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Game on August 6, 2022 at 08:30, 9 players
1. 524 pts fatcat
2. 335 pts babsbedi
3. 130 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?achoov   H4    34    34   havoc
 2. aeilmtu   8A    89   123   amuletic
 3. ?abeors   A8    86   209   aerobats
 4. ?hoostu   E4    90   299   housetop
 5. egiinpy   D1    41   340   piney
 6. aabeort   1D    33   373   probate
 7. aagloqr  14A    26   399   talaq
 8. aeioost  15C    37   436   otiose
 9. egillow   2F    36   472   wile
10. egjnstu   G7    39   511   jigs
11. aeeiknv   F5    35   546   knit
12. aiinprx   7B    38   584   ax
13. definrt   3I    38   622   finder
14. aeeggnr  14H    78   700   engager
15. delotuv   M8    82   782   evoluted
16. aeeinry   L3    37   819   denary
17. cdfiitw  N10    31   850   wit
18. cddeipr   O6    43   893   priced
19. dfimnuz   B4    36   929   nizam

Remaining tiles: dfmu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6576 Filefatcat      3 12:02  -405  524     1.7703 HollyIvy    2  6:22  -799  130 
  2.6779 Filebabsbedi    3  8:32  -594  335     2.7632 queen66     1  3:57  -833   96 
  3.7703 FileHollyIvy    2  6:22  -799  130     3.7395 sicilianc5  0  2:06  -871   58 
  4.7632 Filequeen66     1  3:57  -833   96            Group: intermediate
  5.7395 Filesicilianc5  0  2:06  -871   58     1.6576 fatcat      3 12:02  -405  524 
  6.  -  FileHHHH8888    1  0:37  -895   34     2.6779 babsbedi    3  8:32  -594  335 
  7.  -  FileVVVV8888    1  0:59  -895   34            Group: not rated
  8.  -  FileCCCC8888    1  1:19  -895   34     1.  -  HHHH8888    1  0:37  -895   34 
  9.  -  FileOOOO8888    1  1:41  -895   34     2.  -  VVVV8888    1  0:59  -895   34 
                                             3.  -  CCCC8888    1  1:19  -895   34 
                                             4.  -  OOOO8888    1  1:41  -895   34 

On 1st draw, HAVOC H4 34 --- HAVOC to destroy [v]
Other tops: AVO(U)CH H3 34, AVO(U)CH H7 34, HAVOC(S) H4 34
Other moves: AVO(U)CH H8 32, HAVOC H8 32, HAVOC(S) H8 32, HAV(O)C H4 32, H(A)VOC H4 32
HAVOC H4 34 HHHH8888, VVVV8888, CCCC8888, OOOO8888, HollyIvy
VO(U)CH H8 32 babsbedi
VO(U)CH H4 32 fatcat

On 2nd draw, AMULETIC 8A 89 --- AMULETIC of amulets [adj]
Other moves: HAMLET 4H 22, HAMULI 4H 22, HELIUM 4H 22, HIEMAL 4H 22, HUMATE 4H 22
HAMLET 4H 22 babsbedi
VIM 6H 14 fatcat

On 3rd draw, AEROBA(T)S A8 86 --- AEROBAT one that performs feats in an aircraft [n]
Other tops: A(C)ARBOSE A8 86, BOREASE(S) E5 86, BOREA(S)ES E5 86, RABA(T)OES 5E 86
Other moves: BORA(N)ES 9A 79, BORA(T)ES 9A 79, BORA(X)ES 9A 79, AMBERO(U)S B7 76, EMBRASO(R) B7 76
BRASH 4D 20 fatcat
HAVOCS H4 14 babsbedi

On 4th draw, HOUSETO(P) E4 90 --- HOUSETOP the roof of a house [n]
Other moves: SHOO(T)OUT 7F 77, HOTHOUS(E) 4E 76, HOTHOUS(E) 4H 76, SHOOTOU(T) 7F 76, OUTHOUS(E) C3 74
BOOTHS 12A 22 fatcat

