Game on August 4, 2022 at 19:29, 14 players
1. 166 pts HollyIvy
2. 166 pts queen66
3. 166 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


4H 78 106 


K4 90 196 


M2 76 272 


9A 63 335 


A5 92 427 


D6 80 507 


N6 71 578 


C13 46 624 


15A 42 666 


B4 36 702 


O11 41 743 


B8 59 802 


N14 38 840 


O1 38 878 


J9 75 953 


15F 30 983 


C2 44 1027 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
HollyIvy 2 3:49 -861 166 1.7543 HollyIvy 2 3:49 -861 166
queen66 2 4:13 -861 166 2.7490 queen66 2 4:13 -861 166
sicilianc5 2 4:13 -861 166 3.7428 sicilianc5 2 4:13 -861 166
Pacific 1 3:49 -868 159 4.7334 Pacific 1 3:49 -868 159
LongJump22 2 4:17 -897 130 5.7780 Mycophot 0 0:42 -1006 21
6. -
HHHH8888 1 0:38 -999 28 Group: intermediate
7. -
IIII8888 1 1:01 -999 28 1.6570 LongJump22 2 4:17 -897 130
8. -
SSSS8888 1 1:26 -999 28 2.6258 Hammer22 0 1:06 -1003 24
9. -
DDDD8888 1 1:52 -999 28 3.6341 Discus22 0 1:27 -1003 24
Hammer22 0 1:06 -1003 24 4.6614 Javelin22 0 1:49 -1003 24
Discus22 0 1:27 -1003 24 5.6160 ShotPut22 0 0:23 -1006 21
Javelin22 0 1:49 -1003 24 Group: not rated
ShotPut22 0 0:23 -1006 21 1. - HHHH8888 1 0:38 -999 28
Mycophot 0 0:42 -1006 21 2. - IIII8888 1 1:01 -999 28
3. - SSSS8888 1 1:26 -999 28
4. - DDDD8888 1 1:52 -999 28
On 1st draw, HOISED H4 28 --- HOISE to hoist [v]
Other moves: DOSEH H8 26, HEEDS H4 26, HEIDS H4 26, HIDES H4 26, HOSED H4 26
HOISED H4 28 HHHH8888, IIII8888, SSSS8888, DDDD8888
On 2nd draw, HEALSOME 4H 78 --- HEALSOME wholesome [adj]
Other moves: SOMEDEAL 9D 63, ALMEHS 4D 22, HAMOSE 4H 22, LAMES G6 22, LEMES G6 22
On 3rd draw, LOUNDING K4 90 --- LOUND to calm [v]
Other moves: MOUNDING N4 66, UNDOINGS 7A 64, SOUNDING 7H 62, SOUNDING L4 62, ENDUING O4 27
On 4th draw, WOORARIS M2 76 --- WOORARI a plant yielding curare [n]
Other tops: WOORARIS M3 76
Other moves: DOWAR 8K 30, DRAWS 8K 30, DROWS 8K 30, WAR 3M 28, ROWERS O1 27
WAR 3M 28 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
On 5th draw, BEAUTIED 9A 63 --- BEAUTY to beautify [v]
Other moves: BEAUTIES 7A 62, BET N6 25, TAUBE G5 24, TEEM N1 24, BE N6 22
On 6th draw, KI(L)OBASE A5 92 --- KILOBASE a length of a thousand base pairs in a DNA chain [n]
Other moves: OAKIES(T) N9 76, KEIT(L)OAS E6 72, STOKE(S)IA E8 72, (S)TOKESIA E8 72, BA(C)KIES A9 51
On 7th draw, I(M)PUNITY D6 80 --- IMPUNITY exemption from penalty [n]
Other moves: P(E)ATY J2 38, P(L)ATY J2 38, P(R)ATY J2 38, TYPIN(G) N9 38, DYIN(G) 8K 36
P(E)ATY J2 38 queen66, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 8th draw, NETTLER N6 71 --- NETTLER one that nettles [n]
Other tops: LETTERN N6 71
Other moves: NETTLIER F4 62, NETTLER B8 28, ENTETE B9 24, ENTREE B9 24, NEEM N1 24
On 9th draw, FEZ C13 46 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: DOZER O1 45, DOZE O1 42, FORZE M11 41, DORIZE F6 40, FRIZED F7 39
On 10th draw, CAZ 15A 42 --- CAZ casual [adj]
Other tops: NAZI 15A 42
Other moves: PAGAN B2 30, ACAPNIA J2 28, AGA O6 28, APIAN B2 28, CANAPE B4 27
On 11th draw, WOF B4 36 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: FEW B8 35, FEVER O1 33, FEWER O1 33, VOWER O1 33, OF B5 32
On 12th draw, HEMAL O11 41 --- HEMAL pertaining to the blood [adj]
Other moves: MELENA O3 39, ENEMA O4 38, QUEAN 6J 34, ALMEH O1 30, HA O7 30
HEMAL O11 41 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5
On 13th draw, YEX B8 59 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: CALX J3 56, EXO B9 53, AX 10A 50, EX B9 50, VOXEL O1 45
YEX B8 59 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, queen66, Pacific, LongJump22
On 14th draw, JA N14 38 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JADE O1 36, AJEE O1 33, ADJIGO E1 32, JAWED 2K 32, JOWED 2K 32
JADE O1 36 Pacific
On 15th draw, ALGETIC O1 38 --- ALGETIC capable of feeling pain [n]
Other tops: ANGELIC O1 38, GALENIC O1 38
Other moves: ENTIA O4 30, CLANG J2 27, CLIENT O1 27, ITA O6 24, AGNAIL J4 23
On 16th draw, BEARING J9 75 --- BEARING demeanor [n]
Other moves: BAREGINE G6 72, BERGENIA G8 66, GERANIAL 15H 30, GIBER C1 28, BINER C1 26
NEB C3 24 Hammer22, Javelin22
REB C3 24 Discus22
On 17th draw, TRUDGEN 15F 30 --- TRUDGEN a swimming stroke [n]
Other moves: DUNGER 15G 27, NUDGER 15G 27, URGED 15H 27, VINED 13I 26, VIRED 13I 26
DUNGER 15G 27 Pacific
URGED 15H 27 LongJump22
VUG 15H 21 ShotPut22, Mycophot
On 18th draw, QUOP C2 44 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: QUAD J2 37, QUIP 6F 35, QUID 6F 34, QUA J2 32, QUOD E3 31
QUOP C2 44 LongJump22
QUAD J2 37 Pacific
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