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Game on August 15, 2022 at 13:20, 11 players
1. 525 pts Papa_Sloth
2. 379 pts Pacific
3. 259 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bcekost   H8    32    32   stock
 2. delnouz  10F    38    70   zooned
 3. ?aaboqr  11B    41   111   burqa
 4. aeortww  12A    31   142   wate
 5. afinrsv   K5    44   186   friands
 6. ddeopsu  13B    34   220   pseudo
 7. ehlnovy   L1    38   258   honey
 8. aaceitu   8K    30   288   acute
 9. ?eenrtu   1H   140   428   urethane
10. adgiiru   3G    24   452   dauring
11. elmoprv   4D    34   486   eprom
12. eiilnor   N8    70   556   triolein
13. aglmovw  15L    36   592   vang
14. agilmny  14E    78   670   mangily
15. befhiow  15F    37   707   hoi
16. aefiotv   5A    32   739   fovea
17. ailsttx   6A    55   794   ax
18. deiiltw   A5    30   824   failed
19. abilstw  M10    36   860   blaw
20. eiijstt   6F    44   904   jitters

Remaining tile: i

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6090 FilePapa_Sloth  5 23:48  -379  525     1.7547 Pacific     7  9:58  -525  379 
  2.7547 FilePacific     7  9:58  -525  379     2.7672 Chelsea     3  6:57  -645  259 
  3.7672 FileChelsea     3  6:57  -645  259     3.7733 HollyIvy    2  4:43  -731  173 
  4.7733 FileHollyIvy    2  4:43  -731  173     4.7672 sicilianc5  1  1:22  -874   30 
  5.7672 Filesicilianc5  1  1:22  -874   30     5.7923 Mycophot    1  1:40  -874   30 
  6.7923 FileMycophot    1  1:40  -874   30     6.7848 moonmonkey  0  1:25  -881   23 
  7.7848 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:25  -881   23            Group: intermediate
  8.6189 FileHammer22    0  0:43  -882   22     1.6090 Papa_Sloth  5 23:48  -379  525 
  9.6357 FileDiscus22    0  1:12  -882   22     2.6189 Hammer22    0  0:43  -882   22 
 10.6614 FileJavelin22   0  1:42  -882   22     3.6357 Discus22    0  1:12  -882   22 
 11.6160 FileShotPut22   0  1:59  -894   10     4.6614 Javelin22   0  1:42  -882   22 
                                             5.6160 ShotPut22   0  1:59  -894   10 

On 1st draw, STOCK H8 32 --- STOCK to keep for future sale or use [v]
Other tops: BECKS H4 32, BOCKS H4 32
Other moves: BOSKET H4 30, BECKS H8 28, BOCKS H8 28, BOKES H4 28, COKES H4 28
BECKS H4 32 Papa_Sloth
STOCK H8 32 Pacific

On 2nd draw, ZOONED 10F 38 --- ZOON to zoom [v]
Other moves: DONZEL 10G 36, OOZED 10H 35, COZED 11H 34, OUZEL 10H 34, OOZE 10H 33
ZOONED 10F 38 Papa_Sloth
OOZED 10H 35 Pacific

On 3rd draw, B(U)RQA 11B 41 --- BURQA a coverall worn by Muslim women [n]
Other moves: STOCK(C)AR H8 39, QOR(M)A 11B 37, ABROAD(S) K5 36, A(N)CORA 11F 36, BRA(V)ADO K5 36
AQ(U)A 11C 35 Pacific, Papa_Sloth

On 4th draw, WATE 12A 31 --- WIT to know [v]
Other tops: WARE 12A 31, WORE 12A 31
Other moves: CARET 11H 24, CATER 11H 24, TAWER 11J 24, TOWER 11J 24, WARRE D8 24
WORE 12A 31 Papa_Sloth
WARE 12A 31 Pacific

On 5th draw, FRIANDS K5 44 --- FRIAND an epicure [n]
Other moves: RAVINS 13B 35, RAVIN 13B 31, SAVIN 13B 31, SNARF 13C 31, WAIF A12 30
WAIF A12 30 Pacific, Papa_Sloth

On 6th draw, PSEUDO 13B 34 --- PSEUDO a person pretending to be intellectual [n]
Other tops: OPED 13A 34
Other moves: APODE 8K 33, APODS 8K 33, DUPED 13B 33, SOUPED 13H 32, DUPES 13B 31
W*PS A12 27 Pacific
OSE 13A 20 Papa_Sloth

