Game on August 30, 2022 at 10:04, 6 players
1. 149 pts Mycophot
2. 131 pts HollyIvy
3. 131 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. I5 28 52
3. 10E 26 78
4. E5 36 114
5. K5 87 201
6. D11 42 243
7. 14B 76 319
8. 13I 41 360
9. 15H 27 387
10. D1 39 426
11. 1D 39 465
12. 15A 30 495
13. N10 40 535
14. O7 32 567
15. C2 37 604
16. 13A 25 629
17. A8 33 662
18. 2H 38 700
19. 3I 29 729
20. F5 23 752
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7509 Mycophot 1 5:20 -603 149 1.7509 Mycophot 1 5:20 -603 149
2.7661 HollyIvy 2 3:47 -621 131 2.7661 HollyIvy 2 3:47 -621 131
3.7594 queen66 2 4:24 -621 131 3.7594 queen66 2 4:24 -621 131
4. - VVVV8888 1 0:47 -728 24 Group: not rated
5. - LLLL8888 1 1:09 -728 24 1. - VVVV8888 1 0:47 -728 24
6. - SSSS8888 1 1:31 -728 24 2. - LLLL8888 1 1:09 -728 24
3. - SSSS8888 1 1:31 -728 24
On 1st draw, VASAL H4 24 --- VAS an anatomical duct [adj] --- VASAL pertaining to a vas [adj]
Other tops: VANTS H4 24
Other moves: SAVANT H3 20, SAVANT H4 20, SAVANT H7 20, SAVANT H8 20, AVANT H4 18
VASAL H4 24 VVVV8888, LLLL8888, SSSS8888
On 2nd draw, MOBIE I5 28 --- MOBIE a mobile phone [n]
Other moves: MOBE G5 26, MOBIE I7 24, MIB G5 23, MIB I5 23, MOB G5 23
MOBIE I5 28 HollyIvy, queen66
MOB I5 23 Mycophot
On 3rd draw, TELESM 10E 26 --- TELESM a talisman [n]
Other moves: GEMELS 10D 25, MEGS 10F 23, SMELT 10I 23, STEME J7 23, GAMMES 5G 22
MEGS 10F 23 Mycophot
On 4th draw, OPERATE E5 36 --- OPERATE to perform a function [v]
Other moves: APO J5 32, REAP J3 28, EPEIRA H10 27, RAP J4 27, RIP J4 27
REAP J3 28 Mycophot, HollyIvy, queen66
On 5th draw, G(O)RIEST K5 87 --- GORY bloody [adj]
Other tops: TIGRES(S) K5 87
Other moves: TIGRE(S)S K5 86, STRIG(A)E J2 83, GRIST(L)E 12B 76, G(L)ISTER 12B 76, G(R)ISTER 12B 76
On 6th draw, RETAX D11 42 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: TAXER 8A 39, AXITE F4 33, MIREX J10 32, TAXER F3 31, TIX L4 31
On 7th draw, DIADOC(H)I 14B 76 --- DIADOCHI the monarchs of the split empire of Alexander the Great [n]
Other moves: DI(S)COID F1 75, DI(S)COID C6 70, CA(R)DIOID 14C 69, DID(I)COI C5 68, D(I)DICOI C5 68
CO(A)X 15A 36 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66
On 8th draw, HOGGED 13I 41 --- HOG to take more than one's share [v]
Other moves: HOGGET 13I 39, OHED 15F 39, HOD 15G 34, DEHORT 8A 33, HOTE 15G 33
On 9th draw, ATONE 15H 27 --- ATONE to make amends or reparation [v]
Other tops: ANENT 15H 27
Other moves: ATONE D4 23, OATEN 13B 22, AEON 12L 21, AEON 15H 21, ANNO 15H 21
On 10th draw, FINCH D1 39 --- FINCH a small bird [n]
Other moves: BICORN 8A 33, CHOIR 8A 33, ICHOR 8A 33, HIC G5 32, CHINO L1 29
FINCH D1 39 queen66, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 11th draw, FLYPE 1D 39 --- FLYPE to strip back [v]
Other tops: FOOLERY 1D 39, P**FYPOOFY 1A 39
Other moves: ROPILY 2A 38, FLOOEY 1D 36, PELORY 8A 36, ROPERY 8A 36, PERDY N10 34
On 12th draw, JA 15A 30 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: BANDER N10 30
Other moves: JEAT 13A 29, BARDE N10 28, BATTEN 13A 28, RAJ 14M 28, RAJ 2H 28
On 13th draw, KINDA N10 40 --- KINDA kind of [adv]
Other moves: FAKIR 8A 39, KAFIR 8A 39, KIF G5 38, KINARA 8A 33, KALIF L2 31
On 14th draw, NORITE O7 32 --- NORITE a granular rock [n]
Other moves: IRONE O8 29, TRINE O8 29, TRONE O8 29, ROTTEN 13A 25, NITE F5 22
On 15th draw, QI C2 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QIS N6 36, QI N6 33, QIS L4 28, BID G5 26, DOW I1 26
On 16th draw, ROTTAN 13A 25 --- ROTTAN a rat [n]
Other moves: ROTAN F3 21, ROTON F3 21, ROAN F4 20, ROON F4 20, ROOT F4 20
On 17th draw, FUNDER A8 33 --- FUNDER a provider of money [n]
Other tops: FADEUR A8 33, FLANEUR A7 33
Other moves: FADER 8A 30, DEAF F4 27, DEF F5 27, FEUAR 8A 27, LAUNDER A7 27
On 18th draw, LAZY 2H 38 --- LAZY disinclined toward work or exertion [adj] --- LAZY to move or lie sluggishly [v]
Other moves: SAZ I1 36, ZAS N6 36, LUZ 2H 34, SAZ 2H 34, ZA N6 33
On 19th draw, WO 3I 29 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: VROW L3 27, BO 3I 25, BROW L3 25, VOW L4 25, VOW N6 24
On 20th draw, BIS F5 23 --- BI a bisexual [n] --- BIS twice [adv]
Other moves: BIS G5 22, BI F5 20, FLYPES 1D 20, SAW I1 20, SIR F5 19
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