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Game on July 17, 2022 at 09:43, 7 players
1. 305 pts LongJump22
2. 205 pts HollyIvy
3. 205 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiknow   H4    34    34   weakon
 2. ?eerrsv   5E    90   124   rerevise
 3. fhiistt   4L    38   162   fish
 4. aegloor   O3    30   192   gherao
 5. bdiiotu   M3    26   218   bidi
 6. ainoost   E4    66   284   orations
 7. cdgilou   8A    33   317   dolci
 8. aeefist   A1    89   406   safetied
 9. eilnotu   N8    70   476   outline
10. aeimnpr   G8    70   546   permian
11. addmorr  15L    38   584   mard
12. adeiiuz   D2    48   632   adz
13. egilnot   I8    70   702   lentigo
14. acgntuy   F1    29   731   gynae
15. ?celuvy  12F    36   767   civilly
16. aehirux  J12    55   822   luxe
17. aejortw   1F    36   858   gajo
18. beirtuw   B2    29   887   wet
19. beipqru   J4    41   928   pique
20. bhiirtu  F12    22   950   chib

Remaining tiles: irtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6613 FileLongJump22  4  7:19  -645  305     1.7578 HollyIvy    3  3:42  -745  205 
  2.7578 FileHollyIvy    3  3:42  -745  205     2.7535 Mycophot    3  4:43  -745  205 
  3.7535 FileMycophot    3  4:43  -745  205     3.7652 moonmonkey  3  5:09  -745  205 
  4.7652 Filemoonmonkey  3  5:09  -745  205            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  FileKKKK8888    1  0:57  -916   34     1.6613 LongJump22  4  7:19  -645  305 
  6.  -  FileWWWW8888    1  1:27  -916   34            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileOOOO8888    1  1:52  -916   34     1.  -  KKKK8888    1  0:57  -916   34 
                                             2.  -  WWWW8888    1  1:27  -916   34 
                                             3.  -  OOOO8888    1  1:52  -916   34 

On 1st draw, WEAKON H4 34 --- WEAKON a subatomic particle [n]
Other tops: AWOKEN H3 34, KNAWE H4 34, KNOWE H4 34
Other moves: WAKEN H4 32, WOKEN H4 32, AWOKEN H4 28, AWOKEN H7 28, AWOKEN H8 28
WEAKON H4 34 KKKK8888, WWWW8888, OOOO8888

On 2nd draw, REREV(I)SE 5E 90 --- REREVISE to revise again [v]
Other tops: RESERVE(D) 5E 90, RESERVE(R) 5E 90, RESERVE(S) 5E 90, RESE(R)VER 5E 90, REVERE(R)S 5E 90, REVERSE(D) 5E 90, REVERSE(R) 5E 90, REVERSE(S) 5E 90, REVER(I)ES 5E 90, REVER(S)ES 5E 90, REVE(L)ERS 5E 90, REVE(R)ERS 5E 90, REVE(R)SER 5E 90, RE(N)VERSE 5D 90, RE(S)ERVES 5E 90, S(C)REEVER 5D 90, S(C)REEVER 5E 90, VE(N)ERERS 5E 90, (D)ESERVER 5E 90, (P)ERVERSE 5D 90, (P)RESERVE 5D 90, (R)ESERVER 5E 90, (R)EVERERS 5E 90, (R)EVERSER 5E 90
Other moves: OVERRE(D)S 8H 83, OVERRE(N)S 8H 83, OVERSE(E)R 8H 83, OVERS(E)ER 8H 83, OVERS(U)RE 8H 83
REVERSE 5E 40 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 3rd draw, FISH 4L 38 --- FISH to catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates) [v]
Other moves: FISH 6J 34, FITTS 6J 34, FISH 10F 32, FISH M3 31, FIST 6J 31
FISH 4L 38 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, Mycophot

On 4th draw, GHERAO O3 30 --- GHERAO to coerce by physical means [v]
Other moves: HALER O4 24, H**L* O4 24, HORAL O4 24, GAOLER 4A 22, GAE 3M 21