On 7th draw, HONEY L1 38 --- HONEY to sweeten with honey (a sweet, viscid fluid) [v]
Other tops: HOLEY L1 38
Other moves: HOLEY L11 35, HONEY L11 35, HOYLE L1 35, ENVOY L1 32, HYEN L4 32
HONEY L1 38 Pacific
HOY 14E 26 Papa_Sloth

On 8th draw, ACUTE 8K 30 --- ACUTE a type of accent mark [n] --- ACUTE marked by sharpness or severity [adj]
Other tops: ACETA 8K 30, AITCH 1H 30, CHEAT 1K 30, CHUTE 1K 30, TEACH 1H 30, TEUCH 1H 30, THECA 1K 30, THEIC 1K 30
Other moves: HUIC 1L 27, AECIA 8K 24, HAET 1L 21, HATE 1L 21, HAUT 1L 21
CHEAT 1K 30 Pacific
TEACH 1H 30 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
HATE 1L 21 Papa_Sloth

On 9th draw, URETH(A)NE 1H 140 --- URETHANE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: UNTE(T)HER 1G 80, UN(T)ETHER 1G 80, NEUR(I)TES 8A 74, RETU(R)NEE O1 74, REUN(I)TES 8A 74
THERE 1K 24 Papa_Sloth

On 10th draw, DAURING 3G 24 --- DAUR to venture boldly [v]
Other tops: GRADINI 3G 24
Other moves: GU 14A 22, IGUANID 3H 22, RAIDING 3G 22, GADI 14E 19, AIDING 3H 18
RAIDING 3G 22 Hammer22, Discus22, Javelin22
AR 2N 10 ShotPut22

On 11th draw, EPROM 4D 34 --- EPROM a type of computer chip [n]
Other tops: PROEM 4D 34
Other moves: PLOVER 4C 30, MOVER 4D 28, VOMER 4D 28, EPROM 14F 26, MOPER 4D 26
ROMP 4F 25 Papa_Sloth
P*M 9M 23 Chelsea
PROVE 4C 23 moonmonkey

On 12th draw, TRIOLEIN N8 70 --- TRIOLEIN a glyceride of oleic acid [n]
Other moves: INLIER 5B 28, LINIER 5B 28, OILIER 5B 28, ORIEL 5C 26, LIEN 5D 24
NOEL 5D 24 Papa_Sloth
ROE 5D 18 Chelsea

On 13th draw, VANG 15L 36 --- VANG a rope on a ship [n]
Other tops: WANG 15L 36
Other moves: AMONG 15K 33, MAW M11 32, MANG 15L 30, MONG 15L 30, GLAM M10 29
WANG 15L 36 Chelsea, Pacific
MONA 15L 27 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, MANGILY 14E 78 --- MANGILY in a mangy manner [adv]
Other moves: LYAM M10 35, GAMILY 14E 34, MAINLY 14E 32, MAY M11 32, MAYING 14E 32
MAY M11 32 Chelsea
MA 5D 20 Papa_Sloth

On 15th draw, HOI 15F 37 --- HOI used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: HEW M11 35, BOI 15F 33, WHA M13 33, WIFE 5B 33, HOWF 3A 31
HOI 15F 37 Papa_Sloth
HEW M11 35 Chelsea

On 16th draw, FOVEA 5A 32 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: FOVEA 13K 30, FAVE 13K 28, FIVE 13K 28, VITAE 5B 28, FAE 5D 27
FOVEA 13K 30 Chelsea
FAE 5D 27 Papa_Sloth, HollyIvy

On 17th draw, AX 6A 55 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: FAIX A5 42, FALX A5 42, FIXT A5 42, FLAX A5 42, FLIX A5 42
AX 6A 55 Chelsea, HollyIvy, Pacific, Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, FAILED A5 30 --- FAIL to be unsuccessful in an attempt [v]
Other moves: DEW M11 29, FATED A5 27, WED M11 27, DETOX B2 26, LEW M11 26
FAILED A5 30 Chelsea, Pacific
FADE A5 24 Papa_Sloth

On 19th draw, BLAW M10 36 --- BLAW to blow [v]
Other moves: SWAB M10 35, BLAWS 3A 31, WAB M11 31, BAWRS 6H 30, SLAW M10 30
WAB M11 31 HollyIvy
WABS 6E 19 Papa_Sloth

On 20th draw, JITTERS 6F 44 --- JITTER to fidget [v]
Other moves: JITTER 6F 31, JETS 3B 30, JEST 3A 25, JETS 3A 25, JET 3B 23
JETS 3B 30 HollyIvy
JEE D3 10 Papa_Sloth

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