Other moves: HIRER H4 24, HIRED H8 22, HIDER H8 20, HIDER H5 18, HIDER H6 18
HIRED H4 26 HHHH8888, IIII8888, RRRR8888, DDDD8888

On 2nd draw, ARBOURED 8G 62 --- ARBOUR a shady garden shelter [adj] --- ARBOURED pertaining to an arbour [adj]
Other tops: ARBOURED 8C 62
Other moves: ADOBE G4 31, ABODE G4 29, ROBED G3 28, DEBAR G5 27, ABED G4 26

On 3rd draw, FIREPOT L6 24 --- FIREPOT a pot with burning contents used as a missile [n]
Other tops: FAP G7 24, FOP 7M 24, FOP 9M 24, PIEFORT L3 24
Other moves: TEF 9K 23, FEE 7M 22, FEE 9M 22, FET 7M 22, FET 9M 22
FAP G7 24 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
FOP 7M 24 Pacific

On 4th draw, IMPROVES 11H 80 --- IMPROVE to make better [v]
Other moves: IMPROVES J4 73, SEMPER 9H 38, SIMPER 9H 38, PRISM 13I 37, VERISM 13H 37
PRISM 13I 37 Pacific
IMPROVES 11H 30 queen66, sicilianc5, HollyIvy

On 5th draw, JEANS N10 56 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: JEAN 7G 44, VEINAL N10 34, VENIAL N10 34, JINS 13I 32, VEALS N10 32
JEANS N10 56 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5
JINS 13I 32 Pacific

On 6th draw, SHUTE O11 49 --- SHUTE to convey by a vertical passage [v]
Other moves: SIETH O11 34, LIGHTED N2 28, HUGE F8 27, THIG F7 27, THUG F7 27
SHUTE O11 49 Pacific
HEIGHT 4H 26 sicilianc5

On 7th draw, (T)ORMINA(L) 5D 82 --- TORMINAL pertaining to tormina [adj]
Other tops: MORAIN(A)(L) 5D 82, MORAIN(E)(S) 5D 82, MORAIN(I)(C) 5D 82, MOR(A)INA(L) 5D 82, RAM(P)ION(S) 5D 82, ROAMIN(G)(S) 5D 82, ROMAIN(E)(S) 5D 82
Other moves: (B)(E)MOANER M2 81, RAN(S)OM(E)D N1 80, (T)RAN(S)OM 9D 80, N(A)R(C)OMA 12D 79, N(E)(U)ROMA 12D 79
MEAN 7G 24 Pacific

On 8th draw, IXTLE H11 60 --- IXTLE a strong fibre [n]
Other moves: DEX 6H 54, DUX 6H 54, SEX M7 39, TEX M7 39, SEX 9K 37
IXTLE H11 60 queen66, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
DUX 6H 54 Pacific

On 9th draw, CALYX 12D 34 --- CALYX the outer protective covering of a flower [n]
Other tops: CYLIX 12D 34
Other moves: INLACED N2 32, CAN(T)ILY D2 30, DAY 6H 30, DEY 6H 30, NICELY M1 30
INLACED N2 32 queen66
DAY 6H 30 HollyIvy, Pacific
DEY 6H 30 sicilianc5

On 10th draw, ZEAL 7G 52 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: ZEA 7G 49, BLAZE 7D 47, ZA 11E 46, TOAZE 7D 45, LAZE 7E 44
ZA 11E 46 queen66, sicilianc5, Pacific, HollyIvy

On 11th draw, GATED M5 23 --- GATE to supply with a gate (a movable barrier) [v]
Other moves: DAG 9E 22, DIG 9E 22, DUG 9E 22, TAIG 9D 22, TAG 9E 21
DAG 9E 22 HollyIvy
DUG 9E 22 Pacific

On 12th draw, NO(T)ARISE D3 66 --- NOTARISE to attest to as a notary [v]
Other tops: NO(T)ARIES D3 66
Other moves: SORNED 9H 29, ATONES 13G 27, REASON N1 27, SARNIE N1 27, SENIOR N1 27
ATONES 13G 27 Pacific
SENOR N2 25 HollyIvy

On 13th draw, ELOIN N2 25 --- ELOIN to remove to a distant place [v]
Other tops: ALOIN N2 25, ELAIN N2 25, NORIA N2 25, OLEIN N2 25
Other moves: ELONGATED M1 22, HALER 4H 21, HILAR 4H 21, HONER 4H 21, MEZAIL G5 21

On 14th draw, DENOUNCE 3B 88 --- DENOUNCE to condemn openly [v]
Other tops: ENOUNCED 3C 88
Other moves: ENOUNCE 3C 34, DONEE O2 26, UDON O1 26, DEEN O4 23, DOEN O4 23
DECO 3F 21 queen66

On 15th draw, ADSUKI B2 42 --- ADSUKI (Japanese) a kind of bean [n]
Other moves: KAIES O1 41, WEKA O4 39, KIWIS 8A 36, HAKES 4H 34, KAIE O1 34
KIWIS 8A 36 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 16th draw, TWEETING 15E 64 --- TWEET to chirp [v]
Other moves: TWEETING 15F 63, TEWING A7 38, TWINGE A7 35, GWINE A7 30, TEWIT A7 26
TEWING A7 38 queen66
SWIG 9D 25 Pacific

On 17th draw, REIF O1 46 --- REIF robbery [n]
Other moves: GRIEF O1 44, GYVE A7 36, FEG O4 32, GIVER A7 30, GRIEF A7 30
REIF O1 46 sicilianc5
YE A1 17 Pacific

On 18th draw, BY 2E 32 --- BY a pass in certain card games [n]
Other tops: AVOW A7 32
Other moves: VIEWY 10B 30, BAY A7 28, BOW A7 28, BOY A7 28, OY 2E 28
BY 2E 32 HollyIvy
BAY A7 28 Pacific

On 19th draw, AVOW 1F 36 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: AVOW A7 32, SWAG 9D 25, SWIG 9D 25, AVO 1F 24, GOV A7 24
AVOW 1F 36 HollyIvy

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