Game on September 6, 2022 at 21:14, 8 players
1. 288 pts Pacific
2. 115 pts HollyIvy
3. 115 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 32 32 


3C 34 66 


5E 78 144 


2I 27 171 


1G 32 203 


I7 67 270 


1M 47 317 


2F 56 373 


3K 39 412 


H12 34 446 


4L 29 475 


4A 28 503 


A4 45 548 


N4 67 615 


C1 68 683 


15A 86 769 


O11 24 793 


14A 32 825 


1A 48 873 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 5 7:21 -585 288 1.7653 Pacific 5 7:21 -585 288
HollyIvy 1 1:52 -758 115 2.7825 HollyIvy 1 1:52 -758 115
queen66 1 2:15 -758 115 3.7862 queen66 1 2:15 -758 115
moonmonkey 1 2:23 -758 115 4.7627 moonmonkey 1 2:23 -758 115
5. -
HHHH8888 1 0:44 -841 32 Group: not rated
6. -
WWWW8888 1 1:07 -841 32 1. - HHHH8888 1 0:44 -841 32
7. -
TTTT8888 1 1:28 -841 32 2. - WWWW8888 1 1:07 -841 32
8. -
SSSS8888 1 1:51 -841 32 3. - TTTT8888 1 1:28 -841 32
4. - SSSS8888 1 1:51 -841 32
On 1st draw, THEWES H3 32 --- THEW a well-developed muscle [n]
Other moves: WHETS H4 30, SEETHE H8 26, THEWES H4 26, THEWES H7 26, THEWES H8 26
THEWES H3 32 HHHH8888, WWWW8888, TTTT8888, SSSS8888
On 2nd draw, SOCIETY 3C 34 --- SOCIETY an organized group, a fellowship [n]
Other moves: COYISH 4C 28, OYES G6 28, OYE G6 26, COSEY G1 24, COYEST 3C 24
OYES G6 28 HollyIvy, moonmonkey, queen66
On 3rd draw, UNSEATE(D) 5E 78 --- UNSEAT to remove from a seat [v]
Other tops: NAUSE(A)TE 5D 78, N(A)USEATE 5D 78, SAUTE(R)NE 5D 78
Other moves: HAUNTE(R)S 4H 77, HU(M)ANEST 4H 77, ANEST(R)US 8A 74, SAUNTE(R)S 8A 74, SAUNTE(R)S 8H 74
On 4th draw, AGORAE 2I 27 --- AGORA a market-place in ancient Greece [n]
Other tops: AGLARE 2I 27
Other moves: ALEGAR 2I 23, OARAGE 2I 23, AREOLA 2I 21, GOER 4B 21, AREOLA 4J 20
On 5th draw, FEM 1G 32 --- FEM a passive homosexual [n]
Other tops: FUM 1G 32
Other moves: FEM 1M 31, FEM 3K 31, ENUF 1F 30, NEIF 1F 30, NIEF 1F 30
FEM 1G 32 Pacific
FEM 1M 31 queen66, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, AIRWI(S)E I7 67 --- AIRWISE skillful in aviation [adj]
Other tops: AIRWI(S)E G7 67
Other moves: AIRWI(S)E G8 62, WIS(T)ERIA 8F 61, WIS(T)ERIA C1 61, (P)AIRWISE 8B 61, WEAR(S) 1K 36
On 7th draw, JAM 1M 47 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JATO 4A 44, JOIN 4A 44, JAI 1M 41, JOT 1M 41, MANTO 1K 35
JAM 1M 47 Pacific
On 8th draw, XI 2F 56 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: TIX 4B 40, OX 4C 38, OXTER 4A 37, EXO H13 32, REX H13 32
XI 2F 56 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, Pacific, queen66
On 9th draw, FER 3K 39 --- FER for [prep]
Other moves: RECUILE 11E 36, FLEECER 13G 32, ER 3L 26, FLOC D1 26, REEF J8 26
FER 3K 39 Pacific
On 10th draw, EHED H12 34 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v]
Other tops: OHED H12 34
Other moves: ELHI 4L 33, HEID 4A 32, DOH 4B 26, HID H13 26, HOD H13 26
On 11th draw, APO 4L 29 --- APO a type of protein (apolipoprotein) [n]
Other tops: APT 4L 29
Other moves: HEPTAGON 13H 28, ATOP 4A 24, PONTAGE 14B 24, PONGA 6B 23, PANTO 6B 21
On 12th draw, CLOD 4A 28 --- CLOD a dolt [n] --- CLOD to pelt [v]
Other moves: COOK D1 26, DE(S)TOCK 12G 26, DOUK 2A 26, CLOU 4A 24, TOUK 2A 24
On 13th draw, COVYNES A4 45 --- COVYNE a coven [n]
Other tops: CONVEYS A4 45
Other moves: SENVY O4 43, CONVEY A4 42, COVEYS A4 42, COVYNE A4 42, COVEY A4 39
CLOVEN A4 33 Pacific
On 14th draw, OUTDRINK N4 67 --- OUTDRINK to surpass in drinking [v]
Other moves: DRINK O4 45, DRUNK O4 45, TRUNK B10 26, DRUNKE(S)T 12C 24, KID 2B 24
On 15th draw, ABSOLVING C1 68 --- ABSOLVE to free from the consequences of an action [v]
Other moves: GIVABLE 14B 38, OUTDRINKING N4 34, ANVIL O11 33, VIRL 8L 33, HEAVING 13H 28
ANVIL O11 33 Pacific
On 16th draw, OBTAINED 15A 86 --- OBTAIN to gain possession of [v]
Other moves: NIOBATE B9 80, ABORE 8K 30, ABORT 8K 30, THEBAINE 13G 28, BARE 8L 27
On 17th draw, INTRO O11 24 --- INTRO an introduction [n]
Other moves: LOIN 14A 22, NOIL 14A 22, OINT 14B 22, TOIL 14A 22, HELLION 13H 20
On 18th draw, POULT 14A 32 --- POULT a young domestic fowl [n]
Other moves: DOUP 14A 31, DRAP 1A 30, LOUP 14A 28, POUT 14A 28, DORP 8L 27
On 19th draw, QUAG 1A 48 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUAIL 1A 45, QUAIR 1A 45, QI M9 44, QUAI 1A 42, QUA 1A 36
QUAG 1A 48 Pacific
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