Game on July 3, 2022 at 06:48, 8 players
1. 358 pts Chelsea
2. 39 pts Hammer22
3. 39 pts Discus22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


5D 94 116 


4A 32 148 


K4 76 224 


10B 79 303 


A4 36 339 


D8 70 409 


B1 57 466 


14A 80 546 


8H 45 591 


H12 72 663 


15A 49 712 


O1 92 804 


L1 46 850 


M2 52 902 


C2 24 926 


F1 66 992 


1F 39 1031 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 3 5:32 -673 358 1.7383 Chelsea 3 5:32 -673 358
Hammer22 0 0:34 -992 39 Group: intermediate
Discus22 0 0:55 -992 39 1.6397 Hammer22 0 0:34 -992 39
Javelin22 0 1:19 -992 39 2.6267 Discus22 0 0:55 -992 39
ShotPut22 0 1:49 -992 39 3.6592 Javelin22 0 1:19 -992 39
6. -
CCCC8888 1 0:51 -1009 22 4.6210 ShotPut22 0 1:49 -992 39
7. -
OOOO8888 1 1:15 -1009 22 Group: not rated
8. -
TTTT8888 1 1:41 -1009 22 1. - CCCC8888 1 0:51 -1009 22
2. - OOOO8888 1 1:15 -1009 22
3. - TTTT8888 1 1:41 -1009 22
On 1st draw, COAITA H4 22 --- COAITA a type of spider monkey [n]
Other tops: DACOIT H4 22
Other moves: COATI H4 20, DACOIT H3 20, DACOIT H7 20, DACOIT H8 20, DIACT H4 20
DACOIT H4 22 CCCC8888, OOOO8888, TTTT8888
On 2nd draw, TUGBOATS 5D 94 --- TUGBOAT a boat that tows other boats [n]
Other moves: GABS G7 26, GUBS G7 26, ABUTS G6 25, GAB G7 25, GUB G7 25
GABS G7 26 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, WAVE 4A 32 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v]
Other moves: VANE 4A 26, VARE 4A 26, VENA 4A 26, VERA 4A 26, WANE 4A 26
WAVE 4A 32 Chelsea
On 4th draw, ASPA(R)KLE K4 76 --- ASPARKLE in a sparkling state [adj]
Other moves: WALK(U)P A4 42, PLA(C)K B2 40, PLA(N)K B2 40, PAKE(H)A G7 39, ALA(S)KA B2 38
AWAKE(N) A3 36 Chelsea
On 5th draw, VERSINS 10B 79 --- VERSIN short for versed sine [n]
Other moves: INVERSES 11E 72, VERSINES 11E 72, INVERSES 11H 61, WIVERNS A4 39, SWIVES A3 36
WIVERS A4 36 Chelsea
On 6th draw, WINDY A4 36 --- WINDY marked by strong wind [adj]
Other moves: YOND L1 30, ANNOY I5 29, DANNY L11 29, DAY I7 29, DONNY L11 29
WINDY A4 36 Chelsea
On 7th draw, EARLIEST D8 70 --- EARLY before the due time [adj] --- EARLY near the beginning of a period of time or a series of events [adv]
Other moves: LEARIEST D7 68, EGALITIES F4 62, TEA(R)IEST 8H 24, BALEENS G5 21, AISLE L9 20
VALETS B10 18 Chelsea
On 8th draw, GOWANY B1 57 --- GOWAN a daisy [adj] --- GOWANY covered with gowans (daisies) [adj]
Other moves: PEEOY C9 47, P(R)EWYN 8J 42, E(R)YNGO 8J 39, POGY L1 36, POSEY 14B 36
TOWNY 15D 33 Chelsea
On 9th draw, POTSHE(R)D 14A 80 --- POTSHERD a fragment of broken pottery [n]
Other moves: POTHO(L)ED 2A 63, HEED(Y) C9 40, THE(R)OP(O)D 8H 39, DE(A)TH C9 38, D(A)SHPOT 14B 36
HOPE L1 30 Chelsea
On 10th draw, THE(R)MION 8H 45 --- THERMION an ion emitted by a heated body [n]
Other moves: HOPE A12 39, (R)HIME 8K 39, EMIT 15A 36, HEIL 15F 36, HIDE H12 36
HOPE A12 39 Chelsea, Hammer22, Discus22, Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 11th draw, QADI H12 72 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QI 7M 44, QAT C12 39, ARETE 15A 36, IRATE 15A 36, ARET 15A 28
QADI H12 72 Chelsea
On 12th draw, OBITER 15A 49 --- OBITER as a passing remark [adv]
Other tops: EMOTER 15A 49
Other moves: EMOTE 15A 44, EMIT 15A 36, OBIT 15A 36, OMIT 15A 36, MOPE A12 33
On 13th draw, RIFLEMAN O1 92 --- RIFLEMAN a soldier armed with a rifle (a type of firearm) [n]
Other moves: INFLAMER O7 66, FARM L1 34, FERM L1 34, FILM L1 34, FILMIER M7 34
On 14th draw, JIRD L1 46 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: JEDI L1 44, JEED C9 42, JEE C9 37, JIGGED F2 34, REJOIN N5 34
On 15th draw, FEZ M2 52 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: COZE C7 51, TOZE C7 47, ZEE C9 45, ZLOTE 10J 36, FEZ L11 35
On 16th draw, REV C2 24 --- REV to increase the speed of [v]
Other moves: RELIC 7E 21, RUNIC 7E 21, UREIC 7E 21, ERIC 7F 20, URIC 7F 20
On 17th draw, COLOGNED F1 66 --- COLOGNE a scented liquid [adj] --- COLOGNED perfumed with cologne [adj]
Other moves: MOOLED L8 28, MOONED L8 28, MOOED L8 26, ACNODE 13H 24, DUNCE E4 22
On 18th draw, CRUX 1F 39 --- CRUX a basic or decisive point [n]
Other moves: COX 1F 36, ROUX J11 29, XU L11 27, ROUX L11 24, UNCUT 1D 24
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