Game on July 25, 2022 at 19:32, 7 players
1. 200 pts HollyIvy
2. 200 pts sicilianc5
3. 200 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


5H 80 102 


6J 40 142 


O3 48 190 


9D 73 263 


4D 31 294 


3I 27 321 


D8 76 397 


15B 33 430 


N5 76 506 


14F 62 568 


L8 90 658 


11F 68 726 


5B 22 748 


6A 32 780 


A6 39 819 


6E 56 875 


C11 34 909 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
HollyIvy 0 5:41 -709 200 1.7812 HollyIvy 0 5:41 -709 200
sicilianc5 0 6:11 -709 200 2.7933 sicilianc5 0 6:11 -709 200
queen66 0 6:12 -709 200 3.7789 queen66 0 6:12 -709 200
4. -
MMMM8888 1 0:47 -887 22 Group: not rated
5. -
OOOO8888 1 1:09 -887 22 1. - MMMM8888 1 0:47 -887 22
6. -
DDDD8888 1 1:30 -887 22 2. - OOOO8888 1 1:09 -887 22
7. -
IIII8888 1 1:51 -887 22 3. - DDDD8888 1 1:30 -887 22
4. - IIII8888 1 1:51 -887 22
On 1st draw, MEDIA H4 22 --- MEDIA the middle layer of a blood or lymph vessel [n] --- MEDIA a channel of communication [n]
Other tops: DAIMIO H4 22, IDIOM H8 22, MEDII H4 22, MODII H4 22
Other moves: AIMED H8 20, DAIMIO H3 20, DAIMIO H7 20, DAIMIO H8 20, AIMED H4 18
MODII H4 22 MMMM8888, OOOO8888, DDDD8888, IIII8888
On 2nd draw, EYEFOLDS 5H 80 --- EYEFOLD a fold of skin of the upper eyelid [n]
Other tops: EYEFOLDS 5F 80
Other moves: DEFY I5 35, FOYLED I2 33, FYLES I3 31, FOLEYS G5 30, FYLES I7 30
DEFY I5 35 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, FEH 6J 40 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: FETISH O1 39, FISHES O3 39, SOFTISH O5 39, FEH 4J 38, FOH 4J 38
SHIFTS O5 36 sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy
On 4th draw, ZOSTER O3 48 --- ZOSTER a Greek waist-belt [n]
Other moves: TOZES O1 45, ZEROS O1 45, TOWZED 6C 39, ROZET 7K 36, TOUZED 6C 36
TOZES O1 45 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5
On 5th draw, CAUTERY 9D 73 --- CAUTERY something used to destroy tissue [n]
Other moves: YUTZ 3L 32, CAZ 3M 28, CUZ 3M 28, TREZ 3L 26, CUTEY 9E 24
YUTZ 3L 32 sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy
On 6th draw, APLOMB 4D 31 --- APLOMB self-confidence [n]
Other moves: BEZ 3M 28, PLACEBO D6 28, POZ 3M 28, ABLOW 10J 27, ELBOW 10J 27
POZ 3M 28 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5
On 7th draw, AVION 3I 27 --- AVION an aeroplane [n]
Other tops: AVINE 3I 27
Other moves: AVINE 5A 26, NOVAE 5A 26, OVINE 5A 26, INCAVE D7 24, INCAVO D7 24
VANE 5B 24 sicilianc5
VINE 5B 24 queen66
VINA 5B 24 HollyIvy
On 8th draw, EC(L)OSING D8 76 --- ECLOSE to emerge from a pupal case [v]
Other tops: GIN(Z)OES 3A 76
Other moves: ESCO(T)ING D7 72, DE(P)OSING N5 70, E(L)OIGNS N8 70, E(P)IGONS N8 70, E(R)INGOS N8 70
On 9th draw, VAGRANT 15B 33 --- VAGRANT a wanderer, with no apparent means of support [n]
Other moves: GAVOT 15D 27, RAVEN 8A 26, ROVEN 8A 26, VARNA 5A 26, INTRO 7H 24
On 10th draw, DEBARRED N5 76 --- DEBAR to exclude [v]
Other moves: BARREED N7 68, RYEBREAD J8 68, DEBARRED 6A 66, BEARD 14F 32, BEADER 14F 31
On 11th draw, JUICER 14F 62 --- JUICER a juice extractor [n]
Other moves: JUICE 14F 61, JAI 14F 55, JEU 14F 55, JA 14F 52, JUICIER 13B 34
On 12th draw, MISTALS L8 90 --- MISTAL (English dialect) a cow shed [n]
Other moves: MALIST L10 34, AMISS L11 32, MAILS O11 32, MAIST L11 32, MAIST O11 32
On 13th draw, LO(R)GNETTE 11F 68 --- LORGNETTE [n]
Other moves: GOL(D)TONE 11C 66, ELO(I)GN O10 29, LONGE O11 27, LEG(I)T O11 24, LENG(S) O11 24
On 14th draw, ENTIA 5B 22 --- ENS an entity [n]
Other tops: TENIA 5B 22, TINEA 5B 22
Other moves: AINS 10I 20, AITS 10I 20, ATONE 5A 20, ENTIA 5A 20, EONS 10I 20
On 15th draw, WHO 6A 32 --- WHO what or which person or persons [pron]
Other tops: WHOW 3A 32
Other moves: HOWE 8A 30, HID 6F 29, HOD 6F 29, HO 6B 28, OHIA C12 28
On 16th draw, WINDOW A6 39 --- WINDOW to provide with a window (an opening in a wall to admit light and air) [v]
Other moves: WIDOW A6 36, WOWED A6 36, OWED O12 31, NEWED 8A 30, NOWED 8A 30
On 17th draw, EX 6E 56 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: EX B9 53, QUA C13 48, EX C12 38, EX G6 37, QUEP 3A 35
On 18th draw, KIP C11 34 --- KIP to sleep [v]
Other moves: KIP 2L 26, PULK 13J 26, GIP C11 25, GUP C11 25, PIG C11 24
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