Game on July 4, 2022 at 16:10, 8 players
1. 516 pts Pacific
2. 192 pts HollyIvy
3. 192 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


9C 83 111 


C9 20 131 


11B 68 199 


5D 82 281 


12H 38 319 


15A 32 351 


6D 33 384 


14B 39 423 


4B 39 462 


15G 41 503 


14J 52 555 


7G 63 618 


N3 62 680 


O12 69 749 


O1 31 780 


8D 43 823 


O8 44 867 


10B 50 917 


3I 52 969 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 5 13:04 -453 516 1.7039 Pacific 5 13:04 -453 516
HollyIvy 2 6:10 -777 192 2.7729 HollyIvy 2 6:10 -777 192
queen66 2 6:39 -777 192 3.7628 queen66 2 6:39 -777 192
Mycophot 2 6:40 -777 192 4.7633 Mycophot 2 6:40 -777 192
5. -
HHHH8888 1 0:51 -941 28 Group: not rated
6. -
MMMM8888 1 1:14 -941 28 1. - HHHH8888 1 0:51 -941 28
7. -
RRRR8888 1 1:36 -941 28 2. - MMMM8888 1 1:14 -941 28
8. -
OOOO8888 1 1:58 -941 28 3. - RRRR8888 1 1:36 -941 28
4. - OOOO8888 1 1:58 -941 28
On 1st draw, HORME H4 28 --- HORME purposeful behaviour [n]
Other tops: HOMER H4 28
Other moves: MOHEL H4 26, HERON H4 24, HONER H4 24, HOMER H8 22, HORME H8 22
HOMER H4 28 HHHH8888, MMMM8888, RRRR8888, Pacific, OOOO8888
On 2nd draw, KARAISM 9C 83 --- KARAISM a Jewish doctrine of literalism [n]
Other moves: ROMAIKAS 5G 78, KAMAS G5 34, KAMA G5 32, MAKARS G7 31, MAKARS I7 31
MARKS 9D 27 HollyIvy
MASK 9F 27 Pacific
MIRKS 9D 27 queen66
MAIKS 9D 27 Mycophot
On 3rd draw, KINARA C9 20 --- KINARA a candelabra with seven sticks [n]
Other tops: AREA 10C 20
Other moves: AREA I4 19, HERNIA 4H 18, KANAE C9 18, RAINE 10A 17, AINE 10B 16
On 4th draw, UNIDE(A)ED 11B 68 --- UNIDEAED lacking ideas [adj]
Other tops: UNDE(F)IDE 11B 68, UNDE(F)IED 11B 68, UNDE(N)IED 11B 68, UNEDI(T)ED 11B 68
Other moves: DE(C)IDUAE F3 63, U(N)IDEAED F4 63, DE(L)UDE B10 40, DE(N)UDE B10 40, DUDEE(N) B10 40
DUD(S) J6 22 Pacific
On 5th draw, UROLOGI(C) 5D 82 --- UROLOGIC pertaining to urology [adj] --- UROLOGY the branch of medicine dealing with the urinary tract [adj]
Other moves: LOURI(N)G 12H 72, OL(I)GURIA D2 68, GLORIOU(S) 5C 66, GLORIOU(S) 5F 66, OLIGUR(I)A D2 66
On 6th draw, FEUED 12H 38 --- FEU to grant land to under Scottish feudal law [v]
Other moves: FUDGE 4A 36, DEFUEL 12H 32, FUDGE 8D 31, ELFED H11 30, FLEG 4A 30
EF 6E 28 Pacific, Mycophot, HollyIvy, queen66
On 7th draw, POSE 15A 32 --- POSE to assume a fixed position [v]
Other tops: PESO 15A 32
Other moves: FOPS 11K 31, NEF 6D 31, EFS 15A 29, FES 15A 29, FOP 11K 29
NEF 6D 31 Pacific
FOPS 11K 31 queen66, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 8th draw, GEY 6D 33 --- GEY great [adj] --- GEY very [adv]
Other moves: AY 10E 31, TYG 13H 31, YAG 4D 29, YAR 6F 29, YUG 4D 29
GEY 6D 33 Mycophot, Pacific, queen66, HollyIvy
On 9th draw, BAWTIE 14B 39 --- BAWTIE a dog [n]
Other moves: WAITE 4A 35, BAG 4D 34, BEG 4D 34, BIG 4D 34, EWT 10E 34
BEG 4D 34 HollyIvy
BAG 4D 34 queen66
BIG 4D 34 Mycophot
AW 10E 31 Pacific
On 10th draw, CAPON 4B 39 --- CAPON a castrated cock [n]
Other tops: COPEN 4B 39
Other moves: PAC 4D 37, PEC 4D 37, OPEN 4C 33, CAPE 4B 31, CAPO 4B 31
CAPON 4B 39 Mycophot, queen66, HollyIvy
OP 10E 25 Pacific
On 11th draw, HIVED 15G 41 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other tops: HOVED 15G 41
Other moves: HOVEA 15G 38, HIVED 11K 37, HOVED 11K 37, HAVE 15G 35, HIVE 15G 35
HIVED 15G 41 Pacific
On 12th draw, WIGANS 14J 52 --- WIGAN a stiff fabric [n]
Other moves: WANGS 14J 50, WIGAN 14J 50, WINGS 14J 50, WAINS 14J 48, ZA 8D 44
WIZ J4 35 Pacific
On 13th draw, AMORETTI 7G 63 --- AMORETTO a cupid [n]
Other moves: ARTI 13F 26, ARTIEST O9 24, ATTIRES O8 24, IRATEST O9 24, OARIEST O9 24
OARIEST O9 24 Pacific
On 14th draw, ANTLIONS N3 62 --- ANTLION a predatory insect [n]
Other moves: LOANS 8K 27, LOAST 8K 27, STANOL 12A 25, SANTOLS O8 24, SANTONS O8 24
On 15th draw, ZEST O12 69 --- ZEST to fill with zest (invigorating excitement) [v]
Other moves: AZO 13L 53, OOZE M1 50, OUZO M1 50, TOZE M1 50, ZEA 13M 50
ZEST O12 69 Pacific
On 16th draw, OCREA O1 31 --- OCREA a sheathing plant part [n]
Other moves: CRATE 12A 29, ACT 10E 28, ACCOURT B2 26, ACRE O1 26, CARE O1 26
On 17th draw, JOB 8D 43 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: JO M3 41, JOE 13M 40, JOT 8D 39, JUT 8D 39, JO 8D 36
JOE 13M 40 Pacific
On 18th draw, FY O8 44 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other moves: FY 13H 32, YU O8 32, FLY M1 30, IVY M1 30, VLY M1 30
YU O8 32 Pacific
On 19th draw, XI 10B 50 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU B10 50
Other moves: NIX 11K 27, LUV M1 24, LUXE K9 22, NIXE K9 22, XI 8K 22
XU B10 50 Pacific
On 20th draw, QUINTAR 3I 52 --- QUINTAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: QUINS 10J 34, QUITS 10J 34, EQUINE K7 30, QINTAR 3J 30, VITULAR 3I 28
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