Game on July 5, 2022 at 09:26, 7 players
1. 339 pts Chelsea
2. 133 pts Mycophot
3. 127 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


G7 73 97 


5F 70 167 


8G 86 253 


H12 41 294 


O1 92 386 


3I 44 430 


I13 35 465 


J12 41 506 


9L 26 532 


10E 68 600 


7K 32 632 


2J 30 662 


1E 37 699 


2A 39 738 


A1 63 801 


11C 34 835 


D2 84 919 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 4 7:49 -580 339 1.7392 Chelsea 4 7:49 -580 339
Mycophot 1 5:11 -786 133 2.7677 Mycophot 1 5:11 -786 133
HollyIvy 2 3:30 -792 127 3.7765 HollyIvy 2 3:30 -792 127
moonmonkey 2 3:58 -792 127 4.7823 moonmonkey 2 3:58 -792 127
5. -
CCCC8888 1 0:51 -895 24 Group: not rated
6. -
MMMM8888 1 1:26 -895 24 1. - CCCC8888 1 0:51 -895 24
7. -
LLLL8888 1 1:46 -895 24 2. - MMMM8888 1 1:26 -895 24
3. - LLLL8888 1 1:46 -895 24
On 1st draw, CELOM H4 24 --- CELOM a body cavity in some animals [n]
Other tops: CELOM H8 24, CLONED H4 24
Other moves: CLONED H7 22, CODEN H4 22, COLED H4 22, CONED H4 22, DOLMEN H4 22
CELOM H4 24 CCCC8888, MMMM8888, LLLL8888
On 2nd draw, LABROID G7 73 --- LABROID a marine fish [n]
Other moves: RABID I5 28, RIBALD I5 28, LABOR I5 26, LOBAR I5 26, ABID I6 25
CABILDO 4H 24 HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 3rd draw, THELITI(S) 5F 70 --- THELITIS inflammation of the nipple [n]
Other tops: LITHITE(S) 5B 70, OILTI(G)HT 11G 70
Other moves: TRILITH(S) 10F 64, LITTLI(S)H 6H 62, TILTH(S) 14B 42, (O)TOLITH 11E 36, TI(C)H H12 27
TI(C)H H12 27 Mycophot, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, AMATORIAN 8G 86 --- AMATORIAN
Other moves: ANTIDORA 13C 70, INAMORATA 8E 62, ANTIAR F10 21, NAOI F8 21, NAOI H12 21
On 5th draw, DARK H12 41 --- DARK having little or no light [adj] --- DARK to darken [v]
Other moves: CAKED 4H 40, DAKER 4J 38, DUKA 4J 36, DUKE 4J 36, DARK 4L 35
DARK H12 41 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 6th draw, VESUVI(A)N O1 92 --- VESUVIAN a mineral [n]
Other moves: SURVIVE(D) 10E 73, SURVIVE(R) 10E 73, SURVIVE(S) 10E 73, (S)URVIVES 10E 73, REVIV(E)S 14H 40
VIVES 4B 24 Mycophot
On 7th draw, JOINERS 3I 44 --- JOINER a carpenter [n]
Other moves: EXO 4K 41, JINXES 3J 40, NOX 7K 39, EX 4K 38, XI 4L 37
EXO 4K 41 Mycophot
On 8th draw, WEY I13 35 --- WEY a measure or weight for dry goods [n]
Other tops: MEANY N6 35, YAMEN 9I 35
Other moves: WRY N2 33, WAE 2J 31, YAE 2J 31, WAME 9I 30, WAY 9I 29
MEANY N6 35 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
YAE 2J 31 Chelsea
On 9th draw, UNBE J12 41 --- UNBE to cease to have being -- UNBE is the only accepted form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: FE J14 37, FAS 9M 35, FES 9M 35, BE J14 31, FAN 6J 31
FAN 6J 31 Chelsea
On 10th draw, ETAS 9L 26 --- ETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: OES 9M 23, SECO 4F 23, TAS 9M 23, TES 9M 23, TIS 9M 23
ETAS 9L 26 Chelsea
On 11th draw, HORNITOS 10E 68 --- HORNITO a mound of volcanic matter [n]
Other moves: TONISH 10I 39, NISH 10K 35, NOSH 10K 35, TOSH 10K 35, HOON 2J 34
HOOT 2J 34 Chelsea
On 12th draw, WOF 7K 32 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: FEN 6J 31, FON 6J 31, WOE 2J 31, ENOW 7J 29, FE 6J 28
WOE 2J 31 Chelsea
On 13th draw, SOIREE 2J 30 --- SOIREE an evening party [n]
Other moves: ARIOSO 11B 24, SECO 4F 23, DAWNERS 13G 22, AERO 11D 20, ARISE 11A 20
OARS K10 19 Chelsea
On 14th draw, PIGGED 1E 37 --- PIG to give birth to cloven-hoofed mammals [v]
Other moves: PINGED 1E 34, GENIP 1G 32, IGGED 1F 28, PEGHING E7 28, PIEND 1F 28
PIGGED 1E 37 Chelsea
On 15th draw, RAFTED 2A 39 --- RAFT to transport on a raft (a type of buoyant structure) [v]
Other tops: F*RT*DFARTED 2A 39
Other moves: FARED 2B 37, FATED 2B 37, PARTED 2A 37, PRATED 2A 37, TRAPED 2A 37
DEAF 2C 33 Chelsea
On 16th draw, PREX A1 63 --- PREX a president [n]
Other moves: GREX A1 60, EXO 11E 39, GRAPLE A1 36, APEX 3D 34, GRAPE A1 33
PREX A1 63 Chelsea
On 17th draw, QUA 11C 34 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other tops: CAMEO 11C 34
Other moves: QI 6N 31, CAMO 11D 30, CAUM 11B 30, EQUID 12D 30, CAM 11C 28
QUA 11C 34 Chelsea
On 18th draw, TANGENCY D2 84 --- TANGENCY the state of being in immediate physical contact [n]
Other moves: CAGEY B10 47, CANNY B10 45, YAG 3C 38, N*NCYNANCY B10 37, YAE 3C 35
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