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Game on July 14, 2022 at 07:25, 9 players
1. 432 pts fatcat
2. 309 pts babsbedi
3. 101 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eghintu   H4    28    28   heting
 2. aadlnrw   5E    44    72   danelaw
 3. abegjou   4H    50   122   hejab
 4. aemrrss   7G    65   187   simarres
 5. abceiru   H1    45   232   racheting
 6. ailrrst   M6    68   300   retrials
 7. ?defiio   1A    86   386   codifier
 8. ?efglot  11H    72   458   floatage
 9. aehknot   O8    51   509   theek
10. adgilmn  13F    64   573   madlings
11. ceeinrt  14A    80   653   enticer
12. adeoopw   2B    53   706   wooed
13. aeenosu   3B    37   743   ensue
14. eioqtuv  A11    45   788   quiet
15. aoopuxy   6D    56   844   pox
16. beiioyz  15G    50   894   bize
17. ainovvy   3K    38   932   navvy
18. aioopuy   O1    33   965   poyou

Remaining tiles: aiouy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6538 Filefatcat      2  9:20  -533  432     1.7765 HollyIvy    2  1:09  -864  101 
  2.6821 Filebabsbedi    1  7:35  -656  309     2.7871 moonmonkey  2  1:18  -864  101 
  3.7765 FileHollyIvy    2  1:09  -864  101     3.7793 sicilianc5  2  1:53  -864  101 
  4.7871 Filemoonmonkey  2  1:18  -864  101            Group: intermediate
  5.7793 Filesicilianc5  2  1:53  -864  101     1.6538 fatcat      2  9:20  -533  432 
  6.  -  FileHHHH8888    1  0:42  -937   28     2.6821 babsbedi    1  7:35  -656  309 
  7.  -  FileGGGG8888    1  1:05  -937   28            Group: not rated
  8.  -  FileNNNN8888    1  1:28  -937   28     1.  -  HHHH8888    1  0:42  -937   28 
  9.  -  FileTTTT8888    1  1:50  -937   28     2.  -  GGGG8888    1  1:05  -937   28 
                                             3.  -  NNNN8888    1  1:28  -937   28 
                                             4.  -  TTTT8888    1  1:50  -937   28 

On 1st draw, HETING H4 28 --- HETE to command [v]
Other moves: HINGE H4 26, NEIGH H8 26, TEUGH H8 26, HETING H7 24, UNETH H8 24
HETING H4 28 HHHH8888, GGGG8888, NNNN8888, TTTT8888

On 2nd draw, DANELAW 5E 44 --- DANELAW Danish law that prevailed in England [n]
Other moves: ADRENAL 5E 32, NARWHAL 4D 26, DAWAH 4D 24, AWARNED 5C 22, WAD G5 21

On 3rd draw, HEJAB 4H 50 --- HEJAB a covering for a Muslim woman's head and face [n]
Other moves: JOBE 4J 40, JAB 4J 38, JOB 4J 38, JAG 4J 36, JOG 4J 36

On 4th draw, SIMARRES 7G 65 --- SIMARRE a loose coat [n]
Other moves: MARSES 6J 40, MASERS 6J 40, MARES 6J 39, MARSE 6J 39, MASER 6J 39

On 5th draw, RACHETING H1 45 --- RACHET to move by a rachet mechanism [v]
Other moves: CABRIE 4A 31, CABER 3K 30, CABRE 3K 30, REBIT 6D 29, REBUT 6D 29

On 6th draw, RETRIALS M6 68 --- RETRIAL a second trial [n]
Other tops: RETIRALS M6 68
Other moves: ALIST M1 28, ISTLE M3 28, TARSI M1 28, AILS M1 26, AIRS M1 26
RAILS 3K 20 fatcat

On 7th draw, (C)ODIFIER 1A 86 --- CODIFIER one that codifies [n]
Other tops: (M)ODIFIER 1A 86
Other moves: DIO(L)EFIN 8A 85, OI(L)FIELD 12G 74, (C)ODIFIES 13F 63, (M)ODIFIES 13F 63, OI(L)FIRED 1C 62
JAFA J4 22 fatcat

On 8th draw, FLO(A)TAGE 11H 72 --- FLOATAGE the act of floating [n]
Other moves: FLOT(A)GES 13F 63, F(R)OGLETS 13F 63, FLOTE N10 51, FLOTE(L) N10 51, FLOTE(S) N10 51
FLAG 2F 31 fatcat

On 9th draw, THEEK O8 51 --- THEEK to thatch [v]
Other moves: KANEH O8 48, KANEH 6B 46, HOTEN 2B 44, KANEH 3K 38, AKE 10I 36
HAKE O8 33 fatcat

On 10th draw, MADLINGS 13F 64 --- MADLING a mad person [n]
Other moves: THEEKING O8 48, MALIK 12K 32, FAGIN H11 30, FLING H11 30, LINGAM 6A 30
THEEKING O8 48 fatcat
MAID 3K 26 babsbedi

On 11th draw, ENTICER 14A 80 --- ENTICER one that entices [n]
Other moves: ERECTING 9A 63, CTENE 12D 30, CENTER 14B 28, CRETIN 14B 28, TRIENE 12C 28
CENTRE 14A 26 fatcat
TRICE 14B 24 babsbedi

On 12th draw, WOOED 2B 53 --- WOO to seek the affection of [v]
Other moves: POOED 2B 49, WEEP A12 39, WADE 2B 37, PAWED A11 36, WEED A12 36
WEEP A12 39 babsbedi
WEED A12 36 fatcat

On 13th draw, ENSUE 3B 37 --- ENSUE to occur afterward or as a result [v]
Other moves: AEONS 3A 33, EONS 3B 31, ESNE 3B 31, NOSE 3B 31, ENES 3C 29
EONS 3B 31 babsbedi
ONES M1 26 fatcat

On 14th draw, QUIET A11 45 --- QUIET making little or no noise [adj] --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other tops: TOQUE 15G 45
Other moves: QUIET 6B 43, QUOIT 6B 43, QUITES N2 38, QUOTES N2 38, TOQUE 3K 38
QUIET A11 45 fatcat
TOQUE 15G 45 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, moonmonkey
QUIT D12 28 babsbedi

On 15th draw, POX 6D 56 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other tops: PAX 6D 56
Other moves: AX 6E 53, OX 6E 53, POXY 3K 44, PAX 3K 36, POX 3K 36
POX 6D 56 moonmonkey, fatcat, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
PAX 6D 56 babsbedi

On 16th draw, BIZE 15G 50 --- BIZE a cold wind in Switzerland [n]
Other moves: BEZ 15G 47, BIZ 15G 47, OYEZ 3L 36, BIZE 12C 35, YEBO 15G 33
BIZ 15G 47 babsbedi
ZO J10 31 fatcat

On 17th draw, NAVVY 3K 38 --- NAVVY a manual laborer [n] --- NAVVY to work as a labourer [v]
Other moves: VAV 3K 31, NAVY 3K 30, AY 10I 28, AYIN B9 28, VAIN 3K 27
VAV 3K 31 babsbedi
YONI 3K 27 fatcat

On 18th draw, POYOU O1 33 --- POYOU an armadillo of Argentina [n]
Other moves: QUIPO 11A 32, YIP B10 31, AY 10I 28, PAYOUT C9 28, YA 10J 27
YIP B10 31 fatcat
YAY O1 27 babsbedi

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