Game on July 5, 2022 at 11:40, 7 players
1. 423 pts Chelsea
2. 173 pts Mycophot
3. 145 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 28 28 


13H 36 64 


11A 68 132 


14I 34 166 


K7 72 238 


15F 63 301 


A8 30 331 


8K 75 406 


N1 78 484 


O1 54 538 


B2 74 612 


10D 30 642 


A1 57 699 


J6 27 726 


N10 36 762 


D5 32 794 


E1 22 816 


1C 30 846 


8H 31 877 


4L 28 905 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 9:54 -482 423 1.7400 Chelsea 2 9:54 -482 423
Mycophot 0 6:53 -732 173 2.7672 Mycophot 0 6:53 -732 173
queen66 0 3:56 -760 145 3.7639 queen66 0 3:56 -760 145
HollyIvy 0 4:20 -760 145 4.7740 HollyIvy 0 4:20 -760 145
5. -
KKKK8888 1 0:54 -877 28 Group: not rated
6. -
TTTT8888 1 1:27 -877 28 1. - KKKK8888 1 0:54 -877 28
7. -
RRRR8888 1 1:47 -877 28 2. - TTTT8888 1 1:27 -877 28
3. - RRRR8888 1 1:47 -877 28
On 1st draw, TEREK H8 28 --- TEREK a sandpiper [n]
Other moves: EMOTER H3 22, METEOR H4 22, MEEK H5 20, MEEK H6 20, MEEK H7 20
TEREK H8 28 KKKK8888, TTTT8888, RRRR8888
On 2nd draw, SHOORA 13H 36 --- SHOORA an Islamic consultative law-making body [n]
Other moves: SHOO G8 26, KHORS 12H 24, KOHAS 12H 24, SHARK 12D 24, SHOOK 12D 24
SHOOK 12D 24 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66
On 3rd draw, BIENN(A)LE 11A 68 --- BIENNALE a show that occurs every two years [n]
Other tops: BIENN(A)LE 11F 68, BLENNIE(S) 11B 68, BLENNIE(S) 11F 68
Other moves: BLINNE(D) G3 65, BLINNE(D) I3 65, BIENN(I)AL M7 63, B(I)ENNIAL M7 63, BIENN(A)LE 9F 62
BIEN 14J 28 queen66, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 4th draw, OWN 14I 34 --- OWN to have as a possession [v]
Other tops: AWN 14I 34, PILAWS B10 34, PILOWS B10 34
Other moves: BAWLS A11 33, BAWNS A11 33, BLAWN A11 33, BLAWS A11 33, BLOWN A11 33
WASP N11 28 Mycophot
On 5th draw, SANCTIONS K7 72 --- SANCTION to authorize [v]
Other tops: CINEASTS C8 72
Other moves: NARCISTS 10F 69, SCANTIES 9B 65, CINEASTS 9E 62, SCANTIES C5 62, ACTINS 15F 39
SCANS 15G 36 Chelsea
SCANT 15K 33 Mycophot
SCANS 15K 33 queen66
SCATS 15K 33 HollyIvy
On 6th draw, POXIEST 15F 63 --- POXY afflicted with a pox [adj]
Other moves: PIXES 15G 61, POXES 15G 61, AXITE 8K 60, GOXES 15G 58, PEGBOX A8 57
POXES 15G 61 Chelsea
AXITE 8K 60 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot
On 7th draw, AIRBAG A8 30 --- AIRBAG an inflatable safety device in an automobile [n]
Other moves: AGRIA 10A 27, ARRIBA A7 27, ARROBA A7 27, GARBO A8 27, AGORA 8K 24
GARBO A8 27 Chelsea
On 8th draw, AZIDE 8K 75 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: AVIZE 8K 63, BAIZED 8J 57, ZITE J6 39, ZED J6 38, BIZE J4 37
BAIZED 8J 57 Chelsea
On 9th draw, E(N)GORGED N1 78 --- ENGORGE to fill with blood [v]
Other tops: REGO(R)GED N1 78, (R)EGORGED N1 78
Other moves: (T)OGGERED N1 74, O(V)EREGG B2 73, E(N)GORGE B2 72, GO(U)GERE B2 72, (R)EGORGE B2 72
G(L)OZE L5 18 Chelsea
On 10th draw, FEUD O1 54 --- FEUD to engage in a feud (a bitter, continuous hostility) [v]
Other moves: FY O1 43, FAYED 1K 39, FEYED 1K 39, FEU O1 37, FEED 1L 36
FEUD O1 54 Chelsea
On 11th draw, IMITANT B2 74 --- IMITANT an imitation [n]
Other moves: IMITANT B3 65, INTIMATE C4 62, IMARI 10E 26, AIM 10D 24, INTIMAL G5 24
MART 10F 23 Chelsea
On 12th draw, UEY 10D 30 --- UEY a U turn [n]
Other tops: MATILY 3B 30, MUTELY 3B 30
Other moves: UTILE C3 29, YARE 10F 29, YAR 10F 28, AY 10E 27, AYE 12C 26
YARE 10F 29 Chelsea
On 13th draw, YOMP A1 57 --- YOMP to carry [v]
Other moves: FOAM A1 49, POEM A1 46, *F*YOFAY C3 40, MOPEY A2 37, FY C2 35
MOPEY A2 37 Chelsea
On 14th draw, JA J6 27 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: DID 12C 23, AVID G6 21, AVID I6 21, JIZ L6 21, AID 12C 20
JA J6 27 Chelsea
On 15th draw, BALSA N10 36 --- BALSA the corkwood tree [n]
Other moves: LIANAS 12J 27, BASAL N11 24, BASAN N11 24, SABAL 14A 24, SABRA 14A 24
BASAN N11 24 Chelsea
On 16th draw, OVERFUND D5 32 --- OVERFUND to fund more than required [v]
Other moves: DEF I7 30, DOF I7 30, FED I7 30, FOUNDER D8 30, REFOUND D6 30
DEF I7 30 Chelsea
On 17th draw, TICED E1 22 --- TICE to entice [v]
Other tops: CITED E1 22, CRIED E1 22, CURED E1 22, RICED E1 22
Other moves: DIRE I7 21, DITE I7 21, RIDE I7 21, TIDE I7 21, TRICED G4 21
On 18th draw, OUTLAW 1C 30 --- OUTLAW to prohibit [v]
Other tops: OUTWIN 1C 30
Other moves: WAN I7 26, WIN I7 26, WON I7 26, WINO M7 25, OUTLAIN 1C 24
On 19th draw, THIAZIDE 8H 31 --- THIAZIDE a drug used to treat high blood pressure [n]
Other moves: HIRE I7 29, VINE I7 29, VIRE I7 29, HEN I7 26, HER I7 26
On 20th draw, QUOD 4L 28 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: LEV F4 20, REV F4 20, EEVN C11 17, LIE 12J 17, VEE 9G 17
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