On 5th draw, PINEY D1 41 --- PINEY covered with pine trees [adj]
Other moves: PYEING F1 38, YIPE D1 36, PINEY F10 35, PYNE D1 34, PYNE B11 33
(T)YPING 14A 30 fatcat

On 6th draw, PROBATE 1D 33 --- PROBATE to establish the validity of a will [v]
Other moves: TABARET F8 30, TABORET F8 30, RABAT B11 28, BOATER F10 27, BORATE F10 27
PROBATE 1D 33 fatcat
BOATER F10 27 queen66, sicilianc5, HollyIvy

On 7th draw, (T)ALAQ 14A 26 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: QUAG C7 25, AQUA C6 24, QUA C7 23, AGORA 2G 21, GAR C2 21
QUAG C7 25 fatcat

On 8th draw, OTIOSE 15C 37 --- OTIOSE lazy [adj]
Other moves: IOTAS F10 30, OTIOSE 9D 29, TATSOI 9E 27, IOTAS 15E 26, BAITS 12A 25
EAST F12 22 fatcat

On 9th draw, WILE 2F 36 --- WILE to entice [v]
Other moves: WIG 2F 35, W*G 2F 35, WOE 2F 33, TOWEL F8 32, TOWIE F8 32
WIG 2F 35 fatcat

On 10th draw, JIGS G7 39 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other moves: JIG G7 38, JINS G7 37, JIN G7 36, JEST 12C 33, JUST 12C 33
JUG D10 32 fatcat

On 11th draw, KNIT F5 35 --- KNIT to make a fabric or garment by joining loops of yarn [v]
Other moves: HANKIE 4H 26, NITE F6 25, AKENE 3I 24, HEAVEN 4H 24, AVINE 3I 22
KI C2 22 babsbedi, fatcat

On 12th draw, AX 7B 38 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: XI 3I 35, PAX 14H 32, PIX 14H 32, XI C2 31, PAX F10 30
AX 7B 38 babsbedi
XI C2 31 fatcat

On 13th draw, FINDER 3I 38 --- FINDER one that finds [n]
Other tops: FRIEND 3I 38
Other moves: FETID 3I 36, FIEND 3I 36, FINED 3I 36, FIRED 3I 36, FRIED 3I 36
FRIEND 3I 38 fatcat, HollyIvy, queen66
DEF C2 30 babsbedi

On 14th draw, ENGAGER 14H 78 --- ENGAGER one that engages [n]
Other moves: ENGAGER 14G 65, REENGAGE M1 62, REENGAGE M2 62, GRANGER N2 26, AREG 4L 24
GRANGER N2 26 babsbedi
DAGGER L3 20 fatcat

On 15th draw, EVOLUTED M8 82 --- EVOLUTE to develop by evolution [v]
Other moves: EVOLUTED M3 64, LUTED 15K 31, TOLED 15K 31, VOLUTED M9 30, EVOLUTE M8 28
TOLED 15K 31 sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy
DROVE N2 22 fatcat
VOTER N10 16 babsbedi

On 16th draw, DENARY L3 37 --- DENARY a group of ten [n] --- DENARY containing ten [adj]
Other moves: YARER N10 35, YAGI L12 34, YEAN 8L 33, YEAR 8L 33, YAR N10 31
YEAR 8L 33 babsbedi, fatcat

On 17th draw, WIT N10 31 --- WIT intelligence [n] --- WIT to know [v]
Other tops: FIT N10 31
Other moves: DIF C2 30, INWIT K2 27, CUIF 12L 26, EDICT J1 25, TRIFID N2 24
FIT N10 31 babsbedi
DRIFT N2 22 fatcat

On 18th draw, PRICED O6 43 --- PRICE to set a value on [v]
Other moves: PRIDED O6 40, CIDED O7 37, DICED O7 37, CRIED O7 34, PRIED O7 34
PRICED O6 43 fatcat, babsbedi

On 19th draw, NIZAM B4 36 --- NIZAM a former sovereign of India [n]
Other moves: MIZUNA K9 34, FRIZ N2 32, MIZ F10 32, NIZAM K11 32, ZURF N1 32
FIZ 13F 28 fatcat, babsbedi

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