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Game on July 9, 2022 at 07:24, 13 players
1. 301 pts Chelsea
2. 166 pts sicilianc5
3. 166 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdehru   H8    26    26   rehab
 2. ?aainos  13B    75   101   atonias
 3. aegknno  B10    38   139   kanae
 4. ?aagrtt   D7    70   209   agitator
 5. deelrtu  12H    76   285   butlered
 6. aegloos  15D    31   316   segol
 7. cgnotuv   8A    27   343   vugg
 8. acdeioo   O7    30   373   dooced
 9. einnswy   E2    91   464   swinney
10. aeijlpx  11G    53   517   jaxie
11. adempuz  10J    69   586   zep
12. aceopru   N2    35   621   croupe
13. adefinr   G2    66   687   friande
14. hiotuwy   M5    33   720   yow
15. aehlnoq   L4    37   757   halon
16. deiilmt   I3    72   829   limited
17. afimstu   J4    41   870   tufas
18. iimoqrt   D4    46   916   qi
19. bimortv  N11    24   940   bevor

Remaining tiles: iimt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7311 FileChelsea     2  7:35  -639  301     1.7311 Chelsea     2  7:35  -639  301 
  2.7825 Filesicilianc5  1  4:23  -774  166     2.7825 sicilianc5  1  4:23  -774  166 
  3.7667 FileMycophot    1  4:48  -774  166     3.7667 Mycophot    1  4:48  -774  166 
  4.7820 FileHollyIvy    2  4:08  -775  165     4.7820 HollyIvy    2  4:08  -775  165 
  5.6806 Filebabsbedi    1  3:18  -858   82            Group: intermediate
  6.6397 FileHammer22    1  1:55  -894   46     1.6806 babsbedi    1  3:18  -858   82 
  7.  -  FileBBBB8888    1  0:52  -914   26     2.6397 Hammer22    1  1:55  -894   46 
  8.  -  FileHHHH8888    1  1:14  -914   26     3.6343 Discus22    0  0:14  -920   20 
  9.  -  FileAAAA8888    1  1:35  -914   26     4.6592 Javelin22   0  0:33  -920   20 
 10.  -  FileRRRR8888    1  1:57  -914   26     5.6196 ShotPut22   0  0:50  -920   20 
 11.6343 FileDiscus22    0  0:14  -920   20            Group: not rated
 12.6592 FileJavelin22   0  0:33  -920   20     1.  -  BBBB8888    1  0:52  -914   26 
 13.6196 FileShotPut22   0  0:50  -920   20     2.  -  HHHH8888    1  1:14  -914   26 
                                             3.  -  AAAA8888    1  1:35  -914   26 
                                             4.  -  RRRR8888    1  1:57  -914   26 

On 1st draw, REHAB H8 26 --- REHAB to restore to a good condition [v]
Other tops: HARED H4 26, HEARD H4 26
Other moves: ARDEB H8 22, BARDE H4 22, BARED H4 22, BEARD H4 22, BREAD H4 22
REHAB H8 26 BBBB8888, HHHH8888, AAAA8888, RRRR8888

On 2nd draw, A(T)ONIAS 13B 75 --- ATONIA muscular debility [n]
Other tops: ANO(P)IAS 13B 75, ANO(X)IAS 13B 75
Other moves: ROSA(R)IAN 8H 71, BONA(M)IAS 12H 70, A(G)NOSIA 13D 69, (P)AISANO 13E 69, AB(R)ASION 12G 68

On 3rd draw, KANAE B10 38 --- KANAE (Maori) grey mullet, pl KANAE. No -S [n]
Other moves: KNAG 12A 37, KAGO 12B 33, KEG 12D 33, KEA 12D 30, KOA 12D 30

On 4th draw, AG(I)TATOR D7 70 --- AGITATOR one that agitates [n]
Other moves: R(E)GATTA C4 65, AEGR(O)TAT 9G 62, ATTAGIR(L) F8 62, REGATTA(S) 9G 62, R(E)GATTA G2 60

