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Game on July 27, 2022 at 10:31, 9 players
1. 356 pts Chelsea
2. 252 pts sicilianc5
3. 246 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceiiiln   H4    20    20   ceili
 2. ?enotuv   8H    92   112   indevout
 3. adelnrt   K4    86   198   antlered
 4. ?aioopt  11D    70   268   parotoid
 5. aforrsu  12A    34   302   furor
 6. bdeerty   L1    40   342   bedye
 7. eikmnos   O8    95   437   tokenism
 8. abersvz  14J    74   511   zebras
 9. defhnot  H11    45   556   theft
10. eeilors   1G    80   636   erosible
11. acdeggn  A10    33   669   defang
12. aainprv  10C    28   697   pavan
13. acegnuw  J10    28   725   wig
14. amnoqty  15J    34   759   any
15. adijosu   7M    36   795   jo
16. deiosuu  L10    26   821   dso
17. aiiqrsu   2B    36   857   quairs
18. aceiltu   3A    29   886   cite
19. ahimtuw  B11    31   917   huma
20. giltuwx   2N    36   953   xi

Remaining tiles: giltuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7587 FileChelsea     6 10:38  -597  356     1.7587 Chelsea     6 10:38  -597  356 
  2.7911 Filesicilianc5  1  6:39  -701  252     2.7911 sicilianc5  1  6:39  -701  252 
  3.7930 Filequeen66     1  5:51  -707  246     3.7930 queen66     1  5:51  -707  246 
  4.7870 FileHollyIvy    1  5:53  -707  246     4.7870 HollyIvy    1  5:53  -707  246 
  5.7667 Filemoonmonkey  4  7:54  -709  244     5.7667 moonmonkey  4  7:54  -709  244 
  6.  -  FileCCCC8888    1  0:34  -933   20            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileLLLL8888    1  0:56  -933   20     1.  -  CCCC8888    1  0:34  -933   20 
  8.  -  FileNNNN8888    1  1:16  -933   20     2.  -  LLLL8888    1  0:56  -933   20 
  9.  -  FileIIII8888    1  1:38  -933   20     3.  -  NNNN8888    1  1:16  -933   20 
                                             4.  -  IIII8888    1  1:38  -933   20 

On 1st draw, CEILI H4 20 --- CEILI a night of song,story and dancing [n]
Other tops: CLINE H4 20
Other moves: CEILI H8 16, CLINE H8 16, INCLE H4 16, INCLE H8 16, CEILI H5 14
CLINE H4 20 CCCC8888, LLLL8888, NNNN8888, IIII8888

On 2nd draw, IN(D)EVOUT 8H 92 --- INDEVOUT not devout [adj]
Other moves: INVO(L)UTE 8H 80, INVO(L)UTE 6H 70, VENTOU(S)E 5A 70, VENTOU(S)E 5G 70, OUT(G)IVEN 6D 64
VOTEEN(S) 5E 36 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66

On 3rd draw, ANTLERED K4 86 --- ANTLER the horn of an animal of the deer family [adj] --- ANTLERED having antlers [adj]
Other tops: ANTLERED 5D 86
Other moves: ANTLERED 5B 68, ANTLERED K2 68, DENTURAL N4 63, ALTERED 5E 32, ALTERED K5 32
ANTLERED 5D 36 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 4th draw, PA(R)OTOID 11D 70 --- PAROTOID a gland of certain toads and frogs [n]
Other moves: PATOO(T)IE 5A 68, PA(T)OOTIE 5A 68, PATOO(T)IE 10D 63, POTATIO(N) O4 62, NOPA(L)ITO I8 61

On 5th draw, FUROR 12A 34 --- FUROR an uproar [n]
Other tops: FAROS 12A 34
Other moves: FIARS J10 31, FARO 12A 30, FORA 12A 30, SOFAR L11 29, AFROS 12A 28
FIARS J10 31 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, queen66

On 6th draw, BEDYE L1 40 --- BEDYE to dye [v]
Other moves: DERBY L1 39, REDEFY A8 39, TYRED H11 39, DEBYE L1 38, DEBYE L2 37
DEBYE L2 37 sicilianc5
BYE L4 31 queen66, HollyIvy

