Game on June 30, 2022 at 20:34, 6 players
1. 593 pts Pacific
2. 589 pts moonmonkey
3. 575 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. G7 35 63
3. H11 47 110
4. 15G 64 174
5. O9 131 305
6. 8L 69 374
7. M6 82 456
8. I7 57 513
9. 5C 74 587
10. 13B 78 665
11. 6D 36 701
12. 4A 56 757
13. J10 40 797
14. L11 41 838
15. A2 86 924
16. E8 84 1008
17. 15A 42 1050
18. 4J 25 1075
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7061 Pacific 2 17:19 -482 593 1.7061 Pacific 2 17:19 -482 593
2.7708 moonmonkey 2 14:18 -486 589 2.7708 moonmonkey 2 14:18 -486 589
3.7606 HollyIvy 5 15:02 -500 575 3.7606 HollyIvy 5 15:02 -500 575
4.7723 Mycophot 4 13:05 -504 571 4.7723 Mycophot 4 13:05 -504 571
5. - CCCC8888 1 1:23 -1047 28 Group: not rated
6. - GGGG8888 1 1:48 -1047 28 1. - CCCC8888 1 1:23 -1047 28
2. - GGGG8888 1 1:48 -1047 28
On 1st draw, COWAG(E) H4 28 --- COWAGE a tropical vine [n]
Other tops: COGWA(Y) H4 28
Other moves: AWRO(N)G H3 26, CA(H)OW H8 26, COWAG(E) H8 26, COWAR(D) H4 26, CROW(E)A H4 26
COGWA(Y) H4 28 CCCC8888, GGGG8888
CROW(N) H4 24 Pacific
On 2nd draw, PAYEE G7 35 --- PAYEE one to whom money is paid [n]
Other moves: PAY G7 33, YAP G7 33, PAY G5 30, YAP G5 28, LAY G5 26
PAYEE G7 35 Mycophot, HollyIvy
YAP G7 33 moonmonkey
PACEY G9 25 Pacific
On 3rd draw, HOK(U)M H11 47 --- HOKUM nonsense [n]
Other moves: (S)HOOK H11 46, KHO(U)M F9 45, HOK(U)M F10 42, KHO(R) F9 42, HOOK(A) H11 41
HOOK F10 34 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
HOOK(S) 12C 32 Pacific
On 4th draw, AMIDOGEN 15G 64 --- AMIDOGEN a univalent chemical radical [n]
Other moves: ODEA I6 31, DANG I7 27, DONG I7 27, DEAN I7 26, DENI I7 26
GAD F8 26 moonmonkey
DEAN I7 26 HollyIvy
On 5th draw, LATHERS O9 131 --- LATHER to cover with lather (a light foam) [v]
Other moves: HALTERS O9 122, THALERS O9 122, RATHOLES 5D 94, SLATHER F7 89, LATHERS F8 86
LATHERS O9 81 Mycophot, moonmonkey, HollyIvy
HEARTS O10 69 Pacific
On 6th draw, FEDS 8L 69 --- FED a federal agent [n]
Other tops: FADS 8L 69, FIDS 8L 69, FUDS 8L 69
Other moves: FEIS 8L 66, FEUS 8L 66, DEFIS 8K 63, DIFS 8L 63, FADES 8K 63
FEDS 8L 69 HollyIvy
FADS 8L 69 moonmonkey, Pacific
FUDS 8L 69 Mycophot
On 7th draw, OVERTIRE M6 82 --- OVERTIRE to tire excessively [v]
Other moves: OVERTIRE M1 74, ROVE I5 34, VETO I7 34, VOTE I7 34, VET I7 33
VETO I7 34 Mycophot
ROVE I5 34 HollyIvy, moonmonkey
ORE I6 19 Pacific
On 8th draw, PAX I7 57 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other moves: APEX N3 54, PAX N4 53, TAX N4 51, TEX N4 51, AX N5 50
APEX N3 54 HollyIvy, Mycophot
PAX N4 53 Pacific, moonmonkey
On 9th draw, NUGATORY 5C 74 --- NUGATORY having no power [adj]
Other moves: GANTRY N1 49, ANGRY N2 47, RANGY N2 47, TANGY N2 47, AUNTY N2 45
GANTRY N1 49 Mycophot, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
TANGY N2 47 Pacific
On 10th draw, ANTINUKE 13B 78 --- ANTINUKE a person who opposes the use of nuclear power plants or nuclear weapons [n] --- ANTINUKE opposing the use of nuclear power plants or nuclear weapons [adj]
Other moves: ENATIC 4C 29, NEATNIK 13B 24, CANINE 4H 23, CANNIE 4H 23, CENTAI 4H 23
On 11th draw, MOW 6D 36 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [v]
Other moves: WREN F10 34, ROW 6D 32, WORMIL L1 32, MEOW N3 30, MEW L11 29
MOW 6D 36 moonmonkey, Pacific, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 12th draw, FAUCET 4A 56 --- FAUCET a device for controlling the flow of liquid from a pipe [n]
Other tops: FAUCES 4A 56
Other moves: CAFES 4B 48, FACES 4B 46, FACET 4B 46, TUFAS 4B 44, CAUF 4A 42
FAT 4D 38 Mycophot
FAS 4D 38 HollyIvy
FET 4D 38 moonmonkey
TEF N4 27 Pacific
On 13th draw, JOES J10 40 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other tops: JARS J10 40, JORS J10 40
Other moves: JOES 12B 39, SJOE 12A 39, JOE 12B 35, JOEYS J2 33, RAJES N2 32
RAJES N2 32 Mycophot, moonmonkey
JA 12A 19 Pacific
On 14th draw, QUA L11 41 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUAYS J2 39, QUAY J2 36, QUARTOS D9 34, QUASAR B9 34, AQUAS B10 32
QUA L11 41 HollyIvy, Mycophot
QUAYS J2 39 Pacific
On 15th draw, DEFINITE A2 86 --- DEFINITE known for certain [adj]
Other moves: FEINTED A4 33, TINEID N1 29, FETED A4 27, FETID A4 27, FIEND A4 27
DEFINITE A2 36 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, Pacific
On 16th draw, SIRONIZE E8 84 --- SIRONIZE to use a particular process to treat fabric to prevent wrinkling [v]
Other moves: ZOEAS B10 68, ZONAE B10 68, ZONERS L1 52, ZOS 12B 41, DORIZES 2A 38
ZOEAS B10 68 Mycophot, moonmonkey
DOZENS 2A 36 Pacific
On 17th draw, BLIVE 15A 42 --- BLIVE immediately [adv]
Other moves: DRIVE 15A 39, LIVID N2 33, VILDE 15A 33, VIRID N2 33, VIRAL B10 32
BLIVE 15A 42 HollyIvy
DRIVE 15A 39 Pacific
On 18th draw, BRILLO 4J 25 --- BRILLO a scouring pad -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: BRILLO L1 24, BRILLO N1 24, DORB N3 23, DRIB N3 23, DIB N4 22
DORB N3 23 Pacific
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