On 5th draw, BUTLERED 12H 76 --- BUTLER to act as a butler [v]
Other moves: ELUTED E6 28, ELUDER E6 27, ELUDE C6 26, ETUDE C6 26, LUTED E7 26

On 6th draw, SEGOL 15D 31 --- SEGOL a Hebrew vowel-point [n]
Other moves: SOOLE 15D 28, AGONES E10 26, AGOGES 8A 24, AGONE E10 24, GAOLED O7 24

On 7th draw, VUGG 8A 27 --- VUGG a small cavity in a rock [n]
Other moves: COVENT N9 26, COGENT N9 22, VACANT 11A 22, DOUC O12 21, DUCT O12 21
VUGG 8A 27 HollyIvy

On 8th draw, DOOCED O7 30 --- DOOCED
Other tops: CADDIE O10 30
Other moves: CIDED O8 27, CODED O8 27, CODEIA O10 27, DECAD O8 27, DICED O8 27
COOED O8 24 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 9th draw, SWINNEY E2 91 --- SWINNEY atrophy of a horse's shoulder muscle [n]
Other moves: SWINNEY N2 88, SWINNEY E1 81, SWINNEY G3 80, SINEWY E3 42, WINSEY E3 39
WINY N6 28 Mycophot, sicilianc5

On 10th draw, JAXIE 11G 53 --- JAXIE the posterior [n]
Other moves: AXE D3 45, APEX I6 43, AX D3 41, PLEX I6 41, AXEL 13K 39
AXE D3 45 sicilianc5, Mycophot, HollyIvy

On 11th draw, ZEP 10J 69 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other moves: ZED 10J 68, ZEA 10J 67, MAZED N4 43, ZAP N6 41, ZEP N6 41
ZEP 10J 69 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot, Chelsea

On 12th draw, CROUPE N2 35 --- CROUPE the rump of certain animals [n]
Other moves: REAP D1 29, COWPEA 3C 28, PRECOUP L4 28, APE D3 25, APO D3 25
REAP D1 29 Chelsea

On 13th draw, FRIANDE G2 66 --- FRIANDE a female epicure [n]
Other tops: FRIANDE I2 66
Other moves: FARDING C2 30, FAWNIER 3C 30, DEFANG C3 28, FADEIN 4A 28, FADIER 3I 28
FED 13L 26 Chelsea

On 14th draw, YOW M5 33 --- YOW to yowl [v]
Other moves: WHY M7 31, YOUTH M4 28, GHI C8 26, WHOW 3B 26, WHYS 2B 26
OH D3 25 Chelsea

On 15th draw, HALON L4 37 --- HALON a chemical used in fire extinguishers [n]
Other tops: ENHALO L2 37, H**L* D1 37
Other moves: HAEN H1 34, HALO L4 33, HEAL D1 33, NOAH D1 33, NOAH L3 28
HEAL D1 33 Chelsea

On 16th draw, LIMITED I3 72 --- LIMITED a train or bus making few stops [n]
Other moves: MED 13L 23, DELIMIT 4B 22, GLIM C8 22, IDEM I6 22, LIMITED 4D 22
MEN E11 20 Chelsea

On 17th draw, TUFAS J4 41 --- TUFA a porous limestone [n]
Other moves: TUFA J4 36, FAS J6 33, FIAT D1 33, SIF J4 33, STRUMA M10 31
FAS J6 33 Chelsea
FA H1 20 babsbedi

On 18th draw, QI D4 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI D1 23, QI 4D 22, OM D3 21, QI F1 21, RIOT D1 21
QI D4 46 babsbedi, Chelsea, Hammer22

On 19th draw, BEVOR N11 24 --- BEVOR a piece of armor for the lower face [n]
Other moves: BERM N11 20, BIN E11 20, BON E11 20, MIRVS 2A 20, MON E11 20
BERM N11 20 Discus22, Javelin22, ShotPut22
MON E11 20 Chelsea
BO A14 16 babsbedi

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