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Game on July 24, 2022 at 12:35, 7 players
1. 511 pts Pacific
2. 253 pts HollyIvy
3. 253 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aotxyy   H8    36    36   ataxy
 2. aeemptv  11G    34    70   exempt
 3. egilnns   M8    86   156   lensing
 4. ?fghisu   7I    84   240   sighful
 5. abdeino   O4    33   273   boiled
 6. aeeilru   L4    21   294   aruhe
 7. aaeorst   6D    67   361   aerosat
 8. ceehosv   H1    48   409   shoves
 9. cefikor   D4    38   447   frack
10. bdeelou   1F    62   509   besouled
11. adeeimr  14H    78   587   reimaged
12. aginnry   E8    81   668   yarning
13. alnopuw   8A    51   719   pawky
14. aeilotz  O11    75   794   azido
15. aiintuv   5B    22   816   virtu
16. dinootw   C8    28   844   window
17. acijlrt  B12    36   880   jarl
18. ceilnot   2H    41   921   henotic

Remaining tiles: loqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7154 FilePacific     3 14:01  -410  511     1.7154 Pacific     3 14:01  -410  511 
  2.7749 FileHollyIvy    1  5:30  -668  253     2.7749 HollyIvy    1  5:30  -668  253 
  3.7591 Filequeen66     1  6:01  -668  253     3.7591 queen66     1  6:01  -668  253 
  4.7795 Filesicilianc5  1  6:20  -668  253     4.7795 sicilianc5  1  6:20  -668  253 
  5.  -  FileXXXX8888    1  0:48  -885   36            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileYYYY8888    1  1:18  -885   36     1.  -  XXXX8888    1  0:48  -885   36 
  7.  -  FileTTTT8888    1  1:41  -885   36     2.  -  YYYY8888    1  1:18  -885   36 
                                             3.  -  TTTT8888    1  1:41  -885   36 

On 1st draw, AT(A)XY H8 36 --- ATAXY loss of muscular coordination [n]
Other tops: (A)TAXY H8 36
Other moves: AT(A)XY H4 30, AT(A)XY H5 28, AT(A)XY H6 28, AT(A)XY H7 28, (A)TAXY H4 28
(A)TAXY H8 36 XXXX8888, YYYY8888, TTTT8888
Y(E)X H8 24 Pacific

On 2nd draw, EXEMPT 11G 34 --- EXEMPT to free from an obligation required of others [v]
Other moves: TAXEME 11F 30, VAMPY 12D 30, METEPA G6 29, EXPAT 11G 28, PEAVEY 12C 28
VAMPY 12D 30 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66

On 3rd draw, LENSING M8 86 --- LENS to make a film of [v]
Other moves: GINNELS M5 78, NESTLING L8 74, GINNELS G3 67, LENSING I2 63, GINNELS I2 62
LENSING M8 36 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
SLING M11 30 Pacific

On 4th draw, SIGHFU(L) 7I 84 --- SIGHFUL full of sighs [adj]
Other moves: SIGHFU(L) G2 66, SIGHFU(L) I2 66, H(O)ING 10J 40, F(A)UGH 14J 38, FISG(I)G 14J 36
F(A)UGH 14J 38 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
FIL(C)H 8K 33 Pacific

On 5th draw, BOI(L)ED O4 33 --- BOIL to vaporize liquid [v]
Other tops: BAI(L)ED O4 33
Other moves: BANGED 14J 32, BINGED 14J 32, BODGIE 14J 32, BONGED 14J 32, BADGE 14J 30
BOI(L)ED O4 33 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
BAI(L)ED O4 33 Pacific, queen66

On 6th draw, ARUHE L4 21 --- ARUHE (Maori) the edible root of a New Zealand fern. No -S [n]
Other moves: AERILY 12C 20, AYRIE 12G 20, EERILY 12C 20, EYRIE 12G 20, AIERY 12D 18

On 7th draw, AEROSAT 6D 67 --- AEROSAT a satellite for use in air-traffic control [n]
Other moves: AERATORS 5F 66, AEROSAT G2 61, AEROSTAT 9C 61, AEROSTAT 9A 60, TOEAS L11 21

On 8th draw, SHOVES H1 48 --- SHOVE to push roughly [v]
Other moves: COSHES H1 45, CHEGOE 14J 36, CHOSES H1 36, ECHOES H1 36, ECHOES 5B 35
COSHES H1 45 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
HO 10J 32 Pacific

On 9th draw, FRACK D4 38 --- FRACK eager [adj]
Other moves: EIRACK D3 34, FIKERY 12C 34, FORGE 14J 34, ICK G1 34, KIEF 5B 34
FORGE 14J 34 Pacific
FIKE 5B 32 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, queen66

On 10th draw, BESOULED 1F 62 --- BESOULED endowed with a soul [adj]
Other moves: BULKED 8A 39, BLOKE 8A 33, BOUGED 14J 32, BULGED 14J 32, BODGE 14J 30
BULKED 8A 39 queen66, Pacific, HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 11th draw, REIMAGED 14H 78 --- REIMAGE to fix the image of [v]
Other moves: MARID 2J 45, MIRED 2J 45, DIRHEM 2E 40, MARKED 8A 39, DAIKER 8A 33
MARKED 8A 39 Pacific

On 12th draw, YARNING E8 81 --- YARN to tell a long story [v]
Other moves: GRAINY 2A 51, GRANNY 2A 51, ANGRY 2B 49, GINNY 2B 49, RANGY 2B 49
NARKY 8A 36 Pacific

On 13th draw, PAWKY 8A 51 --- PAWKY sly [adj]
Other moves: WANKY 8A 45, WONKY 8A 45, PUNKY 8A 42, LANKY 8A 36, WALDO O11 30
WONKY 8A 45 Pacific

On 14th draw, AZIDO O11 75 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [adj] --- AZIDO relating to azide [adj]
Other tops: AZIDE O11 75
Other moves: ZOEA 15F 47, ZEA 15G 44, ZEL 15G 44, ADZ O13 39, AZO K3 39
AZIDE O11 75 Pacific

On 15th draw, VIRTU 5B 22 --- VIRTU a love or taste for the fine arts [n]
Other moves: HUTIA 2H 20, TUINA 2B 20, TUAN D12 19, VIA C3 19, AITU D10 18

On 16th draw, WINDOW C8 28 --- WINDOW to provide with a window (an opening in a wall to admit light and air) [v]
Other moves: DOW 15J 27, WINDY 12D 27, NOW 15J 25, TOW 15J 25, WOO 13I 25
DOW 15J 27 Pacific

On 17th draw, JARL B12 36 --- JARL a Scandinavian nobleman [n]
Other tops: JAIL B12 36
Other moves: JAI B12 34, JAR B12 34, JA K4 31, TAJ B12 27, JEAT G10 25
JARL B12 36 Pacific

On 18th draw, HENOTIC 2H 41 --- HENOTIC tending to unify [adj]
Other moves: CENTO 15G 35, ELOIN 15H 35, NEOLITH 2B 32, NOTICE 2J 31, LENTI 15G 29
CENT 15G 28 Pacific

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