Game on August 10, 2022 at 03:31, 6 players
1. 245 pts roocatcher
2. 204 pts sunshine12
3. 201 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 76 76 


10F 73 149 


5D 90 239 


4B 35 274 


K8 76 350 


M9 46 396 


15D 92 488 


3B 32 520 


14B 26 546 


13C 51 597 


B2 26 623 


14J 38 661 


A5 34 695 


O11 42 737 


12D 54 791 


7C 62 853 


4K 22 875 


O1 33 908 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 3 6:39 -663 245 1.7152 roocatcher 3 6:39 -663 245
sunshine12 3 9:38 -704 204 2.7859 sunshine12 3 9:38 -704 204
GLOBEMAN 4 5:37 -707 201 3.7497 GLOBEMAN 4 5:37 -707 201
4. -
BadBoyBen 1 0:48 -882 26 Group: not rated
5. -
AMYtheROO 0 0:07 -890 18 1. - BadBoyBen 1 0:48 -882 26
6. -
chunk88 0 0:10 -897 11 2. - AMYtheROO 0 0:07 -890 18
3. - chunk88 0 0:10 -897 11
On 1st draw, MONGOLS H4 76 --- MONGOL a person affected with a form of mental deficiency [n]
Other moves: MONGOLS H2 72, MONGOLS H3 72, MONGOLS H6 72, MONGOLS H7 72, MONGOLS H8 72
On 2nd draw, VESTIA(R)Y 10F 73 --- VESTIARY a dressing room [n]
Other moves: VENA(L)ITY 6F 71, (N)AIVETY G8 70, (N)AIVETY I8 70, (D)ATIVELY 9B 69, (N)ATIVELY 9B 69
On 3rd draw, PATRONNE 5D 90 --- PATRONNE a female patron [n]
Other moves: PATRONNE 8D 63, PREGNANT 7E 63, PYRAN M9 26, PLATE 9G 25, PLEAT 9G 25
On 4th draw, ERODIUM 4B 35 --- ERODIUM a plant of the geranium family [n]
Other moves: ODEUM 4D 31, ODIUM 4D 31, CROUPED D1 30, COUDE 4B 29, CRUDE 4B 29
On 5th draw, W(H)ARFIES K8 76 --- WHARFIE (Australian slang) a wharf labourer [n]
Other moves: SWERFI(N)G 7A 65, FROWIES(T) 8F 64, FROWSIE(R) 8F 64, F(R)OWSIER 8F 64, WIFES L1 41
On 6th draw, PYXIDES M9 46 --- PYXIS a type of seed vessel [n]
Other moves: PIXES L1 45, PIXES 15G 42, PREFIX 12H 42, PYXED M9 42, PYXIES M9 42
PIXES 15G 42 roocatcher
On 7th draw, ARCHAEUS 15D 92 --- ARCHAEUS an inner controlling spirit [n]
Other moves: CHARASES 15F 42, ARCHEUS 15E 36, CHASES 15H 36, CHUSES 15H 36, REECH B2 36
CHARES 15F 33 roocatcher
HE 14J 13 sunshine12
On 8th draw, HALO 3B 32 --- HALO to form a halo (a ring of light) [v]
Other moves: DOLOR 3B 31, ODAH 3A 31, DAH N12 30, DHAL 3A 30, DHOL 3A 30
OHO 3C 28 sunshine12
On 9th draw, QAT 14B 26 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: THEINE B2 22, ATE 2A 21, AHENT B2 20, ATONE 14G 20, THEIN B2 20
QAT 14B 26 BadBoyBen, sunshine12
QI 13J 11 chunk88
On 10th draw, JEANED 13C 51 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [adj] --- JEANED wearing jeans [adj]
Other moves: JEED 13C 45, JEAN 13C 43, JEON 13C 43, JEE 13C 41, AJEE 6A 33
JEED 13C 45 roocatcher, sunshine12
JA C13 18 AMYtheROO
On 11th draw, THEED B2 26 --- THEE to use the pronoun thee [v]
Other moves: DIET N12 22, UTE 2A 21, DI 15A 20, IDE N11 19, TE 2B 19
DI 15A 20 sunshine12, roocatcher
On 12th draw, MERELS 14J 38 --- MEREL a counter used in a game of merils [n]
Other moves: MEREL 14J 36, MERES 14J 36, MESEL 14J 36, CALMS L1 35, CAMIS L1 35
MERELS 14J 38 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 13th draw, BATING A5 34 --- BATE to reduce the force of [v]
Other moves: ACTINGS O8 33, BANC A5 31, ACTING A6 30, BAIT 12D 30, BANG A5 28
BATING A5 34 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 14th draw, FUBSY O11 42 --- FUBSY chubby and somewhat squat [adj]
Other moves: BUSY O12 36, FY 12D 35, BOUSY O11 33, BY 12D 31, NOY 6H 29
On 15th draw, ZEA 12D 54 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZA 12D 50, AZOLE N5 38, ZOEA N6 37, ZA A1 35, AZLON J1 34
On 16th draw, INTRIGUE 7C 62 --- INTRIGUE to arouse the curiosity of [v]
Other moves: ZEATIN 12D 22, INTIRE 4J 18, UNITER 4J 18, UNITER F2 18, TI 15A 17
On 17th draw, OGIVE 4K 22 --- OGIVE a pointed arch [n]
Other moves: GI 15A 20, VEGO N6 20, OGIVE N5 17, OI 15A 17, GIVE N6 16
On 18th draw, WOKE O1 33 --- WAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: COKE O1 30, KI 15A 29, WICE O1 27, WICK M3 26, LIKE O1 24
WOKE O1 33 roocatcher
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