Game on July 21, 2022 at 08:14, 6 players
1. 437 pts fatcat
2. 139 pts roocatcher
3. 136 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 78 78
2. 11C 81 159
3. 8H 74 233
4. 12A 33 266
5. L4 70 336
6. 13A 38 374
7. 12L 64 438
8. O12 45 483
9. E4 82 565
10. K5 33 598
11. 8A 45 643
12. A12 42 685
13. J2 34 719
14. 14I 24 743
15. 15H 31 774
16. O1 83 857
17. 3C 49 906
18. M2 30 936
19. 2B 27 963
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6554 fatcat 0 13:21 -526 437 1.7123 roocatcher 1 4:06 -824 139
2.7123 roocatcher 1 4:06 -824 139 2.7371 sunshine12 1 8:48 -827 136
3.7371 sunshine12 1 8:48 -827 136 3.7626 GLOBEMAN 0 1:23 -901 62
4.7626 GLOBEMAN 0 1:23 -901 62 4.7478 mousecat 0 0:58 -940 23
5.7478 mousecat 0 0:58 -940 23 5.7249 bumpkin 0 1:46 -940 23
6.7249 bumpkin 0 1:46 -940 23 Group: intermediate
1.6554 fatcat 0 13:21 -526 437
On 1st draw, HELIAST H4 78 --- HELIAST an Athenian judge [n]
Other tops: HALITES H4 78
Other moves: HALITES H2 72, HALITES H3 72, HALITES H6 72, HALITES H7 72, HALITES H8 72
HEALS H4 24 fatcat
On 2nd draw, OGREISM 11C 81 --- OGREISM the state of being ogreish [n]
Other moves: ERGOTISM 10D 67, GOMERILS 6B 67, OGREISMS 9C 66, GORMIEST 10A 65, OGREISMS 9A 65
HOMES 4H 20 fatcat
On 3rd draw, A(L)EURONE 8H 74 --- ALEURONE protein matter found in the seeds of certain plants [n]
Other moves: HEREUN(T)O 4H 72, HEREU(P)ON 4H 72, EURONO(T)E C6 68, EURONO(T)E C8 66, (A)LEURONE 6G 61
HON(O)UR 4H 16 fatcat
On 4th draw, FADO 12A 33 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other moves: CAPO 12A 32, COFFED 5D 30, DECAFF 5G 30, FAT 10F 29, OF 10E 28
FAT 10F 29 fatcat
On 5th draw, SEPARATE L4 70 --- SEPARATE to set or keep apart [v]
Other tops: ASPERATE L4 70
Other moves: STEEP 10B 35, SEEP 10C 32, STEEP 13C 32, PATES 10F 31, ETAPES 13C 30
PATES 10F 31 fatcat
On 6th draw, AWARN 13A 38 --- AWARN to warn [v]
Other moves: AWATO 10E 37, NARWAL 13B 34, WARN 13B 31, AWA 13A 30, FAWN A12 30
FAWN A12 30 fatcat
On 7th draw, (D)ITZ 12L 64 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other tops: (S)ITZ 12L 64
Other moves: TOAZ(E) 7J 49, AZO(N) 7L 46, (N)AZI 7K 46, AZO 7L 45, FAZ(E) A12 45
POZ 6L 34 fatcat
On 8th draw, ZUPA O12 45 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other moves: MAYO K3 34, MOYA M7 34, MATIPO N10 32, MOY M7 31, YA 14A 31
MAT 10F 23 fatcat
On 9th draw, VETCHIER E4 82 --- VETCHY covered with vetches [adj]
Other moves: HE 14A 31, EH 14B 30, FAVE A12 30, VETCH 10J 29, CHEVET 5D 28
CHEEP 14K 24 fatcat
On 10th draw, WUDU K5 33 --- WUDU ritual washing before daily prayer (Muslim) [n]
Other moves: WE 14A 31, ROWED G3 29, WOOED G3 29, DREW K2 28, DROW K2 28
FADE A12 24 fatcat
On 11th draw, SMITHY 8A 45 --- SMITHY the workshop of a smith [n] --- SMITHY to forge metal [v]
Other moves: YAY J4 39, MAY J4 38, STAY J3 37, MOYA M7 36, SAY J4 36
MAT J4 20 fatcat
On 12th draw, FAIX A12 42 --- FAIX faith [interj]
Other tops: FALX A12 42, FAUX A12 42
Other moves: LOX M7 41, NOX M7 41, AXEL 9L 40, AXON 9L 40, EX 7B 38
FAUX A12 42 roocatcher, sunshine12
MIX B8 28 fatcat
On 13th draw, COLED J2 34 --- COLEAD to lead jointly [v]
Other tops: CLUED J2 34
Other moves: ALEC J3 31, COALED J1 31, COLEAD J1 31, DOC J4 31, COED J6 30
DOC J4 31 roocatcher, sunshine12
CLOVE 4B 20 fatcat
On 14th draw, NONDRIP 14I 24 --- NONDRIP not liable to drip [adj]
Other tops: CORVID 2J 24
Other moves: NIDOR M1 21, VOR M3 21, YODE F8 21, COVIN 2J 20, NODI M7 20
DEV F10 18 roocatcher, sunshine12
AWN B12 16 fatcat
On 15th draw, GENOA 15H 31 --- GENOA a large triangular sail [n]
Other moves: GALORE M1 30, GALORE 15D 29, REGO M5 28, GALORE 15F 27, GORE M3 26
GRONE 15G 24 roocatcher
ANGER 15F 22 fatcat
GORE 15H 21 sunshine12
On 16th draw, URBANITE O1 83 --- URBANITE one who lives in a city [n]
Other tops: BRAUNITE O1 83
Other moves: URBANIST A2 63, BONA M7 24, BORA M7 24, BOTA M7 24, NATRIUM B2 22
BOTA M7 24 roocatcher
BONA M7 24 sunshine12
CABIN 2J 18 fatcat
On 17th draw, FYKE 3C 49 --- FYKE a bag-shaped fishnet [n] --- FYKE to fidget restlessly [v]
Other tops: FIKY 3C 49
Other moves: BYKE 3C 47, FIKE 3C 43, YIKE 3C 43, YOK N4 43, YOKE 3C 43
KINO N6 36 fatcat
On 18th draw, BLORE M2 30 --- BLORE a violent gust of wind [n]
Other moves: BORE M3 28, GOBO M7 28, REGO M5 28, GLOB 2A 26, GORE M3 26
BEN N6 23 mousecat, bumpkin
BEG 2F 22 fatcat
On 19th draw, QI 2B 27 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: JILT 6B 27, JOLT 6B 27
Other moves: JOT 10J 26, JOT N10 26, OIL N2 25, JO 2B 23, JIG C7 21
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