Game on July 22, 2022 at 09:18, 9 players
1. 227 pts Chelsea
2. 181 pts moonmonkey
3. 181 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 20 20 


13C 36 56 


14A 42 98 


12A 50 148 


10C 69 217 


15A 32 249 


E5 48 297 


5D 72 369 


8A 33 402 


L1 60 462 


1K 48 510 


H1 27 537 


3H 34 571 


14F 26 597 


O3 75 672 


9K 31 703 


15G 41 744 


B2 20 764 


A1 31 795 


6J 28 823 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 4 8:27 -596 227 1.7559 Chelsea 4 8:27 -596 227
moonmonkey 2 3:51 -642 181 2.7575 moonmonkey 2 3:51 -642 181
HollyIvy 1 6:07 -642 181 3.7661 HollyIvy 1 6:07 -642 181
Mycophot 1 6:11 -642 181 4.7406 Mycophot 1 6:11 -642 181
sicilianc5 3 3:14 -679 144 5.7904 sicilianc5 3 3:14 -679 144
6. -
QQQQQQ1124 1 1:55 -748 75 Group: not rated
7. -
WWWW8888 1 0:52 -803 20 1. - QQQQQQ1124 1 1:55 -748 75
8. -
OOOO8888 1 1:15 -803 20 2. - WWWW8888 1 0:52 -803 20
9. -
NNNN8888 1 1:37 -803 20 3. - OOOO8888 1 1:15 -803 20
4. - NNNN8888 1 1:37 -803 20
On 1st draw, TOWNEE H7 20 --- TOWNEE a townsman [n]
Other tops: TOWNEE H3 20, TOWNEE H4 20, TOWNEE H8 20
Other moves: LOWNE H4 18, LOWNE H8 18, NEWEL H4 18, NEWEL H8 18, OWLET H4 18
TOWNEE H4 20 WWWW8888, OOOO8888
On 2nd draw, NEEMBS 13C 36 --- NEEMB an East Indian tree [n]
Other moves: BEEFS I8 30, BEEF I8 27, FEENS I8 26, BEEFS 13D 24, FEME I6 24
BEEFS I8 30 Mycophot, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 3rd draw, ONYX 14A 42 --- ONYX a variety of quartz [n]
Other moves: SEXY D12 36, AXION 12A 34, ANY 14D 33, AXIOMS F9 33, NAY 14D 33
SEXY D12 36 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 4th draw, AJAR 12A 50 --- AJAR partly open [adj]
Other moves: JAR 12B 46, SAREE 12B 42, AREA 12C 40, ASEA 12C 40, ERASE 12A 40
AJAR 12A 50 HollyIvy, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 5th draw, BOLD(E)NED 10C 69 --- BOLDEN to make bold [v]
Other tops: BOLDEN(E)D 10C 69
Other moves: BLO(O)DED G2 68, BLO(O)DED I2 68, BL(O)ODED G2 68, BL(O)ODED I2 68, BO(O)DLED G2 68
(Y)ODELED 11E 32 Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 6th draw, FE 15A 32 --- FE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: POLARON A9 27, PE 15A 26, PO 15A 26, FELON 11G 25, REFEL 11G 25
FE 15A 32 moonmonkey
On 7th draw, A(S)HFALL E5 48 --- ASHFALL a deposit of volcanic ash [n]
Other moves: FAL(C)ULA E5 36, HALFA A8 33, HA(L)FA A8 30, H(A)LFA A8 30, (C)HUFA A8 30
HALFA A8 33 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 8th draw, PAGURIAN 5D 72 --- PAGURIAN a hermit crab [n]
Other moves: PIRAGUA A6 30, PRUINA D1 25, GRAIP D1 24, PANGA A8 24, PIRANA A7 24
On 9th draw, ADRIFT 8A 33 --- ADRIFT drifting [adj]
Other moves: DATO 4A 22, ARDOR H1 21, EDITOR 11H 20, DEAIR 11G 19, DERAT 11G 19
On 10th draw, ZEROS L1 60 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other tops: ZOEAS L1 60
Other moves: ZERO 4A 54, ADZES 4H 51, DAZER H1 48, DOZER H1 48, ZERDAS 4J 47
On 11th draw, AZOIC 1K 48 --- AZOIC pertaining to geologic time before the appearance of life [adj]
Other moves: ZOIC 1L 45, CHEVY 2J 44, CHAIR H1 33, CHOIR H1 33, GHAT F5 33
On 12th draw, DECOR H1 27 --- DECOR style or mode of decoration [n]
Other tops: CEDAR H1 27, CIDER H1 27, CODER H1 27, DICER H1 27
Other moves: CIAO 4A 26, CITO 4A 26, DECO 4A 26, ACTOR H1 24, CATER H1 24
On 13th draw, CHLORITE 3H 34 --- CHLORITE a mineral group [n]
Other moves: LEUGH F2 31, LOUGH F2 31, TEUGH F2 31, THE 6I 31, THO 6I 31
TOUGH F2 31 Chelsea
On 14th draw, ME 14F 26 --- ME the objective case of the pronoun I [pron] --- ME the third note of the scale [n]
Other tops: MI 14F 26
Other moves: STIMIED B2 24, ITEMISE 2B 22, ME 6J 22, MEETS I8 22, METES 11G 22
ME 14F 26 Chelsea
On 15th draw, EQUANT O3 75 --- EQUANT a geometric adjustment to explain planetary motion [n]
Other moves: OPAQUE 2C 37, QUAG F2 34, TOQUE 2D 34, AQUA J5 33, EQUANT 12H 30
EQUANT O3 75 sicilianc5, QQQQQQ1124
QUAG F2 34 Chelsea
On 16th draw, VIVES 9K 31 --- VIVES a disease of horses [n]
Other moves: SIVER 15G 29, RIVES 9K 28, NEVI 15G 26, VIS 9M 26, VEINS 9K 25
VIVES 9K 31 Chelsea
On 17th draw, YIRK 15G 41 --- YIRK to draw tight [v]
Other tops: YARK 15G 41
Other moves: KAIE N6 38, TAKY 15G 38, YAK 15G 38, YTTRIA 15G 38, KA N6 34
YARK 15G 41 Chelsea, sicilianc5
On 18th draw, UNTILED B2 20 --- UNTILE to strip of tiles [v]
Other moves: LENITE 11G 18, LIEU 4A 18, LITU 4A 18, VENTIL M9 18, ELUENT N9 16
NEE I8 12 Chelsea
On 19th draw, AGIST A1 31 --- AGIST to feed and take care of for a fee, as livestock [v]
Other moves: GAIRS K11 24, GAITS K11 24, GARIS K11 24, GIRTS K11 24, GRITS K11 24
GRITS K11 24 Chelsea
On 20th draw, WO 6J 28 --- WO woe [n]
Other tops: OW 6I 28
Other moves: PIROGI L8 24, OP N5 22, PI N6 22, PIROG L8 22, PO N6 22
WO 6J 28 Chelsea, sicilianc5
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