Game on July 1, 2022 at 13:08, 7 players
1. 256 pts HollyIvy
2. 256 pts Mycophot
3. 248 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


13F 70 100 


11E 94 194 


8H 83 277 


N1 80 357 


10H 54 411 


1L 42 453 


N10 41 494 


G3 73 567 


H1 33 600 


14B 47 647 


15A 42 689 


15F 31 720 


L10 37 757 


7I 25 782 


6J 31 813 


D12 32 845 


5K 24 869 


2J 37 906 


O4 23 929 


5A 24 953 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
HollyIvy 4 8:06 -697 256 1.7688 HollyIvy 4 8:06 -697 256
Mycophot 4 8:57 -697 256 2.7700 Mycophot 4 8:57 -697 256
moonmonkey 4 6:17 -705 248 3.7673 moonmonkey 4 6:17 -705 248
4. -
YYYY8888 1 0:42 -923 30 Group: not rated
5. -
MMMM8888 1 1:06 -923 30 1. - YYYY8888 1 0:42 -923 30
6. -
TTTT8888 1 1:29 -923 30 2. - MMMM8888 1 1:06 -923 30
7. -
EEEE8888 1 1:52 -923 30 3. - TTTT8888 1 1:29 -923 30
4. - EEEE8888 1 1:52 -923 30
On 1st draw, MATEYS H8 30 --- MATEY a friend [n]
Other tops: STEAMY H7 30
Other moves: MASTY H8 28, MATEY H8 28, MATEYS H4 28, MAYEST H4 28, MEATY H8 28
STEAMY H7 30 YYYY8888, MMMM8888, TTTT8888, EEEE8888
On 2nd draw, INSERTER 13F 70 --- INSERTER one that inserts [n]
Other moves: REINTERS 13A 68, RENTIERS 13A 68, TERRINE I4 68, TERRINES 13A 68, INERTER I3 67
ENTERER 11E 28 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 3rd draw, SPEEDIER 11E 94 --- SPEEDY swift [adj]
Other moves: PRESIDE 14A 87, SPEEDIER L7 78, PRESIDE I4 74, SPEIRED I5 74, SPIERED I5 74
SPEEDIER 11E 44 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 4th draw, MIGRANT(S) 8H 83 --- MIGRANT one that migrates [n]
Other tops: MAT(U)RING 8H 83
Other moves: GR(A)NITA 14A 74, GRANIT(A) 14A 73, GRANIT(E) 14A 73, GRATIN(E) 14A 73, INGRAT(E) 14A 73
On 5th draw, VOCALIST N1 80 --- VOCALIST a singer [n]
Other moves: CLAVIS 12A 35, CLOVIS 12A 35, OVISAC N10 35, CAVILS 14A 30, CLAVIS 14A 30
On 6th draw, TAX 10H 54 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: XU 7I 37, SIX I7 36, TIX I7 36, TAXUS 14B 32, WAST 9L 31
TAX 10H 54 Mycophot, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 7th draw, HIVE 1L 42 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other tops: HOVE 1L 42, WIVE 1L 42, WOVE 1L 42
Other moves: WHITED 14A 41, WITHED 14A 41, WIDTH 12A 37, WITHED G4 35, WIDTH 12B 34
WIVE 1L 42 moonmonkey
HOVE 1L 42 HollyIvy
WOVE 1L 42 Mycophot
On 8th draw, BRUSH N10 41 --- BRUSH to touch lightly [v]
Other moves: BOSH 9L 35, BUSH 9L 35, SHROW K1 33, BRUSH 12A 31, HUSO 9L 31
BRUSH N10 41 Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 9th draw, A(N)NULET G3 73 --- ANNULET a small ring [n]
Other tops: AN(N)ULET G3 73, LAN(G)UET G3 73
Other moves: ALUN(I)TE 14A 72, UNLA(S)TE 14A 72, LUNATE(D) G3 70, ALUN(I)TE G2 69, TUNA(B)LE G2 69
On 10th draw, PIMA H1 33 --- PIMA a strong, high-grade cotton [n]
Other moves: APOGAMIC 3G 32, APAGOGIC 3G 30, GIGA H1 26, PAGING M4 25, PAM H1 25
PIMA H1 33 moonmonkey
On 11th draw, JIVED 14B 47 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: VICED 14B 37, JUICED 6F 34, CIVET K1 33, JIVE 10B 32, JUICE 6F 32
JIVED 14B 47 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 12th draw, ZO 15A 42 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: TOLZEY 15I 42
Other moves: ZYGOTES E5 40, TOLZEYS E5 38, ZYGAL 4K 38, GYOZA 4J 36, GYOZA L4 36
On 13th draw, ENCAGE 15F 31 --- ENCAGE to confine in a cage [v]
Other tops: CONGEE K1 31
Other moves: CONGA K1 29, CONGE K1 29, CANOE K1 27, CONIA C11 26, GONIA C11 24
On 14th draw, FRIEND L10 37 --- FRIEND to enter into a warm association with [v]
Other moves: FEINT 12A 26, FIENT 12A 26, FETING M4 25, DEAF 4L 24, FIDGETS E5 24
On 15th draw, GUANOS 7I 25 --- GUANO the accumulated excrement of sea birds [n]
Other moves: GONIA C11 24, NGAIO C11 24, AGIO C12 22, GONNA M6 22, TANGO M6 22
On 16th draw, FE 6J 31 --- FE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: FOLIO C11 28, BEFOAM 3C 26, FOIL C12 26, BE 6J 25, BO 6J 25
On 17th draw, BEVY D12 32 --- BEVY a group [n]
Other moves: BEAK 4L 30, BEDUCK 3J 30, YE 15N 29, YU 15N 29, HYKE L1 28
On 18th draw, WO 5K 24 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: WIT O4 23, WOT O4 23, OUTWAR 4J 20, OUTWEAR K2 20, OW O14 20
On 19th draw, QUA 2J 37 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUA 6F 32, QUARTOS E5 32, QUARTO C7 30, WAT O4 23, WOT O4 23
On 20th draw, WOO O4 23 --- WOO to seek the affection of [v]
Other tops: WOT O4 23
Other moves: OW O14 20, TORC 3K 20, TWAL 4L 20, TW*TTWAT 4L 20, WO O4 20
On 21th draw, LORDKIN 5A 24 --- LORDKIN a little lord [n]
Other moves: DRAW 4L 22, AMRIT 3G 21, KILO 10B 20, TORC 3K 20, DOC 3L 19
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