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Game on August 14, 2022 at 18:27, 6 players
1. 421 pts Pacific
2. 214 pts sicilianc5
3. 212 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aiiorx   H3    40    40   ixoras
 2. abflotu   8A    89   129   boatfuls
 3. aegovwz   F6    46   175   zouave
 4. elorttw   4G    26   201   extort
 5. efirstu  12F    91   292   surfeit
 6. ?begijt   C3    90   382   bijugate
 7. ddeinrw   J6    67   449   rewinded
 8. aeennou  13I    26   475   adnoun
 9. adeillm   8J    42   517   wadmel
10. aacgrsu   M3    32   549   asarum
11. acdeghn  14C    77   626   ganched
12. ehlooqs  15H    50   676   helos
13. aceemny   D2    38   714   myna
14. eilpqrt   I9    44   758   qi
15. eegiort  15A    34   792   trigo
16. eiikops   E3    49   841   ski
17. eilnovw  N10    34   875   winnle
18. ceiopvy   G7    36   911   vly
19. ceeiopp  B10    24   935   pice

Remaining tiles: eeop

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7523 FilePacific     0 11:21  -514  421     1.7523 Pacific     0 11:21  -514  421 
  2.7678 Filesicilianc5  0  8:06  -721  214     2.7678 sicilianc5  0  8:06  -721  214 
  3.7712 FileHollyIvy    0  5:39  -723  212     3.7712 HollyIvy    0  5:39  -723  212 
  4.  -  FileXXXX8888    0  0:51  -897   38            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileIIII8888    0  1:16  -897   38     1.  -  XXXX8888    0  0:51  -897   38 
  6.  -  FileBLANK8888   0  1:41  -897   38     2.  -  IIII8888    0  1:16  -897   38 
                                             3.  -  BLANK8888   0  1:41  -897   38 

On 1st draw, IXORA(S) H3 40 --- IXORA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: RA(D)IX H8 38, (B)ORAX H8 38, (V)ARIX H8 38, IXORA H4 26, IXORA H8 26
RA(D)IX H8 38 XXXX8888, IIII8888, BLANK8888
(B)ORAX H8 38 Pacific

On 2nd draw, BOATFUL(S) 8A 89 --- BOATFUL as much as a boat can hold [n]
Other moves: BOATFUL G7 75, BOATFUL I7 75, BOA(S)TFUL 8E 63, FUB I3 34, BALU G3 29

On 3rd draw, ZOUAVE F6 46 --- ZOUAVE a French infantry man [n]
Other moves: WAREZ 6F 45, ZA 7C 44, GAZE G3 43, WAZOO B4 37, ZOOEA B6 36
ZA 7C 44 Pacific

On 4th draw, EXTORT 4G 26 --- EXTORT to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation [v]
Other tops: WROTE E11 26
Other moves: LEW G3 24, LOW G3 24, TEW G3 24, TOW G3 24, WELT E11 24

On 5th draw, SURFEIT 12F 91 --- SURFEIT to indulge in excess [v]
Other tops: FUSTIER 12D 91
Other moves: FUSTIER M2 86, SURFEIT M4 79, FOUSTIER B7 76, OUTFIRES B8 76, TURFIEST D1 74
FRUITS 12A 45 Pacific

On 6th draw, BIJ(U)GATE C3 90 --- BIJUGATE two-paired [adj]
Other moves: JERBI(L) H10 42, JIRB(L)E H10 42, GJ(U) 7B 39, JIB(S) M1 37, JIG(S) M1 35
J(A) 7C 34 Pacific

On 7th draw, REWINDED J6 67 --- REWIND to wind again [v]
Other moves: WIDDER B10 51, WINDED B10 51, WINDER B10 49, WEIRD B10 47, WIDEN B10 47
WIDDER B10 51 Pacific

On 8th draw, ADNOUN 13I 26 --- ADNOUN an adjective when used as a noun [n]
Other tops: ANON D3 26, EOAN D3 26
Other moves: NONA D2 25, AJEE 5B 22, DOUANE 11J 20, JEE 5C 20, JEU 5C 20

On 9th draw, WADMEL 8J 42 --- WADMEL thick, coarse woollen cloth [n]
Other moves: MAELID B10 40, MAILED B10 40, MALLED B10 40, MEDIAL B10 40, MILLED B10 40
MAINED N10 30 HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 10th draw, ASARUM M3 32 --- ASARUM the dried root of the wild ginger [n]
Other moves: SCRAG 14K 30, CASA D2 29, CAGS M1 28, CAUSA M1 28, ARCS M1 26
CASA D2 29 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
CAGS M1 28 Pacific

On 11th draw, GANCHED 14C 77 --- GANCH to impale [v]
Other moves: CHANGED 14C 73, HAGDEN B10 51, HANGED B10 51, HANCE B10 49, CHAD D1 36
HANGED B10 51 Pacific, HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 12th draw, HELOS 15H 50 --- HELO a helicopter [n]
Other tops: HELOS 15F 50, HOLES 15F 50, HOLES 15H 50, HOSEL 15F 50, HOSEL 15H 50
Other moves: OHOS 15G 49, HELO 15F 47, HOES 15F 47, HOLE 15F 47, HOLS 15F 47
OHOS 15G 49 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
HES 15H 41 Pacific

On 13th draw, MYNA D2 38 --- MYNA an Asian bird [n]
Other moves: MYC 14M 34, CANNY N10 32, CLY G7 32, CYAN D1 32, MEANY N10 32
YAM B10 29 HollyIvy, Pacific, sicilianc5

On 14th draw, QI I9 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: PLIE 15A 27, PRENT N10 26, PRINT N10 26, JAP 5C 24, QI N2 24
PRINT N10 26 sicilianc5

On 15th draw, TRIGO 15A 34 --- TRIGO wheat [n]
Other moves: TRIG 15A 29, TROG 15A 29, GERE 14K 25, REGO 14K 25, GEIT 15A 24
GRIT 15A 24 HollyIvy

On 16th draw, SKI E3 49 --- SKI to travel on skis (long, narrow strips of wood or metal) [v]
Other moves: KOINES N10 40, KI E4 39, KOINE N10 38, SPEK 14L 32, SKEP G2 30

On 17th draw, WINNLE N10 34 --- WINNLE an appliance for winding yarn [n]
Other moves: WIVE B10 31, WOVE B10 31, WEIL B10 28, WIEL B10 28, WILE B10 28
WOVE B10 31 Pacific

On 18th draw, VLY G7 36 --- VLY a swamp [n]
Other moves: CLY G7 32, YIPE B10 30, YEP B10 29, YIP B10 29, PYIC B10 27
YEP B10 29 Pacific

On 19th draw, PICE B10 24 --- PICE a former coin of India and Pakistan [n]
Other tops: PEEP B10 24, PEPO B10 24, PIPE B10 24, P**P B10 24, POPE B10 24
Other moves: PEC B10 23, PEP B10 23, PIC B10 23, PIP B10 23, POP B10 23

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