Game on August 18, 2022 at 18:42, 8 players
1. 479 pts Papa_Sloth
2. 123 pts HollyIvy
3. 123 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 30 30 


7D 69 99 


11E 78 177 


8J 44 221 


O1 86 307 


6H 42 349 


1H 92 441 


10J 28 469 


12K 33 502 


D2 44 546 


C1 54 600 


8A 43 643 


B8 30 673 


12A 26 699 


5C 30 729 


N1 35 764 


2B 34 798 


C11 28 826 


M12 22 848 


15H 27 875 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Papa_Sloth 2 24:18 -396 479 1.7656 HollyIvy 1 4:01 -752 123
HollyIvy 1 4:01 -752 123 2.7796 queen66 1 4:18 -752 123
queen66 1 4:18 -752 123 3.7754 sicilianc5 1 4:51 -752 123
sicilianc5 1 4:51 -752 123 Group: intermediate
5. -
HHHH8888 1 0:40 -845 30 1.6045 Papa_Sloth 2 24:18 -396 479
6. -
SSSS8888 1 1:04 -845 30 Group: not rated
7. -
DDDD8888 1 1:29 -845 30 1. - HHHH8888 1 0:40 -845 30
8. -
OOOO8888 1 1:54 -845 30 2. - SSSS8888 1 1:04 -845 30
3. - DDDD8888 1 1:29 -845 30
4. - OOOO8888 1 1:54 -845 30
On 1st draw, EDDISH H7 30 --- EDDISH pasturage [n]
Other tops: ODDISH H7 30
Other moves: HIDED H4 28, HOISED H4 28, DISHED H4 26, DISHED H7 26, DOSEH H8 26
ODDISH H7 30 HHHH8888, SSSS8888, DDDD8888, OOOO8888
HIDED H4 28 Papa_Sloth
On 2nd draw, CRAVENED 7D 69 --- CRAVEN to make cowardly [v]
Other tops: CAVERNED 7E 69
Other moves: CAVERNED 7B 68, CRAVENED 7B 68, VAREC 6F 36, VANED 6F 33, CARVED 6F 32
DRENCH 12C 24 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
CHARED 12G 24 Papa_Sloth
On 3rd draw, UROST(Y)LE 11E 78 --- UROSTYLE a part of the vertebral column of frogs and toads [n]
Other tops: TUR(N)SOLE 11D 78
Other moves: CLOTURE(D) D7 70, CLOTURE(S) D7 70, CLOUTER(S) D7 70, COULTER(S) D7 70, COURTLE(T) D7 70
REDOUT(S) K5 28 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, NOTIFY 8J 44 --- NOTIFY to inform [v]
Other moves: FORTY 6J 43, NOY 6H 41, RIF 6H 41, FORINT 8J 38, FORINT 6J 35
FORTY 6J 43 Papa_Sloth, sicilianc5, HollyIvy, queen66
On 5th draw, SOUTERLY O1 86 --- SOUTERLY like a shoemaker [adj]
STORE M11 18 Papa_Sloth
On 6th draw, NAW 6H 42 --- NAW no [adv]
Other tops: NAY 6H 42
Other moves: NIPA 6H 41, YAWP 6J 38, NAB 6H 36, NAP 6H 36, NIB 6H 36
WANY 6J 36 Papa_Sloth
On 7th draw, YA(W)PINGS 1H 92 --- YAWPING the act of yelping [n]
Other tops: P(R)AYINGS 1H 92
Other moves: F(L)YPING N8 46, FAYNI(N)G N8 42, FAY(N)ING N8 42, PYIN N2 35, (S)PINY 9J 35
AY 6E 28 Papa_Sloth
On 8th draw, MARAE 10J 28 --- MARAE a Maori meeting-place [n]
Other tops: MAARE 10J 28, MARIA 10J 28
Other moves: IMARI 12K 26, AIMER 12J 25, MAAR 10J 25, MAARE 2F 25, MARA 10J 25
MARIA 10J 28 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
MARE 10J 25 Papa_Sloth
On 9th draw, TWAIN 12K 33 --- TWAIN a set of two [n]
Other moves: BAWN 12L 30, VAW 12L 30, TWIN 12K 29, BAVIN 12A 28, VAIN 12L 28
AB 6E 22 Papa_Sloth
On 10th draw, RAMPICK D2 44 --- RAMPICK a dead tree [n]
Other moves: PAIOCK D3 38, PRICK D4 36, KORMA 10B 31, IMPARK E3 28, IMPARK L1 28
NARK O12 24 Papa_Sloth
On 11th draw, LAZO C1 54 --- LAZO to catch with a long rope with a running noose [v]
Other moves: AZO C2 52, ZA C3 48, ZO C3 48, NAZI O12 39, ZOA 2F 37
LAZO C1 54 Papa_Sloth
On 12th draw, FLUKES 8A 43 --- FLUKE to obtain by chance [v]
Other moves: FLUKE 8A 38, SPOOF 5C 34, FOLK 8A 33, FLOUSE 12A 30, LIEF 6C 30
On 13th draw, LECTION B8 30 --- LECTION a portion of sacred writing read in a church service [n]
Other moves: COIGNE 12A 28, NARIC 2B 26, TAROC 2B 26, COIGN 12A 24, INCOG O11 24
TEG E1 20 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, VIBE 12A 26 --- VIBE a vibration [n]
Other moves: OVERBET 4I 24, BOREE 2G 23, BREVET 4J 22, OBE C12 22, OBVERT 4J 22
OB A14 14 Papa_Sloth
On 15th draw, SPEUG 5C 30 --- SPEUG (Scots) a house sparrow [n]
Other moves: BEGS E1 28, SPUG 5C 28, BOUGE 2F 27, SPIE 5C 26, SPUE 5C 26
VOES A12 25 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, GOX N1 35 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: NEXT O12 33, NIXE O12 33, TEX E1 32, EX E2 31, AX A14 29
GOX N1 35 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, GARTH 2B 34 --- GARTH a yard or garden [n]
Other tops: AARGH 2B 34
Other moves: BHAT C12 30, AARRGH 2B 28, ANIGH O11 27, DARGAH 2B 26, ARIGHT 4G 25
ANIGH O11 27 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, ABBE C11 28 --- ABBE an abbot [n]
Other moves: VIAE A12 25, VIER A12 25, VOAR A12 25, ABB C11 24, EBB C11 24
NABE O12 18 Papa_Sloth
On 19th draw, AJEE M12 22 --- AJEE off the straight [adv]
Other moves: RAMPICKED D2 20, JIG G3 19, JOG G3 19, REED 2I 19, ROED 2I 19
JUDAS F4 17 Papa_Sloth
On 20th draw, OROIDE 15H 27 --- OROIDE an alloy used to imitate gold [n]
Other moves: DERO 15L 21, QI M7 21, ROOD 2I 19, INDRI O11 18, REDO 15L 18
QI M7 21 Papa_Sloth
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