Game on June 29, 2022 at 11:17, 8 players
1. 331 pts Chelsea
2. 224 pts HollyIvy
3. 224 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


5D 94 116 


8H 77 193 


4A 48 241 


3G 81 322 


O6 65 387 


2A 74 461 


1G 32 493 


N7 80 573 


A4 45 618 


J7 76 694 


9A 81 775 


10B 35 810 


11C 38 848 


12D 31 879 


9I 23 902 


12I 30 932 


M11 29 961 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 3 5:37 -630 331 1.7399 Chelsea 3 5:37 -630 331
HollyIvy 1 6:33 -737 224 2.7746 HollyIvy 1 6:33 -737 224
queen66 1 6:33 -737 224 3.7740 queen66 1 6:33 -737 224
Mycophot 1 7:29 -737 224 4.7601 Mycophot 1 7:29 -737 224
5. -
PPPPPP1116 1 0:49 -939 22 Group: not rated
6. -
PPPP8888 1 1:12 -939 22 1. - PPPPPP1116 1 0:49 -939 22
7. -
NNNN8888 1 1:35 -939 22 2. - PPPP8888 1 1:12 -939 22
8. -
EEEE8888 1 1:57 -939 22 3. - NNNN8888 1 1:35 -939 22
4. - EEEE8888 1 1:57 -939 22
On 1st draw, MENED H4 22 --- MENE to lament [v]
Other tops: MEDLE H4 22, PENED H4 22
Other moves: EMEND H8 20, LEMED H8 20, MENED H8 20, PENED H8 20, EMEND H4 18
PENED H4 22 PPPPPP1116, PPPP8888, NNNN8888, EEEE8888
MENED H4 22 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, WEASELER 5D 94 --- WEASELER one who acts evasively [n]
EWERS G6 27 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66
MEWLERS 4H 24 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, D(O)RTOURS 8H 77 --- DORTOUR a dormitory [n]
Other tops: D(A)RTROUS 8H 77
Other moves: ROSTRU(M) L3 76, ROUST(E)R L2 76, TROUS(E)R L1 76, TRUS(T)OR L2 76, (T)RUSTOR L2 76
ROUST(E)R L2 26 queen66
R(E)SORT 4A 26 HollyIvy, Mycophot
TRO(T)S L1 22 Chelsea
On 4th draw, JIAO 4A 48 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JANE 4C 36, JAWLINE D3 36, JEAN 4B 34, JEON 4B 34, JEON 6B 34
JIAO 4A 48 Mycophot, queen66, HollyIvy
JOE 6B 31 Chelsea
On 5th draw, RADIANT 3G 81 --- RADIANT a point from which rays are emitted [n]
Other moves: INTRADAS O1 80, RADIANTS O1 80, RADIANT 3D 75, RAINDATE 7A 61, JARINA A4 39
JARINA A4 39 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot
JARTA A4 36 Chelsea
On 6th draw, DYSTONIC O6 65 --- DYSTONIA a condition of disordered tonicity of muscle tissue [adj] --- DYSTONIC pertaining to dystonia [adj]
Other moves: JONTY A4 45, IDIOCY B2 36, JOINT A4 36, TYND 3B 34, TYIN 6E 32
JONTY A4 45 Chelsea, Mycophot, queen66, HollyIvy
On 7th draw, O(V)ERAGE 2A 74 --- OVERAGE an amount in excess [n]
Other moves: RA(C)EGOER J8 60, JAEGER A4 42, JAEGER(S) A4 42, JAEGE(R) A4 39, JAEG(E)R A4 39
JARGO(N) A4 39 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot
JOG(G)ER A4 39 Chelsea
On 8th draw, PAVE 1G 32 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v]
Other moves: PAV 1G 29, PEG N10 27, PIG N10 27, APE 2I 26, PAGE 1G 26
PAVE 1G 32 Chelsea
On 9th draw, FRIZE N7 80 --- FRIZE a frieze [n]
Other moves: FRIZ N7 77, RAZE N8 68, RIZA N8 68, ZEA N10 67, ZIT N10 67
FRIZE N7 80 Chelsea
On 10th draw, JAVEL A4 45 --- JAVEL a worthless fellow [n]
Other moves: JOUAL A4 36, JOULE A4 36, VOLAE 6B 30, OVULE 6A 24, UVEAL 6B 24
On 11th draw, BROGUERY J7 76 --- BROGUERY the use of an Irish accent [n]
Other moves: GYRI 12L 34, YEBO 4L 32, YON 6F 29, BUGEYE 7E 28, GORI 12L 28
On 12th draw, SAMPLES 9A 81 --- SAMPLE to test a representative portion of a whole [v]
Other moves: SAMPLES B7 71, LAMPASES F4 70, LAMPASSE F4 70, MAPLESS B7 69, SAMPLERS 13D 66
On 13th draw, HOO 10B 35 --- HOO expressing boisterous emotion [interj]
Other tops: HAO 10B 35, HOA 10B 35, LAH 6D 35, LAW 6D 35, NAH 6D 35, NAW 6D 35, WOO 10B 35
Other moves: OOH 10D 33, AWOL M10 32, HOW 10F 32, OHO 10E 31, HA 10B 30
On 14th draw, BODKIN 11C 38 --- BODKIN a small pointed tool [n]
Other moves: B(O)K I7 37, BOINK 11C 34, BIDI 12L 33, BIDON 11A 33, BINK 11C 32
On 15th draw, TAIT 12D 31 --- TAIT the honey possum [n]
Other moves: AGUTI M10 28, TAI 12D 27, UNGILT H10 27, AGLU M10 26, ATILT M10 25
On 16th draw, FOIN 9I 23 --- FOIN to thrust with a pointed weapon [v]
Other moves: SIF G5 21, FUN I12 20, FINNY 14F 19, FUNNY 14F 19, FIL M11 18
On 17th draw, HELIX 12I 30 --- HELIX something spiral in form [n]
Other moves: HIN 6F 29, WAX F4 29, WIN 6F 29, AXILE F5 28, EXILE J1 28
On 18th draw, EXING M11 29 --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: EXIT M11 25, NU 13L 24, TI 13L 24, ENG 6D 23, NEG 6D 23
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