On 5th draw, BIDI M3 26 --- BIDI (Hindi) a hand rolled cigarette [n]
Other moves: BID M3 24, DOUT 6J 23, BIG 3M 22, BITOU 4A 22, BOG 3M 22

On 6th draw, ORATIONS E4 66 --- ORATION a formal speech [n]
Other moves: NOSTOI 10F 24, TOISON 10E 24, ANTIS 10D 21, IOTAS 10D 21, NATIS 10D 21

On 7th draw, DOLCI 8A 33 --- DOLCE a soft-toned organ stop [n]
Other moves: CLIED F2 27, CLUED F2 27, CLOD D1 26, CLOG D1 26, COLD D1 26

On 8th draw, SAFETIED A1 89 --- SAFETY to protect against failure, breakage, or accident [v]
Other moves: FETIALES C3 76, LEAFIEST C8 74, SAFETIES 11E 72, SAFETIES K5 72, FEALTIES C5 63

On 9th draw, OUTLINE N8 70 --- OUTLINE to indicate the main features or different parts of [v]
Other tops: LUTEOLIN C3 70
Other moves: OUTLINE F9 69, LUTEOLIN C8 68, OUTLINE G8 64, OUTLINE I8 64, ELUTION N7 63

On 10th draw, PERMIAN G8 70 --- PERMIAN of or pertaining to a certain geologic time period [adj]
Other tops: PERMIAN I8 70
Other moves: PERM 15L 41, RAMEN B2 37, RAMIN B2 37, REMAN B2 37, MARE 15L 35
PERM 15L 41 Mycophot, HollyIvy, moonmonkey, LongJump22

On 11th draw, MARD 15L 38 --- MAR to detract from the perfection or wholeness of [v]
Other moves: DORM O12 36, DRAM H12 36, DORM 15L 35, MORA 15L 35, DADO O12 34
MARD 15L 38 LongJump22, HollyIvy, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 12th draw, ADZ D2 48 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: ADZE F11 39, AZIDE F1 38, DIAZINE 13I 38, DIAZINE 14B 38, ADIEU H11 37
ADZ D2 48 LongJump22, HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 13th draw, LENTIGO I8 70 --- LENTIGO a freckle [n]
Other moves: GELATION 13D 60, LEGATION 13D 60, INGOT H11 33, VIOLENT I5 30, INLET H11 29
GEL B2 21 LongJump22

On 14th draw, GYNAE F1 29 --- GYNAE gynaecology [n]
Other moves: YA J10 28, AUNTLY C4 26, AUNTY D11 26, TAY B1 26, YA J14 26
YA J10 28 LongJump22

On 15th draw, CIVIL(L)Y 12F 36 --- CIVILLY politely [adv]
Other tops: CIVI(L)LY 12F 36
Other moves: GYVE 1F 33, GYVE(D) 1F 33, GYVE(S) 1F 33, (S)YE J9 31, (W)YE J9 31
GYVE 1F 33 LongJump22

On 16th draw, LUXE J12 55 --- LUXE luxury [n]
Other moves: LUX J12 54, HEX B2 50, XI J14 50, XU J14 50, RAX B2 38
LUXE J12 55 LongJump22

On 17th draw, GAJO 1F 36 --- GAJO a non-gypsy [n]
Other moves: JA C2 33, JO C2 33, OWER B1 33, TWAE B1 33, WARE B2 33
GAJO 1F 36 LongJump22

On 18th draw, WET B2 29 --- WET covered or saturated with a liquid [adj] --- WET to impregnate with liquid [v]
Other moves: BET B2 25, WE B2 25, AWEARY 2A 24, BE B2 21, TIER B1 21
T(I) J4 1 LongJump22

On 19th draw, P(I)QUE J4 41 --- PIQUE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: EQUIP D11 40, REQUIN 14B 34, QUIN 10B 33, QIS N2 30, QUERY L8 27
SI K5 2 LongJump22

On 20th draw, CHIB F12 22 --- CHIB to stab [v]
Other tops: CHUB F12 22
Other moves: BHUT 2I 21, CHIT F12 20, CHUT F12 20, HUIS N1 20, RHUS N1 20
UT 10M 2 LongJump22

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