Game on July 8, 2022 at 16:49, 7 players
1. 423 pts Chelsea
2. 344 pts HollyIvy
3. 188 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 34 34 


I8 63 97 


14D 71 168 


11D 98 266 


15A 53 319 


15K 74 393 


12A 40 433 


5E 56 489 


6C 32 521 


N10 34 555 


K2 61 616 


10C 28 644 


L2 32 676 


15G 32 708 


B2 84 792 


A8 48 840 


4A 48 888 


1L 26 914 


A1 31 945 


J10 23 968 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 4 15:14 -545 423 1.7322 Chelsea 4 15:14 -545 423
HollyIvy 6 7:07 -624 344 2.7769 HollyIvy 6 7:07 -624 344
Mycophot 2 5:03 -780 188 3.7672 Mycophot 2 5:03 -780 188
queen66 1 3:14 -842 126 4.7751 queen66 1 3:14 -842 126
5. -
KKKK8888 1 0:51 -934 34 Group: not rated
6. -
YYYY8888 1 1:21 -934 34 1. - KKKK8888 1 0:51 -934 34
7. -
LLLL8888 1 1:41 -934 34 2. - YYYY8888 1 1:21 -934 34
3. - LLLL8888 1 1:41 -934 34
On 1st draw, KYLIE H4 34 --- KYLIE a boomerang [n]
Other tops: KAYLE H4 34, KELTY H4 34, KILEY H4 34, KILTY H4 34
Other moves: KELTY H8 32, KILEY H8 32, KILTY H8 32, LEAKY H8 32, TALKY H8 32
KILEY H4 34 KKKK8888, YYYY8888, LLLL8888
KILTY H4 34 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, RAUCLER I8 63 --- RAUCLE rough [adj]
Other tops: RAUCLER G8 63
Other moves: CAULKER 4D 26, RERACK 4C 24, ALECK 4D 22, CAULK 4D 22, CLERK 4D 22
On 3rd draw, ENHEARSE 14D 71 --- ENHEARSE to enclose in a hearse [v]
Other moves: NESH J7 33, ASH J8 32, NAH J8 32, AH J9 28, EH J9 28
NESH J7 33 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66
HEN H13 25 Chelsea
On 4th draw, WAIN(S)COT 11D 98 --- WAINSCOT to line the walls of with wooden paneling [v]
Other moves: WAY(P)OINT 5F 76, WAIT(R)ON J2 70, (S)NOWCAT 11E 44, TAWIN(G) 15J 40, TWAIN 15K 38
TAWIN(G) 15J 40 queen66, HollyIvy
WAIT 15A 27 Chelsea
On 5th draw, BASHO 15A 53 --- BASHO a Sumo wrestling tournament [n]
Other moves: BAGH 15A 51, ABASH 13C 48, BASH 15A 48, BOSH 15A 48, GASH 15A 45
BASHO 15A 53 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot
BASH L12 38 Chelsea
On 6th draw, AZINE 15K 74 --- AZINE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ZINE 12A 56, AIZLE 15K 47, PIZE 12A 46, ZEAL 10B 40, ZEIN 12C 40
ZIP F10 34 Chelsea
On 7th draw, FICES 12A 40 --- FICE a small dog of mixed breed [n]
Other moves: FEIST L8 37, FIEST L8 37, FIRST L8 37, FRISE L8 37, FRIST L8 37
FICE 12A 36 Chelsea
On 8th draw, POLYOMA 5E 56 --- POLYOMA a type of virus [n]
Other moves: LOWP 10C 37, LAMP 10C 35, AMP 10D 34, PALM 10C 33, AW 15G 32
LAMP 10C 35 Mycophot
AW 15G 32 Chelsea
On 9th draw, REIF 6C 32 --- REIF robbery [n]
Other tops: FILE 6F 32, NAIF 6C 32, NEIF 6C 32, NIEF 6C 32
Other moves: FRENA 10B 31, NEF 6D 31, REF 6D 31, RIF 6D 31, EF 6E 30
NAIF 6C 32 Mycophot
FILE 6F 32 Chelsea
On 10th draw, VERLAN N10 34 --- VERLAN a variety of French slang using back-to-front words, eg meuf for femme [n]
Other moves: VARLET B1 32, AVERT B2 30, VALET B2 30, GRAVEN N10 28, LARGE 10C 28
GRAVER C1 20 Chelsea
On 11th draw, MEGARONS K2 61 --- MEGARON the great central hall of an ancient Greek house [n]
Other moves: MENGS L1 37, MONGS L1 37, GERMS L1 35, GORMS L1 35, MOERS L1 35
MORES L1 35 Mycophot
MOSE L3 27 Chelsea
On 12th draw, TONDI 10C 28 --- TONDO a circular painting [n]
Other moves: DINO L1 26, DONUT B2 26, IDIOT B2 26, NIDI L1 25, NODI L1 25
TONDI 10C 28 HollyIvy
DINO L1 26 Chelsea
On 13th draw, UTU(S) L2 32 --- UTU retribution [n]
Other tops: UTI(S) L2 32
Other moves: GIU(S)TO B2 26, GO(M)UTI B2 26, TI(S) L3 26, (A)GOUTI B2 26, (B)UGOUT B1 26
UTI(S) L2 32 HollyIvy
MI(N)G 2K 12 Chelsea
On 14th draw, AW 15G 32 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other tops: (S)EWAN H11 32, (S)EWAR H11 32
Other moves: AWEE 13F 27, GANEF A8 27, GANOF A8 27, GONEF A8 27, WAG H13 26
AW 15G 32 Chelsea, HollyIvy
On 15th draw, BRUITED B2 84 --- BRUIT to spread by rumour [v]
Other moves: BIDET B2 30, BRIEF A8 30, DEBIT B2 30, DEBUT B2 30, BRUIT B2 28
BRIEF A8 30 HollyIvy
On 16th draw, OXY A8 48 --- OXY containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: TIX A7 41, OX A3 36, OX A8 36, TOY A7 29, YO A7 29
OXY A8 48 HollyIvy, Chelsea
On 17th draw, QUAD 4A 48 --- QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v]
Other moves: QUAT 4A 46, JUTE 4A 38, JA A1 31, JEAT 13H 29, TAJ J1 29
QUAD 4A 48 HollyIvy
On 18th draw, TEGG 1L 26 --- TEGG a sheep in its second year [n]
Other tops: DEEN 7A 26, DEET 7A 26
Other moves: DEE 7A 23, TEND 1L 23, TIDE 1L 23, TIED 1L 23, TIGE 1L 23
On 19th draw, JO A1 31 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: POODS J10 29, JIRD 12L 28, POONS J10 27, POOTS J10 27, JETTON 3J 26
On 20th draw, POI J10 23 --- POI a Hawaiian food [n]
Other moves: NITID 8K 21, MUNI 2K 20, MUTI 2K 20, PE 7A 20, PO J10 20
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