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Game on August 16, 2022 at 23:41, 5 players
1. 287 pts roocatcher
2. 207 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 18 pts fadimanba

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dhoopry   H8    32    32   hoody
 2. ahoorrs  11E    98   130   rhodoras
 3. acelmtz  10F    54   184   cloze
 4. aabeein  I10    21   205   zoaeae
 5. adeiops   L4    74   279   adiposes
 6. acilnnr  15D    36   315   cannier
 7. ?egirty   4E    62   377   pterygia
 8. aijnnrt   8K    36   413   joint
 9. agknsuw   3G    32   445   auk
10. ?elrsux   2A    83   528   lurexes
11. aefllnt   6G    65   593   flatline
12. eimmrtv   1D    29   622   mem
13. eiiosvw   A1    39   661   olives
14. abdeinu  14I    26   687   aubade
15. ainoqrw  15L    47   734   wino
16. defiruw   O2    29   763   wifed
17. aeinorv   2J    28   791   reavow
18. ginpttu   G9    22   813   glop
19. gintttu   B6    66   879   tutting

Remaining tiles: biq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7297 Fileroocatcher  1 12:42  -592  287     1.7297 roocatcher  1 12:42  -592  287 
  2.7614 FileGLOBEMAN    2  7:17  -672  207     2.7614 GLOBEMAN    2  7:17  -672  207 
  3.  -  Filefadimanba   0  1:00  -861   18            Group: not rated
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:38  -863   16     1.  -  fadimanba   0  1:00  -861   18 
  5.  -  FileAMYtheROO   0  0:09  -868   11     2.  -  chunk88     0  1:38  -863   16 
                                             3.  -  AMYtheROO   0  0:09  -868   11 

On 1st draw, HOODY H8 32 --- HOODY resembling a hoodlum [adj]
Other tops: DROOPY H7 32, HOODY H4 32, HYDRO H4 32, RHODY H8 32
Other moves: DROOPY H8 30, DOHYO H4 28, DROOPY H4 28, ROOPY H8 28, DOHYO H8 26

On 2nd draw, RHODORAS 11E 98 --- RHODORA a flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: RHODORA 11E 44, SHOO G8 30, OOHS G7 28, OOHS I7 28, RAHS G7 28
HARDS 11E 18 fadimanba

On 3rd draw, CLOZE 10F 54 --- CLOZE a test of reading comprehension [n]
Other moves: CAZ G7 53, L*Z G7 49, AZOLE 10F 42, AZOTE 10F 42, MATZO G7 39

On 4th draw, ZOAEAE I10 21 --- ZOAEA a larval stage of crabs, pl ZOAEAE or ZOAEAS [n]
Other tops: ABY 12F 21, YAE 12H 21
Other moves: AINEE 12B 20, BEE 12D 20, BIEN 12K 20, BINE 12K 20, ZOAEA I10 20

On 5th draw, ADIPOSES L4 74 --- ADIPOSIS obesity [n]
Other tops: ADIPOSES L6 74
Other moves: ADIPOSE G2 68, ADIPOSE I2 68, EPISODE 15C 39, POESIED 15D 39, ADIPOSE 15C 36
POISED 15E 27 roocatcher

On 6th draw, CANNIER 15D 36 --- CANNIE prudent [adj] --- CANNY prudent [adj]
Other moves: CANINE 15D 33, CANNIE 15D 33, CARNIE 15D 33, CARLINE 15C 30, ENCINAL 15I 30
CARNIE 15D 33 roocatcher

On 7th draw, (P)TERYGIA 4E 62 --- PTERYGIA fleshy growths over the cornea [n] --- PTERYGIUM a fleshy growth over the cornea [n]
Other moves: GYR(A)TE M2 31, EGOITY 8J 30, (P)YRITE M2 30, EGOI(T)Y 8J 27, EGO(I)TY 8J 27
GRO(T)TY 8J 27 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 8th draw, JOINT 8K 36 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other tops: JAILOR G7 36
Other moves: JAGIR J2 31, NINJA 6K 28, JAG J2 27, JAI 14E 27, JIG J2 27
JET G3 18 roocatcher

On 9th draw, AUK 3G 32 --- AUK a diving seabird [n]
Other moves: KAS 3I 31, SWAN 3F 31, KA 3I 28, WAN 3G 28, KNARS H1 27
SNARK H1 27 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN

On 10th draw, LUR(E)XES 2A 83 --- LUREX a metallic yarn or thread -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: LUREX(E)S 2A 79, L(U)XURIES 6G 68, LUX(U)RIES 6G 66, (A)XLES M2 39, SEXU(A)L 2I 38

On 11th draw, FLATLINE 6G 65 --- FLATLINE to register as having no brain waves or heartbeat [v]
Other moves: ALEFT A1 36, FALLEN M1 35, ALEF M3 34, ALEF A1 33, FELLA M1 31
FLAN A1 24 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 12th draw, MEM 1D 29 --- MEM a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: MEM 3B 25, MET 1D 25, MIMER O2 24, TRIMMER C1 24, VLEI A1 24
EM 1A 22 roocatcher

On 13th draw, OLIVES A1 39 --- OLIVE the small oval fruit of a Mediterranean tree [n]
Other moves: OLIVE A1 36, SLIVE A1 36, SLOVE A1 36, SLEW A1 33, SLOW A1 33
SWIVE 5A 24 roocatcher

On 14th draw, AUBADE 14I 26 --- AUBADE a morning song [n]
Other moves: BIDET O4 24, BUNDE 12A 24, UNBED O2 24, UNBID O2 24, ABED O3 23
DEI 12D 18 roocatcher
BA 7I 16 chunk88

On 15th draw, WINO 15L 47 --- WINO a drunken down and out who drinks cheap wine [n]
Other tops: WARN 15L 47, WORN 15L 47
Other moves: ANOW 13K 31, QADI M12 28, NAW 13L 25, NOW 13L 25, QI 5D 24
WINO 15L 47 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
QI K3 11 AMYtheROO

On 16th draw, WIFED O2 29 --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: FED O4 24, FID O4 24, FUD O4 24, WED O4 24, WUD O4 24
WE 7I 20 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, REAVOW 2J 28 --- AVOW to declare openly [v] --- REAVOW to vow again [v]
Other moves: VAIRE 12A 26, NAOI N1 25, VENIAL K1 24, NAVEW 2K 22, VINEW 2K 22

On 18th draw, GLOP G9 22 --- GLOP to cover with glop (a messy mass or mixture) [v]
Other moves: TITUP B6 19, OPINE N2 18, RUTTING C2 18, PIU 14E 17, PIU 1H 17

On 19th draw, TUTTING B6 66 --- TUT to utter an exclamation of impatience [v] --- TUTTING the act of tutting [n]
Other moves: RUTTING C2 18, GERT J9 14, GNU 1H 14, TING B5 13, TUI 14E 13

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