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Game on July 19, 2022 at 20:39, 8 players
1. 334 pts Pacific
2. 272 pts Mycophot
3. 240 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eloprrr   H4    22    22   proler
 2. efilmor   5E    40    62   florier
 3. ?aaenrx   7F    66   128   relaxant
 4. aceeint   9G    65   193   creatine
 5. ?ostuuv   N8    70   263   vertuous
 6. adetuwy  10J    38   301   watery
 7. ciknotu  15K    42   343   nkosi
 8. adegiqt  11I    36   379   qat
 9. aeilpuz   6B    40   419   zupa
10. abeeflv   4J    30   449   beflea
11. bdeegns   O1    30   479   debags
12. dijlosu  L12    30   509   jouk
13. aadmrst   7A    31   540   sama
14. deiinor   A7    27   567   snored
15. ddeinos   D6    26   593   paddies
16. eiilmno   2J    28   621   moline
17. eghinrt   1E    89   710   righten
18. chiotwy  C11    35   745   withy

Remaining tiles: cgiiov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7119 FilePacific     0 10:57  -411  334     1.7119 Pacific     0 10:57  -411  334 
  2.7456 FileMycophot    0  8:05  -473  272     2.7456 Mycophot    0  8:05  -473  272 
  3.7542 FileHollyIvy    0  6:24  -505  240     3.7542 HollyIvy    0  6:24  -505  240 
  4.7583 Filemoonmonkey  0  6:57  -531  214     4.7583 moonmonkey  0  6:57  -531  214 
  5.  -  FilePPPP8888    1  0:44  -723   22            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileLLLL8888    1  1:11  -723   22     1.  -  PPPP8888    1  0:44  -723   22 
  7.  -  FileOOOO8888    1  1:33  -723   22     2.  -  LLLL8888    1  1:11  -723   22 
  8.  -  FileRRRR8888    1  1:57  -723   22     3.  -  OOOO8888    1  1:33  -723   22 
                                             4.  -  RRRR8888    1  1:57  -723   22 

On 1st draw, PROLER H4 22 --- PROLER a prowler [n]
Other moves: POLER H4 20, PORER H4 20, PROLE H4 20, PRORE H4 20, PROLER H3 18
PROLER H4 22 PPPP8888, LLLL8888, OOOO8888, RRRR8888

On 2nd draw, FLORIER 5E 40 --- FLORY showy [adj]
Other moves: FLIMP 4D 24, PROFILE 4H 24, FILER I6 23, FOREL I6 23, FILE I6 22
FILER I6 23 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 3rd draw, RELAXAN(T) 7F 66 --- RELAXANT a drug that relieves muscular tension [n]
Other tops: RELAXAN(T) F3 66
Other moves: XEN(I)A 6J 56, EAR(W)AX 4J 44, AN(N)EX 4K 40, A(N)NEX 4K 40, PANAXE(S) 4H 36
XEN(I)A 6J 56 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, Mycophot
(C)AREX J2 27 Pacific

On 4th draw, CREATINE 9G 65 --- CREATINE a chemical found within vertebrate muscle [n]
Other moves: INCREATE 9E 64, CENTIARE 9B 63, ITERANCE 9E 62, CETANE 8A 29, ENTICE 8A 29
ENTICE 8A 29 Mycophot, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
TENACE 8A 29 Pacific

On 5th draw, VE(R)TUOUS N8 70 --- VERTUOUS possessing virtue [adj]
Other moves: UV(E)OUS O4 38, UV(E)OUS N2 35, OV(I)ST O6 32, VOT(E)S O5 32, VO(L)TS O5 32
VOT(E)S O5 32 Pacific
VO(L)TS O5 32 Mycophot

On 6th draw, WATE(R)Y 10J 38 --- WATERY containing water [adj]
Other moves: AWED 10I 36, TYED 10I 36, WADE(R) 10J 36, WYE M13 35, WATE(R) 10J 34
WAST 15L 33 HollyIvy
WEST 15L 33 Pacific, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 7th draw, NKOSI 15K 42 --- NKOSI (South Africa) term of address to a superior [n]
Other moves: CONK 11H 40, CUSK 15L 39, KIST 15L 39, OINK 11H 36, TINK 11H 36
CONK 11H 40 Mycophot, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
KIST 15L 39 Pacific

On 8th draw, QAT 11I 36 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QADI 4B 33, QI 14J 33, GAITED 11F 30, GATED 11G 28, QI 4D 27
QI 14J 33 Mycophot, HollyIvy, Pacific
QADI 4B 33 moonmonkey

On 9th draw, ZUPA 6B 40 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other moves: PUZEL 4J 38, ZILA 6B 38, PIZE 14H 37, AIZLE 4A 35, LAZE 14H 35
ZA 14J 33 Pacific

On 10th draw, BEFLEA 4J 30 --- BEFLEA to infest with fleas [v]
Other moves: FAVEL 4J 29, FABLE 4J 27, FAVE 4J 27, BEEFALO 13H 26, BEVEL 4J 26
BEVEL 4J 26 Mycophot, HollyIvy

On 11th draw, DEBAGS O1 30 --- DEBAG to take someone's trousers off as a punishment [v]
Other moves: BEGAD O1 27, BESANG O1 27, DEBAG O1 27, DEBASE O1 27, BEDUNGS C3 26

On 12th draw, JOUK L12 30 --- JOUK to dodge [v]
Other moves: JIBE J2 29, JOBE J2 29, JUBE J2 29, SIJO 14H 29, JILL F2 27
JIBE J2 29 Pacific

On 13th draw, SAMA 7A 31 --- SAMA a Japanese title [n]
Other moves: AMA 7B 30, DAM 7A 27, RAM 7A 26, SAM 7A 26, TAM 7A 26

On 14th draw, SNORED A7 27 --- SNORE to breath noisily while sleeping [v]
Other tops: SNIDIER A7 27, SORDINE A7 27, SORDINI A7 27, SORNED A7 27
Other moves: PADRONE D6 24, PADRONI D6 24, SNIDER A7 24, SONDER A7 24, PANDORE D6 22

On 15th draw, PADDIES D6 26 --- PADDY a rice field [n]
Other moves: PANDIED D6 24, SYEN O9 24, DESINE 2J 22, DONSIE 2J 22, PANDIES D6 22

On 16th draw, MOLINE 2J 28 --- MOLINE a cross with two outward curving branches [n] --- MOLINE having arms forked and curved at the ends -- used of a heraldic cross [adj]
Other tops: MEINIE 2J 28, MIELIE 2J 28
Other moves: MONIE E11 24, ELOIN B10 23, ELOIN C9 22, MELON B9 22, MIEN E11 22
MOLE E11 22 Pacific

On 17th draw, RIGHTEN 1E 89 --- RIGHTEN to set right [v]
Other moves: HETING B9 38, EIGHT 1G 36, NIGHT 1G 36, RIGHT 1G 36, EHING B10 34
THING E11 27 Pacific

On 18th draw, WITHY C11 35 --- WITHY a flexible twig [n] --- WITHY flexible and tough [adj]
Other moves: WITCH C11 33, TICHY E11 32, TICHY B11 31, WICH C11 31, HOW E11 30
HOW E11 30 Pacific

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