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Game on July 23, 2022 at 22:06, 6 players
1. 576 pts Pacific
2. 443 pts Papa_Sloth
3. 262 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaceelr   H8    22    22   alerce
 2. abegnru  13G    28    50   rebegan
 3. eelptyz  12L    52   102   zep
 4. aefoort  14I    30   132   of
 5. ?aiotwy  11B    76   208   ryotwari
 6. eiirstu   9E    60   268   utiliser
 7. ?aaabnr   K4    86   354   habanera
 8. deenoru  15D    30   384   enured
 9. aaemoos  O12    37   421   some
10. dehmnoo   C6    88   509   homodyne
11. hjlostu   O8    39   548   lothsome
12. aiiksuv   L1    38   586   kivas
13. eeegotu  14L    30   616   geum
14. acfiott   B2    39   655   attic
15. deioptv   D1    93   748   pivoted
16. afiilqu   N6    37   785   quai
17. dilnosw   A5    41   826   lownds
18. efginrx   2G    92   918   refixing

Remaining tiles: ijly

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7134 FilePacific     2 16:35  -342  576     1.7134 Pacific     2 16:35  -342  576 
  2.6126 FilePapa_Sloth  2 19:34  -475  443     2.7092 roocatcher  1  9:37  -656  262 
  3.7092 Fileroocatcher  1  9:37  -656  262     3.7445 sunshine12  0  4:27  -761  157 
  4.7445 Filesunshine12  0  4:27  -761  157     4.7478 mousecat    0  2:09  -821   97 
  5.7478 Filemousecat    0  2:09  -821   97     5.7645 GLOBEMAN    0  1:46  -885   33 
  6.7645 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:46  -885   33            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6126 Papa_Sloth  2 19:34  -475  443 

On 1st draw, ALERCE H8 22 --- ALERCE the wood of a sandarach tree [n]
Other tops: CEREAL H4 22, RELACE H8 22
Other moves: CARLE H4 20, CLEAR H4 20, CRAAL H4 20, CREEL H4 20, ALERCE H3 18
CLEAR H4 20 Pacific

On 2nd draw, REBEGAN 13G 28 --- REBEGIN to begin again [v]
Other tops: REBEGUN 13G 28
Other moves: AUBERGE 13B 24, ABREGE 13C 22, BAREGE 13C 22, CUBAGE 12H 22, UNBRACE 12C 22

On 3rd draw, ZEP 12L 52 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other moves: ZEE 12L 48, ZEL 12L 48, LAZY L12 40, PRETZEL 11G 36, YELP 12L 36
ZEP 12L 52 Papa_Sloth
ZEL 12L 48 Pacific

On 4th draw, OF 14I 30 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other tops: EF 14I 30
Other moves: TOFORE 14B 24, FORETOP N6 22, FRATE I7 22, AFTER G6 20, FARE G8 20
EF 14I 30 Pacific
EF J13 13 Papa_Sloth

On 5th draw, (R)YOTWARI 11B 76 --- RYOTWARI a system of land-tenure [n]
Other moves: WIT(H)Y 15H 53, WIT(T)Y 15H 53, WI(F)TY 15H 52, WI(T)TY 15H 52, TOW(K)AY 15J 51
(S)WAY O12 41 Pacific
EFT J13 6 Papa_Sloth

On 6th draw, UTILISER 9E 60 --- UTILISER one who utilises [n]
Other moves: UTERITIS E6 58, URITES O7 37, ETUIS O8 34, RITES O8 34, TIERS O8 34
STIR O12 31 Papa_Sloth, Pacific

On 7th draw, (H)ABANERA K4 86 --- HABANERA a Cuban dance [n]
Other moves: BARA(C)AN 15C 82, RABAN(N)A 15C 82, RABA(N)NA 15C 82, BAR(R)AN(C)A B8 70, BAR(R)A(C)AN B8 70
BARN(S) O8 32 Pacific, roocatcher
ABA 15G 20 Papa_Sloth

On 8th draw, ENURED 15D 30 --- ENURE to accustom [v]
Other moves: ENDURO 15D 29, ENURED 8J 29, UNDOER 15D 29, REDONE 8A 28, UREDO 8A 26
ROUND 15E 24 Pacific
REED 15F 21 roocatcher
BOD I13 6 Papa_Sloth

On 9th draw, SOME O12 37 --- SOME being an unspecified number or part [adj]
Other tops: SAMA O12 37, SAME O12 37, SEAM O12 37, SOMA O12 37, SOOM O12 37
Other moves: SEAM 12A 28, NAAMS 8K 27, NAMES 8K 27, NEMAS 8K 27, NOMAS 8K 27
SOME O12 37 Pacific, Papa_Sloth
SEAM O12 37 roocatcher

On 10th draw, HOMODYNE C6 88 --- HOMODYNE describing a boosted radio reception [adj]
Other moves: HODMEN 14A 38, MONOSOME O8 36, HOMED L1 35, HOMED L3 35, HOYDEN C9 34
HOM 14D 31 roocatcher, Papa_Sloth
HOE 12D 29 Pacific

On 11th draw, LOTHSOME O8 39 --- LOTHSOME repulsive [adj]
Other moves: JOSH J2 36, JOLTS B2 35, JOSH M7 33, JOSH B5 32, THOLUS B2 31
JOSH J2 36 roocatcher
JUST M7 30 Pacific
HUM 8A 24 Papa_Sloth

On 12th draw, KIVAS L1 38 --- KIVA an underground ceremonial chamber [n]
Other moves: KIVAS B2 35, KIVA L1 34, KAMI 8A 33, KUIAS L1 32, KIVAS D3 31
VUMS 8A 30 Pacific
KAM 8A 27 roocatcher, Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, GEUM 14L 30 --- GEUM a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: KEET 1L 24, KETE 1L 24, KETO 1L 24, TOGUE B2 23, EUGE B5 21
KEET 1L 24 Papa_Sloth, roocatcher, Pacific

On 14th draw, ATTIC B2 39 --- ATTIC a story or room directly below the roof of a house [n]
Other moves: CIAO B6 33, COAT B6 33, KAIF 1L 33, OCTA B5 31, FACT B4 30
KAIF 1L 33 Pacific
COMA 8A 27 roocatcher
KATI 1L 24 Papa_Sloth

On 15th draw, PIVOTED D1 93 --- PIVOT to turn on a shaft or rod [v]
Other moves: PIVOTED N3 70, ADOPTIVE 2B 66, PIVOT A5 42, PIOTED A5 39, PODITE A5 39
DIMP 8A 36 Pacific
KEPT 1L 30 Papa_Sloth
POME 8A 27 roocatcher, sunshine12

On 16th draw, QUAI N6 37 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other moves: QUA J2 34, QUA N6 34, KAIF 1L 33, KUFI 1L 33, QUAT F6 33
QUA N6 34 Pacific
QUIT F6 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
QUAT F6 33 Papa_Sloth

On 17th draw, LOWNDS A5 41 --- LOWND to calm [v]
Other moves: DOWLS A5 39, DOWNS A5 39, DOWS E4 39, LOWND A5 38, SOWND A5 38
SWINK 1H 36 sunshine12, Pacific, mousecat
KOWS 1L 33 Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, REFIXING 2G 92 --- REFIX to fix again [v]
Other moves: FIX 14D 61, NIX 14D 55, REX 14D 55, PREFIX 1D 54, EX 14E 52
FIX 14D 61 mousecat, Pacific, sunshine12
EX 14E 52 Papa_Sloth

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