On 7th draw, TOKENISM O8 95 --- TOKENISM the policy of making only a superficial effort [n]
Other moves: MONIKE(R)S F5 76, MOUSEKIN N6 72, MINKES 10G 46, MISKEN 10G 46, MINKE 10G 45
KNEES 2J 38 sicilianc5
KEENS 2J 38 HollyIvy, queen66

On 8th draw, ZEBRAS 14J 74 --- ZEBRA an African mammal that is related to the horse [n]
Other moves: TZARS H11 72, ZEBRAS 1J 51, FAZE A12 48, BRAZES 14J 46, REZ 13B 44
ZEBRAS 14J 74 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 9th draw, THEFT H11 45 --- THEFT the act of stealing [n]
Other tops: THOFT H11 45
Other moves: HOUFED B10 42, OFFEND A10 39, FEOD 15H 38, FOEHN 2J 38, FOUTH B10 38
HOED M2 37 moonmonkey
THON 15H 34 Chelsea

On 10th draw, EROSIBLE 1G 80 --- EROSIBLE capable of being eroded [adj]
Other moves: LOERIES 9B 67, ORSEILLE 7B 64, EROSE M1 31, VERSE L8 31, VERSO L8 31
LIFERS A10 27 moonmonkey
ORES M1 26 Chelsea

On 11th draw, DEFANG A10 33 --- DEFANG to make harmless [v]
Other tops: DECAF A8 33
Other moves: AGED 13A 30, FACE A12 27, GANEF A8 27, CAGED 10C 26, GAUGED B10 26
AGED 13A 30 moonmonkey
FACE A12 27 Chelsea

On 12th draw, PAVAN 10C 28 --- PAVAN a slow, stately dance [n]
Other moves: PERV 10J 25, TIARA 15H 24, VARIA B6 23, VARNA B6 23, ANA 15J 22
PAVAN 10C 28 moonmonkey
PERV 10J 25 Chelsea

On 13th draw, WIG J10 28 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other tops: UNCAGE 2B 28
Other moves: SWAGE J1 27, WIN J10 27, WAE 13K 25, CANGUE 2B 24, SCAW J1 24
WIG J10 28 Chelsea, moonmonkey

On 14th draw, ANY 15J 34 --- ANY one, no matter which [adj]
Other tops: ONY 15J 34
Other moves: MOBY L12 30, TOYMAN 2B 28, TUNY B11 28, ETYMON N1 26, MY 15K 26
ANY 15J 34 moonmonkey, Chelsea

On 15th draw, JO 7M 36 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JAI J4 32, OUIJAS 2B 32, OUIJA 2C 30, IDEAS 2J 29, SOJA 2D 29
JO 7M 36 Chelsea, moonmonkey

On 16th draw, DSO L10 26 --- DSO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: EDS 13C 26
Other moves: OUD M3 24, DOSE(D) J4 23, LEIS M1 22, NOISED 14A 22, IDES J3 21
DSO L10 26 Chelsea
OUD M3 24 moonmonkey

On 17th draw, QUAIRS 2B 36 --- QUAIR a twentieth part of a ream [n]
Other moves: QUASA(R) F6 34, QUIRES 5D 30, RISQUE 5C 30, SAIQUE 5C 30, SQUARE 5C 30
SQUARE 5C 30 Chelsea

On 18th draw, CITE 3A 29 --- CITE to quote as an authority or example [v]
Other moves: NAUTIC 14A 28, CULTIVAR E5 26, CIT 3A 25, LITE 3A 25, ITA 3B 23
CITE 3A 29 Chelsea

On 19th draw, HUMA B11 31 --- HUMA a fabulous bird [n]
Other moves: UH 2I 28, SHAW J1 27, HAEM D1 26, HM 1D 25, HUIA B11 25
SHAM J1 25 Chelsea

On 20th draw, XI 2N 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU 2N 36
Other moves: WEX 13G 25, EXULT N1 24, IXTLE 5D 24, XI 2I 24, SWIG J1 23
XI 2N 36 Chelsea

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